Silkycoils' Dating Adventure: Who will be the lucky fellow?

There are some miserable a** broads on this board, SMFH.

I'm looking forward to your update, hope things go well.
Do you Silkycoils, if it's a white, yellow, or purple man that steps up as your knight in shining armor so be it!! Can't wait to see how your adventure unfolds!!
OP, ignore the lone misery guts in here! Please don't let her stop you from dating who you want nor, sharing with us.

I'm (among others) am looking forward to your updates as your story unfolds.
women on here love white men, always putting them on a pedestal.

I must be the only person who read your posts and automatically wondered if you were a black dude who can't get a woman.

If not, my b :yawn:. Leave the OP be, she's just trying to have fun.
I think I may have a Bachelor #2 :)

I just got off an almost two-hour phone conversation w/another gentleman. The conversation covered a number of topics and we even "went there" w/the whole "Black Men vs. Black Women relationship dynamic" . . . and kept it civil. :lachen:

Stats: 31 y/o, Master's Degree, went to my ALMA MATER, used to play football, Christian, no kids. Oh, and he's a cutie too. He also wants to get married. He recommended some churches to me, as I do not have a "church home" at the moment. :)
This is such a fun thread! I don't really know "how" to date, so I'll be learning from your adventures. lol
So . . . I was supposed to meet up w/the 1/2 Turkish, 1/2 Greek guy this evening. He told me yesterday that he would call me to touch bases before we met up (he didn't). He commutes daily from Kennesaw to Columbus, GA, so we were scheduled to meet up after 6 p.m. Well, 6 p.m. comes and goes with no word from him, so I went out. He calls me around 7 (as I'm trying on shoes) and apologizes for not calling. I don't have an attitude or anything. He still wants to meet up. Now, I d@#n sure was not about to go out of my way to meet up with him, especially on a weeknight. He was willing to drive from Kennesaw to Gwinnett (where I live) to meet me, but I wasn't really feeling up to being entertaining at that point. Plus, it is our initial meeting and who knows how long that would last? I received a phone call and told him I would call him back, but I didn't. :scratchch I don't really feel bad about not calling him back b/c he could have called me or even texted me to let me know he was running late. I'm totally still open to meeting him, but eh . . .
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That's a bad sign, and I wouldn't even bother trying to reschedule, TBH. Trust me when I tell you the ones who screw up in the very beginning continue the pattern over and over again. And it doesn't even sound like he gave you a reason. Unacceptable.

No one has an excuse these days for not letting you know they're not gonna make it, running late, etc.
Hey said he got caught up at work and since he was coming from Columbus . . . :blah::rolleyes: I'm not really one for excuses.

Bachelor #1 has already "declared" that he "likes" me and from what he can tell, "I have everything that he is looking for in a woman". :nono: Ya'll, I really wish I would've "dated" more when I was younger, b/c this is WORK!!!!
I mean, I KNOW I'm a catch, :grin:, but me and dude have never met in person, so in my mind I'm like, "Whoa . . . :stop::hand::takecover:". I was sweet about it and told him "Thank You" b/c he seems like a nice guy and I don't want to make him think I'm not interested at all, BUT . . . I been "in the game" 35 years (that's right . . . ALL MA LIFE!!!! :lachen:) and I know all too well to be cautious of people who move too fast. I said, "But we've never met" and that's when he hit me w/the "But you know when a person has the qualities you are looking for :blah:.

You know what . . . Ima stop spending so much time on the phone w/him. He calls me every night (a good thing), but we often stay on the phone for hours (not necessarily a baaad thing). The thing is, the more you speak to someone, the more you tend to feel you have a connection w/them. This can lull folks into a false sense of intimacy. Did I mention that he lives in Columbia, SC?!!!! Who knows when we'll meet face-to-face?! Um . . . yeah. Ima need more face-to-face interaction before I make up my mind. It's really easy to "wax poetic" on the phone/e-mail/texting. Oy vey . . . What say you guys? :)
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I agree with what you're saying. I met a guy online.. not for the purpose of online dating... and ended up liking him and vice versa. Talking everyday, pretty much unofficially in a relationship then we finally meet in person and ummm.............yea lol.

Lesson Learned.

Bachelor #1 has already "declared" that he "likes" me and from what he can tell, "I have everything that he is looking for in a woman". :nono: Ya'll, I really wish I would've "dated" more when I was younger, b/c this is WORK!!!!
I mean, I KNOW I'm a catch, :grin:, but me and dude have never met in person, so in my mind I'm like, "Whoa . . . :stop::hand::takecover:". I was sweet about it and told him "Thank You" b/c he seems like a nice guy and I don't want to make him think I'm not interested at all, BUT . . . I been "in the game" 35 years (that's right . . . ALL MA LIFE!!!! :lachen:) and I know all too well to be cautious of people who move too fast. I said, "But we've never met" and that's when he hit me w/the "But you know when a person has the qualities you are looking for :blah:.

