Marriages/Real That Last by Sun Sign: Research

I've talked about him in other places on this board but the first (and to date only time) I've experienced chemistry was with a Capricorn and I see why Scorpio woman/Capricorn men are so compatible. Literally everything I've read in the books about the pairing was true for us, both good and bad.:perplexed Our Venuses are also both in Sagittarius and we're both American but we met in a study abroad program in Spain. (Sag represents travel.) His Mars is also in Scorpio, so he knows how to push my buttons yet still make me want him.:grin: We talk on FB but we're both busy in grad school on opposite ends of the country so time will tell if we'll ever be together.

I've had encounters with other Cap men and I can see the challenges of the relationship even in non-romantic situations. I think it's a powerful and compatible pairing, but the Cap has to be willing to grow and think of other things besides his career.

The first guy I dated was a Sagittarius and I never want to date another one again.:nono: I'm a Scorpio but I have a lot of Sag in my chart--my Ascendant, Moon and a Stellium are all in Sag and although I'm a dreamer, I'm also very practical. But I cannot be the practical one all the time. It's exhausting and my Sag influences will grow restless.

I was duped into a date with a Scorpio and what was funny was at the time I thought I only had compatibility with a Scorpio. Boy was I proven wrong. Double the power, double the intensity, double the secrecy, double EVERYTHING.:shocked: I've picked up on the energy from other Scorpios I've met. I'm scared to date another Scorpio now. We'd kill each other.

The next 3 guys I dated were all Pisces. I had the same problems with all three. Pisces squares the Sag in my chart which is a hard aspect. Two guy actually had the same birthday and they had WAY too much Pisces.:nono: They all really liked me but had their head WAY in the clouds, and couldn't handle it when I didn't feel the same way they did. I had to explain to the third one why I wasn't returning his texts and yet he still tries to contact me sometimes. Maybe if I was a crazy Scorpio I'd love a Pisces man because I could mold him as I wished, but I like to think I'm an evolved Scorpio so no go.

I'm curious how I'd be with someone with Aries influences (because it would trine my Sag) or a Taurus (because they're my opposite sign.)
I 'm a cap and virgos and cancers are too emotional to me. I get along with aquarians and sags but I'm always attracted to geminis. I'm with one now , it was rocky at first but 5 years later , we still love each other lol

Hmm I always get repelled by Geminis out of fear of their enormous egos. :lol:

I only have one Gemini female friend, but for the most part I do not get along with Gems at all. When a guy tells me hes a gem, I back off. lol
This thread is very interesting i'm cancer and unlike most i'm not sensitive. i breakup fast and can't stand clingy men. i was married to leo who needed me side by side i hate that. i seems to attract Gemini. My moon is capriocrn, and i think scorpio is mostly in my chart. i have read every book on cancers and i just don't fit me.
This thread is very interesting i'm cancer and unlike most i'm not sensitive. i breakup fast and can't stand clingy men. i was married to leo who needed me side by side i hate that. i seems to attract Gemini. My moon is capriocrn, and i think scorpio is mostly in my chart. i have read every book on cancers and i just don't fit me.

What's your rising sign? I'm a Cancer and I am very sensitive. However, I do have a Pisces Moon so I'm extra sensitive :(. I can't stand clingy men either, but I do love love and I loved to be loved. That's my Libra Rising coming out of me :). I am very maternal of my younger siblings...and I'm the oldest. That's the Cancer :)
This thread is very interesting i'm cancer and unlike most i'm not sensitive. i breakup fast and can't stand clingy men. i was married to leo who needed me side by side i hate that. i seems to attract Gemini. My moon is capriocrn, and i think scorpio is mostly in my chart. i have read every book on cancers and i just don't fit me.

What day and month were you born?
What's your rising sign? I'm a Cancer and I am very sensitive. However, I do have a Pisces Moon so I'm extra sensitive :(. I can't stand clingy men either, but I do love love and I loved to be loved. That's my Libra Rising coming out of me :). I am very maternal of my younger siblings...and I'm the oldest. That's the Cancer :)

What day and month were you born?

Hi ladies, Jun24 born at 8:44 PM. i have gone years with relationships just impatient and non compromising:lol:
What's your rising sign? I'm a Cancer and I am very sensitive. However, I do have a Pisces Moon so I'm extra sensitive :(. I can't stand clingy men either, but I do love love and I loved to be loved. That's my Libra Rising coming out of me :). I am very maternal of my younger siblings...and I'm the oldest. That's the Cancer :)

This is all me, except I don't know my moon or my rising sign. Born June 25th, 2:30ish pm (my mother doesn't remember the exact time).
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