Need opinion on safe sex within relationship debate :)

I think it's both of these: the long-term marriage and the pleasure. But the trusting her so much is silly IMO after just three months. She'd be crazy to have unprotected sex with him so soon. He's cray for wanting to as well but I think a lot of men are like this.

That's basically what the women here were saying :lol: I'd like to think she made him wear one, hopefully.
I see. Never felt that they didn't care *shrug*

ETA- but couldn't it be that women like to go raw just as much and so agree to it? I'm a little cautious to see men are the reason for something when they need a partner to do xyz. Also going raw feels good to both men and women.
Yet another Pro marriage reason lol
Then again....Magic *gulp*

It's not really a blaming men type thing, it really is based on facts, lol and Yes raw sex is the best sex no argument there, I hate condoms with a passion but thats not usually the reasoning behind women going raw...pressure, wanting to please, thinking the man is monogamous, etc. Not saying there aren't indiscriminate women out there....we all know there are but they are not the majority.
Plenty of women are "not" saying no. But from my experience and those of friends, even the women in this thread, my assumption is that most men wouldn't wear condoms unless they were required to by the woman. Which leads me to believe they don't care about their sexual health moreso than women. Men will ruin their lives over some *****
men are trifling. you know what its like, the way women insist on condoms because they fear pregnancy is to gay men insisting on condoms because they fear hiv. and gay men are the only group to not only NOT show a decrease in infection rates, they have actually shown an increase. thats how much men care about being safe.
Plenty of women are "not" saying no. But from my experience and those of friends, even the women in this thread, my assumption is that most men wouldn't wear condoms unless they were required to by the woman. Which leads me to believe they don't care about their sexual health moreso than women.

Men will ruin their lives over some *****

Well, it's obviously happening with some of these wealthy men and their "breal baby" sagas so I guess it would not be that far off with some of these "regular" guys. :look:
Well, it's obviously happening with some of these wealthy men and their "breal baby" sagas so I guess it would not be that far off with some of these "regular" guys. :look:

IDK, I think those women dating/sexing wealthy men are in a different category. Those chicks are definitely careless and are blinded by dollar signs and the possibility of getting a check every month for 18 years.
Sex is about a FEELING

dude is trying to get a nut and it feels better raw. It doesn't mean they are committed, or that he trusts her, or that he thinks she is clean. He just thinks that it has been long enough that he might fall for the raw okie doke.

Wait what is a BREAL BABY?
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IDK, I think those women dating/sexing wealthy men are in a different category. Those chicks are definitely careless and are blinded by dollar signs and the possibility of getting a check every month for 18 years.

I think you're right for the women, but why are those men being so short-sighted?
Not to sound naive but I can't believe five coworkers would encourage a woman to go raw with someone he's been dating for three months. (I'm not so naive that I don't believe somebody would have unprotected sex, but for so many grown women to think this is acceptable? That's crazy scary). It's dangerous :nono:
1. Why is this a topic amongst random people?!
2. Really, why is this a topic
amongst random people?!
:perplexed :perplexed :perplexed
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Not to sound naive but I can't believe five coworkers would encourage a woman to go raw with someone he's been dating for three months. (I'm not so naive that I don't believe somebody would have unprotected sex, but for so many grown women to think this is acceptable? That's crazy scary). It's dangerous :nono:

And don't y'all work in social services too?
1. Why is this a topic amongst random people?!
2. Really, why is this a topic amongst random people?!
:perplexed :perplexed :perplexed

*shrugs* we talk about it at work. Hell I met a couple dudes and a few days later through fb group chat we were talking about it. And they all said they hit it raw. And I told every one of them they were stupid as hell. "Oh I pull out." *** THAT ISH.

Think about it. You get an STD. You got the doctor visit copay. Plus how much the prescription is. That's like 3 boxes of condoms right there! Not to mention if you get HIV. That's a lifetime of drugs for a $10 box of condoms. And y'all know how much babies cost. Makes no sense to me.