You know what . . . Ima stop spending so much time on the phone w/him. He calls me every night (a good thing), but we often stay on the phone for hours (not necessarily a baaad thing). The thing is, the more you speak to someone, the more you tend to feel you have a connection w/them. This can lull folks into a false sense of intimacy. Did I mention that he lives in Columbia, SC?!!!! Who knows when we'll meet face-to-face?! Um . . . yeah. Ima need more face-to-face interaction before I make up my mind. It's really easy to "wax poetic" on the phone/e-mail/texting. Oy vey . . . What say you guys? :)
I agree with what you're saying. I met a guy online.. not for the purpose of online dating... and ended up liking him and vice versa. Talking everyday, pretty much unofficially in a relationship then we finally meet in person and ummm.............yea lol.

Lesson Learned.

Um yeah what? *is missing something*
Um yeah what? *is missing something*

I'm guessing she means when they finally met, there wasn't the same connection or vibe as they had while talking online, on the phone, etc.

He made a comment before we met about not looking exactly like his photos, but I didn't think much of it till we met.

He looked like he was related to the guy in the pics, but not even remotely him. I think he may have photoshopped them because there's no way that you can have that much of a difference in looks. He was bigger in person(kinda sloppy), darker and not as attractive. *I do not equate darkness with ugliness just noting he wasn't the same complexion as his pics*

I had no attraction to him whatsoever. I felt bad for it because I always thought that I was better than that, but showed myself that even I was a little shallow. Of course photoshopping your pics is a don't. At that point your just lying pretty much. I didnt like the way he smelled. He didn't stink, but I just didn't like it. Also *and this personally irks me* the white tee he had on under his shirt stopped well past the actual polo he was wearing and seemed dingy.

So yea bad/awkward day. His car broke down and my dad had to pick us up. He had to wait for someone from Richmond to pick him up (close to a 2 hour drive or less depending on traffic) from my house. He asked me if I liked him and I told him that I can't be with someone I'm not personally attracted to(I felt horrible at this point). He ended up having to wait hours in our living room for his ride depressed. I felt so bad for him. I think his ride lied when he said he was on his way so it took alot longer.

Sorry for the long post lol
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Hey Guys! :wave:

I'm still around. I haven't had any interesting updates. The Turkish/Greek guy who was so anxious/pressed to meet me . . . well, he "tried" me vie PoF message the next day. This arse-hole asks if we can "have some fun" when we meet and would I give him a kiss. I asked, "What kind of 'fun'?" :huh: and told him that I do not kiss people I don't know. :naughty: That was the end of that. :lachen:

I was too quick to proclaim Bachelor #2 a Bachelor. I texted him after our conversation to ask him a math question (he's a Math Teacher) and his answer was on the side of WRONG!!!! (Teeaaam "2"!!!!) :lol: Since then, I haven't heard from him. I'm really not the type to be calling men like that. :nono: Don't get me wrong, I'm not into playing coy, but I firmly believe that a guy should express his interest and be consistent.

Bachelor #1 and I still speak, but I've had to ig his calls a couple of times.:phone: As I said, he lives in SC and that's btw. 4-5 hours away from me. I don't want to hear from you EVERY day if we've never met bruh. I'm not building this pseudo-relationship based on phone convos when I really don't know you. Naw bruh . . . What do you guys think? :feedback:

I've actually taken down my pics from PoF b/c I got a vulgar message from someone w/a fake pic in his profile. I was just "over" it. I'd gotten some nice messages from some attractive guys, but I don't know what it is . . . it's like some guys feel once they express an interest and you reciprocate, the burden shifts to you to pursue. I can't get w/that. :hand:

I did have a nice conversation this past Saturday w/a guy who works part-time at my gym. He's good-looking and very friendly. I'd always speak to him as I was checking in and everything was everything. Anywho, we had a nice chat and he asked me was I ever available for lunch. I told him my schedule was somewhat flexible, as I work for myself. I'd already given him my card b/c I told him I'd just opened an office in the area (market, market, market!!!! $$$$ :) ). I was just being friendly when he hit me w/the lunch question. He hasn't called as of yet and that's cool. I'm feeling extra detached from this. I'm super friendly and approachable, but I'm just "chilling". I DO need to do something w/this hair though. :hair: :lachen:

Other than that, I'm just keeping it "sexy" and taking care of me. :)
