Dating and Dealing With A SCORPIO MAN

Even though I don't put much stock in just sun sign astrology, I had to comment on this. My last ex, a Scorpio, was the saaaame way. He could have a problem with you and would never admit to it, even when I would straight up ask him if he had a problem with me he would like to address. On the surface, he loves to act like Mr. Nice Guy.
Unfortunately excessive secrecy can lead to lies, and he has a problem with that... both to himself & other people.

He has a really sensitive ego also, to the point where I couldn't give him even gentle criticism cuz his ego would not allow it. He would automatically disagree with whatever I have to say. I am always having to tell him, why are you getting so angry about xyz, it's not that serious lol... and his interpretation of certain events are always quite hilarious.

That is how my SO is.
Yes, Scorpios are very sexual and very secretive.... My scorpio was def living on the dark side of that sign.....
Geesh... I've been dating my SO now for almost a year and he is Scorpio and this stuff hits home base for real...:yep::yep:
:yep:That's what Scorpios do..they let their emotions boil under the surface while they appear cool and calm on the outside and then at some point they explode..leaving you to wonder, wow, where is all this coming from so fast?

Im a scorpio and the traits fit me to a tee. Right now I feel like Ive been suppressing my emotions for years and its all coming to a boil. Wheres that suppression switch so I can put it all back under control!!
My new guy is a Scorpio...pretty much one word explains him for me..INTENSE.

I was reading all last night about Scorpio men on another board laughing about the similarities. One chick said, "Do all Scorpio men make you say that you love them?" :lachen:Lol..

It seems Scorpio men are really adamant about getting a committment from their women very very early. I read of a few women who were told "Marry me or it's over" after a short period of time.

They are very all or nothing.

Most astrologers say Libras and Scorpios do not make a good match..and I had my own reservations about ever being with one..(astro-bigotry:rolleyes:) until I met this one.

I'm a Libra, and every Scorpio guy that talked about being in love with a Libra girl has head over heels crazy almost obsessive feelings for her. My man has told me he wants to see me everyday..I took that info with a grain of salt and continue to take days to 'do me' and on those nights he'll call me before bed and tell me "I wish you were here". We haven't spent more than 1 day a part yet. The Libra women I read about with Scorpio men say they are the best mates out of all the signs they've dated and I'm beginning to feel that is true. Me and this particular Scorpio have a very interesting chart match-up too though and I believe it plays a role in our personalities meshing so well.

Gwen Stefani (Libra) Gavin Rossdale (Scorpio)
I am a Scorpio and my first love/high school sweetheart was a Scorpio. I have been with a few others after him so I'm kinda familiar with Scorpio men. Here is my take on them:

-VERY sexual with high sex drive
-very smart
-intensely loyal..they play for keeps
-determined and goal oriented

-very private and love to keep secrets
-sharp tongue..will say anything regardless of whether it may hurt your feelings or not
-hold grudges and extremely petty
-very jealous-they are not just jealous of what you do but of what you think as well!
-does not like to display emotions, it is a sign of vulnerability or weakness to them that's scary. You described my ex just like you know him. Dang. So my response would be I would never ever get involved with another Sman because now I know it's a given.

The jealous part...this is so true. I have never experienced someone asking me my thoughts on something and then later parroting whatever I said like he was informing me of the point.
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Jeesh....this thread sounds like either we all dated the same man or Scorpio men are beings from another planet. How can they be so alike?

Has anyone every married one? I wonder what it would be like to capture one, I mean find one...that is sane and observe it in it's natural habitat.

My ex was a prolific manwhore so no woman ever knew the whole story. No one ever got more than that 25% he was fronting at the moment. For historical purposes I just want to know what the other 75% was about.
Has anyone every married one? I wonder what it would be like to capture one, I mean find one...that is sane and observe it in it's natural habitat.

My ex was a prolific manwhore so no woman ever knew the whole story. No one ever got more than that 25% he was fronting at the moment. For historical purposes I just want to know what the other 75% was about.