And the weird part is I know men who were taught this ish AND STILL DO IT. And got caught up via STDs/pregnancy. Damn. Is it really worth all of that?
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Not to sound naive but I can't believe five coworkers would encourage a woman to go raw with someone he's been dating for three months. (I'm not so naive that I don't believe somebody would have unprotected sex, but for so many grown women to think this is acceptable? That's crazy scary). It's dangerous :nono:

:lol: um, no. They were basically saying (summing up for purposes of thread) that it is not enough to kick him out while my thought was it is basically a deal breaker. The general idea was that many men do this and he had too many other good qualities to just break up over that.

No one advocated for raw sex :lol:
:lol: um, no. They were basically saying (summing up for purposes of thread) that it is not enough to kick him out while my thought was it is basically a deal breaker. The general idea was that many men do this and he had too many other good qualities to just break up over that. No one advocated for raw sex :lol:
Oh...I see the difference there, but....uh uh. Lol. I wouldn't like having to "put my foot down" over something so basic that obviously involves my health. I do believe that a lot of men are more willing to have unprotected sex sooner, but there should be No explanation needed. It would make me either think he was stupid and didn't know how to protect his own health or distrust him. It's still too early to know what his interactions are, not that you can ever really know I guess, but...yuckie.
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Sidebar: I have always hated the expression "going raw". Probably just as much as I hate the term 'smashing' LOL
because society, other men and the women in their lives make them feel it's ok.:yep:

Ding ding ding!

I don't know if women are afraid of losing them or if they wanna appear cool or whatever or if honestly they're just ****** horny themselves and don't want to waste time by having to put one one, but we as women have the option of saying no sex until you put on a damn condom. I'm not saying it's our fault BUT when men don't take the initiative to protect our/their health we should. That really doesn't make sense but you know what I mean.
I'm just disgusted that men think they deserve raw sex without being married. How many other women has he done this with? Ewwww. And condoms aren't the answer because many viral and incurable diseases are passed skin to skin. So you're still 100% at risk. Relationships nowadays are all risk and with a very low return on investment.
Ding ding ding!

I don't know if women are afraid of losing them or if they wanna appear cool or whatever or if honestly they're just ****** horny themselves and don't want to waste time by having to put one one, but we as women have the option of saying no sex until you put on a damn condom. I'm not saying it's our fault BUT when men don't take the initiative to protect our/their health we should. That really doesn't make sense but you know what I mean.
I'm just disgusted that men think they deserve raw sex without being married. How many other women has he done this with? Ewwww. And condoms aren't the answer because many viral and incurable diseases are passed skin to skin. So you're still 100% at risk. Relationships nowadays are all risk and with a very low return on investment.

They're not the 100% answer but they help! But yeah, the numbers are scary. He did with this many women who did it with this many men who then...

I dunno about the married part either because plenty of married men and women cheat.

Frankly all this is doing is making my vagina dry up more than the Sahara.
I'm just disgusted that men think they deserve raw sex without being married. How many other women has he done this with? Ewwww. And condoms aren't the answer because many viral and incurable diseases are passed skin to skin. So you're still 100% at risk. Relationships nowadays are all risk and with a very low return on investment.
Right! Offensive and disrespectful. I don't care if a man isn't used to it or it doesn't feel the same or what. You better go put your arse on a condom.
They're not the 100% answer but they help! But yeah, the numbers are scary. He did with this many women who did it with this many men who then...

I dunno about the married part either because plenty of married men and women cheat.

Frankly all this is doing is making my vagina dry up more than the Sahara.

agreed :yep: . It's literally russian roulette. I think women need to be careful and this fool shouldn't be getting none. :look:

agreed :yep: . It's literally russian roulette. I think women need to be careful and this fool shouldn't be getting none. :look:

Yea, it's actually a pretty serious issue. I did a little research and it seems up to 80% of men would try to not wear a condom on the first time with a woman if she did not insist. :perplexed
Yea, it's actually a pretty serious issue. I did a little research and it seems up to 80% of men would try to not wear a condom on the first time with a woman if she did not insist. :perplexed

:nono::blush: didn't think it was that high. :barf:
All this talk is making me feel like the Sahara :nono::sad: