Scorpio men. Let's dish

The love of my life, my soulmate, was a Scorpio too. THe Scorpio-Scorpio match for us was intense and beautfiul. We were quite the dynamic duo.
SO is a Scorpio and I am an Aquarius. The stars say we are not compatible but I feel like I've met my match. I am finding we balance each other out, we understand each others quirks, and are able to be patient with each other about them.
I'm Aquarius and he's a Scorpio.
I can see the secretive piece although I think he's a lot more open with me now. Def. emotional and an be sensitive but I'm the same way so it works.
He's not crazy jealous but reasonably so lol
But in general you guys have them down!
Any Virgos dating Scorpios....just met one a little bit ago and I haven't clicked with someone like this in a long time....
I've gotten on with a few Scorpio men very well and my first love was one. At the same time I think they are liars and dont trust them cheating wise because of the secrecy and being ruled by the genitals lol.

Not too keen on Scorpios in general, so try to stay away, or proceed with cation.
They cray. And mean. And possessive. And controlling. And liars. And heauxs. And the two I dealt with had little dang-a-langs...

I'll pass.
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The one i dealt with was wishy washy. He kept proclaiming how great of a man he will be to a woman but i never saw it. Maybe he just wasnt into me. We planned many dates in which he often canceled because something came up. So im like mehh...towards them.
In my experience....

Needs LOTS of space (don't take it personally)
Is brooding (this is often what he does in his alone time)
Hot and cold
Very passionate (like skip the foreplay and go straight to bangin')
Secretive...will not tell you how they really feel, in fact, they often say the opposite of how they really feel
Enjoys travel
Jealous (even of your thoughts)
Enjoys emotional displays of others
Cautious until they are ready to give 100% in a relationship
Demands 100% control...will not do anything until he is ready
Will retreat when pushed
Loyal to one but is very flirtatious
Observant of surroundings
Is a an office, the men working late are usually scorpios
Enjoys the finer things (is usually into labels and how they look)
Excellent providers for those they love...very generous
Love children and are usually great fathers
Enjoys being with family and close friends (but is very discerning...doesn't let everyone get close)
Likes extremely feminine women
Manipulative to a large degree
Unforgiving...holds grudges when hurt
Seeks revenge when hurt (this is usually when the mind games start)
Hate being ignored (they lose control)
Painfully blunt and honest
Teases/pokes fun at those they like

Of course, some of these things are probably affected by other chart placements...

I have had relationships with several scorp's. I'm a cancer.
Will add more as I think of things
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Bump bump

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
CurlyMoo said:
Damn somebody snagged a Scorp for all these threads to be bumped. LOL

Yeah I saw a new thread was started but knew there was a couple already started. Just wanted to help op out.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
mallysmommy said:
The one i dealt with was wishy washy. He kept proclaiming how great of a man he will be to a woman but i never saw it. Maybe he just wasnt into me. We planned many dates in which he often canceled because something came up. So im like mehh...towards them.

Wow same here! Only talked to one Scorpio and I chalked up the wishy washiness/ planning dates then canceling to his athlete/celeb status and the fact that I'm also a scorp so maybe 2 scorpios lack chemistry
Do scorpios ever apologize after burning you? I had one just pop up after five years, with a "Hey, it's been forever..." :violin:
Do scorpios ever apologize after burning you? I had one just pop up after five years, with a "Hey, it's been forever..." :violin:

What is up with that? I have one that keeps popping in and out of my life...they love doing that ish.
LivingDoll said:
In my experience....

Needs LOTS of space (don't take it personally)
Is brooding (this is often what he does in his alone time)
Hot and cold
Very passionate (like skip the foreplay and go straight to bangin')
Secretive...will not tell you how they really feel, in fact, they often say the opposite of how they really feel
Enjoys travel
Jealous (even of your thoughts)
Enjoys emotional displays of others
Cautious until they are ready to give 100% in a relationship
Demands 100% control...will not do anything until he is ready
Will retreat when pushed
Loyal to one but is very flirtatious
Observant of surroundings
Is a an office, the men working late are usually scorpios
Enjoys the finer things (is usually into labels and how they look)
Excellent providers for those they love...very generous
Love children and are usually great fathers
Enjoys being with family and close friends (but is very discerning...doesn't let everyone get close)
Likes extremely feminine women
Manipulative to a large degree
Unforgiving...holds grudges when hurt
Seeks revenge when hurt (this is usually when the mind games start)
Hate being ignored (they lose control)
Painfully blunt and honest
Teases/pokes fun at those they like

Of course, some of these things are probably affected by other chart placements...

I have had relationships with several scorp's. I'm a cancer.
Will add more as I think of things

You described my boo to a T.
Je Ne Sais Quoi

other factors that are important when astrology is considered such as one's moon sign, ascending sign, venus placement, and mars placement which really gives more detail about aspects of people and how they deal with relationships of all kinds.

for example:
my bday is november 1st which makes me a scorpio but my ascendant is capricorn, moon is pisces, venus is sagittarius, mars is in scorpio, and saturn in leo which adds numerous layers to my personality.

general astrology barely scratches the surface as to people's personality, what they want/need from relationships, their part of fortune, karmic debt, etc.

all scorpios don't act the same because it depends on when you were born and whether you are male or female as well. other than being born on a cusp there are multiple types of scorpios and other astro signs. then there's the whole aspect of numerology but i won't derail this thread anymore, lol.:yep:
So My husband is Scorpio, but like the previous person said. The sun sign only scratches the surface of the personality. If you ask me Moon and rising sign are much more Important. The moon represents the persons emotinal nature, so thats the side you´ll be most likley seeing when your in a intimate relationship with someone.
My guy friend is a Scorpio.


I'm a Pisces so Scorps are one of my favorite signs of the zodiac but he's gettin on my effin nerves right about now.

So my friend and I havent talked for a couple weeks. I don't feel like it so we havent. However, I deleted his number and this morning I was tricked into answering the phone. He called me from his work cell and I never remember that number. He does this when I won't answer his regular cell #. :rolleyes:Anyway, I decided to update him on my law school plans and instead of supporting and encouraging me and my plans, all this man was concerned about was himself. Instead of asking me if I wanted a tutor or class for my LSAT study, all this man was concerned about was potential graduation asking me "Will you marry me then?" <---WHO DA **** SAYS THIS ISH WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU FOR YOU TO BE SUPPORTIVE. da hell is wrong with this man?!

Always tryna run ish or take over. Even me. ***. just selfish. everything is not all about him. he needs to worry less about his marriage goals and having kids and worry more about me......see this is why I go MIA---it's this ish right here.......

I still like him. :look: He's been chasing 2 years, gotta give the man some credit. Not sure if I'm gonna celebrate his bday, I might let it slide and pretend as if nothing ever happened.
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In my experience....

Needs LOTS of space (don't take it personally)
Is brooding (this is often what he does in his alone time)
Hot and cold
Very passionate (like skip the foreplay and go straight to bangin')
Secretive...will not tell you how they really feel, in fact, they often say the opposite of how they really feel
Enjoys travel
Jealous (even of your thoughts)
Enjoys emotional displays of others
Cautious until they are ready to give 100% in a relationship
Demands 100% control...will not do anything until he is ready
Will retreat when pushed
Loyal to one but is very flirtatious
Observant of surroundings
Is a an office, the men working late are usually scorpios
Enjoys the finer things (is usually into labels and how they look)
Excellent providers for those they love...very generous
Love children and are usually great fathers
Enjoys being with family and close friends (but is very discerning...doesn't let everyone get close)
Likes extremely feminine women
Manipulative to a large degree
Unforgiving...holds grudges when hurt
Seeks revenge when hurt (this is usually when the mind games start)
Hate being ignored (they lose control)
Painfully blunt and honest
Teases/pokes fun at those they like

Of course, some of these things are probably affected by other chart placements...

I have had relationships with several scorp's. I'm a cancer.
Will add more as I think of things

I can agree with this. I don't have a problem with it. It works for my personality and sign.
The one i dealt with was wishy washy. He kept proclaiming how great of a man he will be to a woman but i never saw it. Maybe he just wasnt into me. We planned many dates in which he often canceled because something came up. So im like mehh...towards them.

mallysmommy how old was this guy? I've noticed Scorpios are late bloomers. They don't act right until they are +40. My guy has wasted a lot of women's time but he didnt waste any time with me. IDK maybe because I'm usually the one to stand him up. He hates it, always tryna get me to do some ish. He requires a lot of time and I feel like he's emotionally needy and clingy. If I don't respond to texts, or even when I do, he'll call. I always send him to vmail. :look: He's always tryna convince me to GAF bc he pats himself on the back like he's so nice or innocent. ***. Yea I might be a jerk but as soon as he starts talking about his problems, taking care of his parents or 50-11 people I usually cut him off mid-sentence---"that's nice, I don't want to talk about you. I have my own problems" :look:

It's sorta like a Diddy/Cassidy thing (minus the kids). The only difference is I've spent the entire relationship pretty much running from him, its been a couple years at this point :look:
So My husband is Scorpio, but like the previous person said. The sun sign only scratches the surface of the personality. If you ask me Moon and rising sign are much more Important. The moon represents the persons emotinal nature, so thats the side you´ll be most likley seeing when your in a intimate relationship with someone.

SophieDulce can you elaborate on this? and whats your sign?
Your Venus sign is also important. So far I've seen that to be the biggest indicator of how ppl are in relationships. Mine is in Scorpio and the guy I'm hanging with is in Gemini :nono::ohwell: Our sun signs are Cancer and Virgo (me). We are only in sync like 5-6 times outta 10, but when we are it's wonderful. Okay [/end hijack]