I think I'm gonna marry this one. From what they say, no one captures a Scorpio, they capture you! This guy is acting in a way I'd believe someone would act if I put a love spell on them, I'm not complaining...yet.

Perhaps your ex was not an evolved Scorpio. They have different symbols that represent them, Serpents, Scorpions, Eagles, Lizards (somewhere between a Scorpion and Eagle). They say the worse to deal with are the ones who are like Serpents or Lizards, or Scorpions. The Eagle is the evolved Scorpio. But the other stages have the potential to reach the Eagle stage and the Eagle still has parts of the others that CAN come out in certain situations.
Oh another thing about Scorps' they say it works out with them when they love you more than you love them. They need to feel like they are getting a prize and they love the chase but they'll get bored if you are more hopeless about them than they are about you.
I think I'm gonna marry this one. From what they say, no one captures a Scorpio, they capture you! This guy is acting in a way I'd believe someone would act if I put a love spell on them, I'm not complaining...yet.

Perhaps your ex was not an evolved Scorpio. They have different symbols that represent them, Serpents, Scorpions, Eagles, Lizards (somewhere between a Scorpion and Eagle). They say the worse to deal with are the ones who are like Serpents or Lizards, or Scorpions. The Eagle is the evolved Scorpio. But the other stages have the potential to reach the Eagle stage and the Eagle still has parts of the others that CAN come out in certain situations.

Bless you chile. And yeah my ex would definitely be labeled snake. I swear one time he blinked and I thought I saw a second eye lid. He was in fact married before and what he did to his ex was just unforgettable.

Imagine leaving to flee a storm and coming home to have every trace of you removed, the locks changed and the cops called at your appearance. I know she must have felt like she was in the Twilight Zone for real, like she had just tried to walk in the neighbors house. With no indication any of this was coming. Crazy...just crazy.
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Oh another thing about Scorps' they say it works out with them when they love you more than you love them. They need to feel like they are getting a prize and they love the chase but they'll get bored if you are more hopeless about them than they are about you.

Yeah they do like their trophies. Trophy house, trophy car, trophy woman. They only want a woman other men desire because they just have to be envied by others. I found that to be pretty 8th grade. But maybe that's the majority of men.
Yeah they do like their trophies. Trophy house, trophy car, trophy woman. They only want a woman other men desire because they just have to be envied by others. I found that to be pretty 8th grade. But maybe that's the majority of men.

Wow @ your ex.

You're right about the trophy thing, he's actually said to an acquaintance 'Look at my girl!' and turned the lights on in the car so the dude can see me :lachen:I was flattered yet embarrassed. And when he brings me around his friends he likes to display affection but it's like he's always looking for one of them to try to flirt with me. After we'll leave a setting he'll talk about how crazy it is that dudes will try to flirt with me right in his presence and I'd be totally oblivious to what he's even talkin about.
Wow @ your ex.

You're right about the trophy thing, he's actually said to an acquaintance 'Look at my girl!' and turned the lights on in the car so the dude can see me :lachen:I was flattered yet embarrassed. And when he brings me around his friends he likes to display affection but it's like he's always looking for one of them to try to flirt with me. After we'll leave a setting he'll talk about how crazy it is that dudes will try to flirt with me right in his presence and I'd be totally oblivious to what he's even talkin about.

Lol....okay wait are his initials C.C.? This dude use to make me walk into the store ahead of him because he liked to watch me get hit on. He would actually stand around pretending to be looking at something just so he could see guys come up to me. It didn't dawn on me exactly what he was doing until it became a pattern.:lachen:
Lol....okay wait are his initials C.C.? This dude use to make me walk into the store ahead of him because he liked to watch me get hit on. He would actually stand around pretending to be looking at something just so he could see guys come up to me. It didn't dawn on me exactly what he was doing until it became a pattern.:lachen:

Lol. :lachen:

And no it's not It's really crazy how these guys with the same sign are so alike though.
Scorpio here: And a lot of these characteristics hold true for me. As I mature, and after dealing with a Cancer, I am not really jealous, petty, or vindictive at all. He took the cake!!:rolleyes:

Oh and the sharp tongue thing gets me in trouble all the time, but at the same time, that's why people love me. All scorpios I know are too honest and they don't hold anything back.

