I would be irritated if someone from the outside looking in commented on the things that my SO does for me.
Right?If the rules were reversed though, as they usually are, no one would bat an eyelash or be concerned about her leaving her husband. I say let her husband cater to her *shrug*
I honestly don't see a problem with anything on the list. ??
That's because it's bold, intrusive, and extremely disrespectful.
No offense OP but for real...I'd be like "How rude of you to stack what my husband does for me against your personal level of tolerability? Who nailed you to the Cross and mad you my Lord & Savior?"
If that man is tired...let him sleep so he can wake up and continue to be a blessing to his wife. My husband does a lot of things to make my life super convenient, a lot of times in complete disregard to his own exhaustion. That's what husbands do. And in return, because he loves to make my life as leisurely as possible, I take impeccable care of him. Marriage is a give and take. You are only seeing one side of the coin.
When I see women do this IRL, I can tell that their husbands do nothing for them and they wish that their husband did more (jealousy pretty much). You know the whole "I never had it, why should you". I feel that these woman do the same thing to their daughters when the daughters get a nice man that caters to them.
Well that's sad. Hopefully her husband steps us.Apologizing early for this wall of text.
Funny story...Now my husband is an EXTREMELY neat person (like OCD neat). His Mom say's he's been like that since he could walk. Whether we are at home or out eating, he always has to clear the table and will even help the waiter/waitress bus our table and sweep crumbs. We were out eating at a little taco joint and as we were concluding our meal he started clearing the table grabbing both of our trash, napkins, etc to take to the garbage can. I mean it was so small of a gesture but this woman sitting next to us made such a big deal about it.
As soon as he walked away she was like... "OMG!!!! He cleared the entire table??? How did you teach him to do this? My husband barely lifts a finger! Can I take a picture to send to my husband? How long have you been married?..." She appeared so thirsty that I was just shocked into silence and started to feel bad for her.
The moral of this story is that soooo many women are the mules of their family and are often conditioned to believe that they should carry the majority of their household's workload without any regard from their spouse. When they witness a woman whose husband actually chips in it's such a foreign concept that they either feel envy, admiration, and/or anger. It never occurs to them that a man who values his wife WANTS to make her life easy and WANTS to collaborate with her on household/family responsibilities. Even if OP does come back with more details, I am still team #LetHerBeGreat.
Wow, that's scary that someone's else relationship has a great impact on your life. I think you should keep your opinions about their lives to yourself. Sounds like you are really concern and want the best for him but you are on outside looking in. He may be happy and content with how things are.Well the family member is very close so actually it will have an impact on me and my spouse if they split up and I will leave it at that
Wow, that's scary that someone's else relationship has a great impact on your life. I think you should keep your opinions about their lives to yourself. Sounds like you are really concern and want the best for him but you are on outside looking in. He may be happy and content with how things are.
I said if they divorce it would possibly impact me because then she and her kids would have to move in with us[/QUOTE]
Is this written in stone?
I said if they divorce it would possibly impact me because then she and her kids would have to move in with us