Should A Guy Ask For U To Come Over ...

So the sex invite cannot lead into trips and goyard bags?

Not that this question was directed at me but I'm going to comment on it. Yes, I believe sex can lead to trips and Goyard bags but the way you talking it doesn't sound like you know how to pull that off. The woman who can pull that off knows how to read a man and doesn't have to question whether a man will take her on a date. A woman who knows how to take sex from the bedroom to the beach isn't pondering over house dates. This may be why people in the thread are telling you go get your D and get back to your life cause the most you'll get from ole dude is wet thighs and a story to tell.

Also if he is calling you all the time and has yet to ask you out or otherwise that to is problem and enough fuel to educate him on expectations then get him blocked.
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But i was asking would yall judge a woman who goes over because not everyone
is looking for a mr. right all the time

I'm go judge 100% of the time. Good judgement for Mr. Right Now is if I hear that you're being compensated by more than dyk for putting mileage on your kitty kat. Bad judgement for giving up the goods to a dude who said hi at the gas station.

I'm not above sex only arrangements but in a world where water ain't even free I sure as hell would't be giving vagina away all willy nilly.
So the thing is I just have the feeling he going to invite me over...

and once I ask a location and direction he says a home address

I guess I'll leave him alone too bad real smooth game nice looking good body and exp car.... ugh

But a girl is allowed to thot one night in her life right

I say if I do choose to go over at least he's not a broke one....

Yes but will you be alive????

Girl this is what wypipo do and end up on the news. There are smarter and safer ways to thot. Expensive means nothing if he can't even feed you first smh
So the sex invite cannot lead into trips and goyard bags?

Girl, no. If you're playing the sugar baby game, which is what you seem to be hinting at, he still needs to take you out and spend money on you. In fact it's even more important if you want those things. You've got to hold out and start getting him to spend before you sleep with him because (you think) he has a nice car. Before you give away the cat is the time to establish dominance and set up the dynamic where you get things, not after a lame booty call after meeting a dude one time at a gas station.

Regardless of your goals, husband or not, it behooves you to wait and vet.
Just being real with you the longer you hold off the sex- the more likelier you will get trips and goyard bags.
This is the truth.

Men won't admit it but they do want to chase a girl, especially in our society with easy sex. If you pose a challenge and the man really wants won't have to tell him how to treat you. He will come correct. If he doesn't,then he just saved you some time because he wasn't really into you anyway.

I am feeling old now...I might be the last generation that actually went on dates and spoke to each other on the telephone...yea not cell phone, Telephone lol!
I just wanted to say, OP, you must be careful and properly vet ANYONE you may be involved with. A young woman at my old office building went missing and people believe it is the security guard that use to work on the lobby floor. He was recently charged with attempted rape in a near by city and police are investigating him as the culprit in another rape in the same metro area. You may think of it as just thotting around and believe that was the implied agreement but people are out here taking young women turning them out on drugs for sex slave use by either themselves or to be shipped across state lines. Or even worse, slowly torturing you before they kill you.
Update: it wasn't no invite to the house.... he's very persistent ☺️☺️☺️ After curving to the infinity and beyond...

he inviting me to a place with drinks and food and I dranked hard and .. no didn't do anything...

I see him as a right now rundaevue ( I know that's wrong but I don't feel like googling nor am I French) guy .. weekend fun with benefits nothing serious ...

I would have done the same thing invite her somewhere chill then maybe to the crib :shifty eyes: if EYE was a guy..

Even with bread EYE wouldn't spend it just yet just bc she's pretty ... let's hit the bar and see where u at ma. Lol
@ OP's posts. Can't even understand half of them...

Update: it wasn't no invite to the house.... he's very persistent ☺️☺️☺️ After curving to the infinity and beyond...

he inviting me to a place with drinks and food and I dranked hard and .. no didn't do anything...

I see him as a right now rundaevue ( I know that's wrong but I don't feel like googling nor am I French) guy .. weekend fun with benefits nothing serious ...

I would have done the same thing invite her somewhere chill then maybe to the crib :shifty eyes: if EYE was a guy..

Even with bread EYE wouldn't spend it just yet just bc she's pretty ... let's hit the bar and see where u at ma. Lol

rendezvous--Got you, sis.

You don't need a guy to spend money right away... I was like that when I was younger.
I just wanted to say, OP, you must be careful and properly vet ANYONE you may be involved with. A young woman at my old office building went missing and people believe it is the security guard that use to work on the lobby floor. He was recently charged with attempted rape in a near by city and police are investigating him as the culprit in another rape in the same metro area. You may think of it as just thotting around and believe that was the implied agreement but people are out here taking young women turning them out on drugs for sex slave use by either themselves or to be shipped across state lines. Or even worse, slowly torturing you before they kill you.

Sorry about your friend, but as a side note, how does he get to keep his job as a security guard? Is he on suspension? Waiting on bail?
It's sad to know that people take these jobs (i.e. security work) that give them access to private info., and your trust. Hope that they find her in tact and in good health.
Sorry about your friend, but as a side note, how does he get to keep his job as a security guard? Is he on suspension? Waiting on bail?
It's sad to know that people take these jobs (i.e. security work) that give them access to private info., and your trust. Hope that they find her in tact and in good health.
We moved to another office building a few miles down a few months ago but I honestly don't know what will happen to his job. I think he is in jail waiting for arraignment so he will probably be fired.

The weirdest thing ever about all of this is that I had a dream in early fall last year that he was a rapist. I know that I have spiritual gifts and will often have dreams about things like this but even to me it is still weird but not weird enough to not take heed. There's nothing about this man that was awkward or would scream rapist.

The young woman worked for my company but I didn't know her. She was in a different department.