Girl!!!! I CANNOT do another of those!!!!!:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:
I'm a scorp (obvs) and I have been told that i am secretive too. That's not true though. I'm PRIVATE. there's a difference. I am extremely open with my select few. But, I'm annoyed when folks outside of that circle try to get info from me...just b/c they think they have a right to it.

I am also possessive of the person i date. I am not jealous. Like it doesn't bother me if he flirts with the waitress (esp. if it gets us a free meal) or hits up the nudie bar. But, I like to know that he is mine, clear boundaries. don't like to share.

we are (near) genius smart and observant.

and i think the thing that folks take for granted about scorps when they are dating them(us) is that if/when we get turned off or get the impression that you're not really into us...we're out. people are always surprised by that. there's no drama, no big scene. just DEUCES.


good luck with your scorps!
Yep! That is what I always think...where is this coming from? lol. But it really took me a minute to figure out how sensitive he was bc he was always so cool and collected. Now that I really now how he is, I now know how to tear down those guarded walls. It is working. I told him straight up, it is not going to work out if he keeps things bottled up. Being a Leo, I am more of a open book and I like to tell it like it is.

one of the things they say about scorps is that still waters run deep. the thing is though, alot of times we will feel some kinda way about a situation, but not have a clear idea about what's ACTUALLY bothering us...and it may take weeks of pondering it and rolling it around in our mind to pinpoint the source of our discomfort.

i'm very in tune with WHAT i feel, it just may take me a while to understand WHY i feel that way.

scorps just take a while to process things. it sounds like your man falls right in line with that.
Oh another thing about Scorps' they say it works out with them when they love you more than you love them. They need to feel like they are getting a prize and they love the chase but they'll get bored if you are more hopeless about them than they are about you.

i think this is true of ANY man.
Also - scorps generally like to feel needed, but are disgusted by neediness...if that makes any sense. LOL

So, a scorp man (dated a couple - 2 scorps = a constant control match) may make himself super available to get you (remember we like to possess things and we like being in control) but, will quickly become annoyed and turned off if it seems like you need that much attention.

We like our alone time, unlike Libras who enjoy being paired.
Also - scorps generally like to feel needed, but are disgusted by neediness...if that makes any sense. LOL

So, a scorp man (dated a couple - 2 scorps = a constant control match) may make himself super available to get you (remember we like to possess things and we like being in control) but, will quickly become annoyed and turned off if it seems like you need that much attention.

We like our alone time, unlike Libras who enjoy being paired.

I'm a Libra, and people who know me and myself consider myself to be a loner. I enjoy closeness with partners and friends when it's that time but I like my alone time and don't like to feel smothered. My Scorpio does not seem to care for alone time at all. I'm the one that initiates our days off from seeing each other. He seriously wants to see me every day, and calls attention to the fact if I go all day without calling or texting him.

ETA : He's a Scorpio with his Venus in Libra and I'm a Libra with my Venus in Scorpio.
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ETA : He's a Scorpio with his Venus in Libra and I'm a Libra with my Venus in Scorpio.

Oh, ok then, it sounds like your guy isn't a typical scorpio then.

I have a friend that is a Libra and she considers herself a Loner too. But, that is more based on life experiences than innate preference.

(That's the funny thing about astrology...everyone can have a little bit of all of the 'typical' traits depending on their life experiences, their environment, life stage etc.)
I have been dating a scorpio man for about a little over a year.. I am a libra and we jel just great... I am a loner for real and have been since I can remember.. Most of what this thread discribes as a scorpio man he is just that.. During the week days when I get off work I go home to get clothes for the next day then go to his place.. The weekends he is at my place.. When I want some me time or feel like we been around each other enough I say I'm staying home tonight and he be like why? I say to give you some me time he be like whattttt I can't sleep without you being here...:yep:...
(That's the funny thing about astrology...everyone can have a little bit of all of the 'typical' traits depending on their life experiences, their environment, life stage etc.)

Yep :yep: and what their chart is made up of. I try to find out peoples Moon, Venus, Mercury and rising sign if possible. This and each individuals life experiences reveal more of the type of person they are than their sun sign.
I have been dating a scorpio man for about a little over a year.. I am a libra and we jel just great... I am a loner for real and have been since I can remember.. Most of what this thread discribes as a scorpio man he is just that.. During the week days when I get off work I go home to get clothes for the next day then go to his place.. The weekends he is at my place.. When I want some me time or feel like we been around each other enough I say I'm staying home tonight and he be like why? I say to give you some me time he be like whattttt I can't sleep without you being here...:yep:...

At the bolded, this is me and my man, and he's told me he has a hard time sleeping when I'm not there. He's said it when he knew he wasn't going to see me the next night or day like "Watch, you're gonna be tossin and turnin and not knowing what to do with yourself, I know because that's how I feel." I miss him, but I'm not to the point of not being able to sleep without him next to me. He told me the other day that he wants me to get to the point where I can't breath..not being with him, like it is for him. ex of mine told me in the beginning straight up that he was going to 'smother me' "I'm going to smother you" and that's exactly what he did but I LET HIM and I learned from that. I'll never get to the point of feeling like I can't breath without him and I need to let him know that I can love him just as much as he loves me without feeling the need to see him everyday. The good thing about this is the potential is there not just us being lovers but best friends, wanting to do everything together, travel, work, everything and nothing at all, and seem to never tire of being with each other and that CAN be beautiful thing.

But I'm trying to get away with not seeing him until Thursday night this week. We talked yesterday, texting and talking on the phone but he didn't press me to come over, we just came out of a full weekend together and I let him know I was sleepy so he told me to get some rest, no, to get lots and lots of rest. I think he's expecting to see me tomorrow, and I want to be there for him when he wants my company but during the week it throws me off of my routine, working out and getting to sleep on time and getting to work on time. So I may need to have a talk to him about that as to why he'll be sleeping without me for 3 nights in a row this week. Hopefully he is understanding, I feel like he will be even if he doesn't like it. I already know how I need to deliver the message to let him know I'll be missing him but I need to 'stay on track'.

I was thinking about this today, and you are a Libra too so maybe you can relate, but I was thinking about my 'need' to ration our time, even though he says he wants me around all the time, I just have this thing, if we have seen each other for 2 or 3 days in a row something automatically triggers me to feel "Ok, time apart time" and I was really trying to think is it about ME needing this time, or feeling like HE is needing this time too even if he doesn't think so? I've come to the conclusion it may be a bit of both, because I know I love spending time with him, and I love that he loves spending so much time with me but I do believe in too much of a good thing and allowing enough time to miss each other can be great when we get together. Plus, I had/have what I considered to be a full life before we met and I'm trying to make room for him in my life as he's asked me to but I don't want the other things in my life to fall by the wayside simply because he's come along. This motivates me to keep taking 'me' time, I just really hope he doesn't misinterpret it to mean I could care less about seeing him, I also don't want it to feed his 'suspicious' side.
LOL I'm a Scorpio. I'm not a very jealous person, but I do LOVE my privacy. Can't say that for DH though (he's a Libra).

we are (near) genius smart and observant.

and i think the thing that folks take for granted about scorps when they are dating them(us) is that if/when we get turned off or get the impression that you're not really into us...we're out. people are always surprised by that. there's no drama, no big scene. just DEUCES. quote]

This is so true! There's a thread about disappearing acts around here and I swear... you'd think just hibernating from the world is the worst thing ever!

As for the observation part, that's very true for me. I can walk into a room with 30 people and tell you something about each one within the first 35 sec. of being there.
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