Dating and Dealing With A SCORPIO MAN

Another Scorpio girl in the house! lol Let me reply to these quotes before I give my two cent.

Goodness gracious you hit it right on the head for every single characteristic.

VERY VERY SECRETIVE. It is very annoying. :nono: Its like you dont have anything real bad to find but you find it anyway. Whats up with that?
Amen! I always tell that to my boyfriend when he's secretive about stupid crap! :wallbash:

Well, I've been called secretive too so I guess I can't really say much. :yep: I think that the more you get to know a Scorpio, the more open they become..BUT there will always be that one little secret that they keep to themselves.
Yep, that's true! :yep: And I particularly hate it when people try to get all up in my business when I don't invite them!

Scorpios also "say what they mean and mean what they say." Not a whole lot of figurative speaking. Its cut-throat and to the point. They sugar coat NOTHING and its admirable to be so blunt.
:lachen:I got in trouble because of my sharp tongue a few times. Sometimes I think about things I said or did and I blush of shame...

:yep:That's what Scorpios do..they let their emotions boil under the surface while they appear cool and calm on the outside and then at some point they explode..leaving you to wonder, wow, where is all this coming from so fast?
That's exactly what's going on with me right now... Got my family thinking I'm sick or on drugs because I'm "suddenly" voicing my opinions and making my own choices.

I'm a scorp (obvs) and I have been told that i am secretive too. That's not true though. I'm PRIVATE. there's a difference. I am extremely open with my select few. But, I'm annoyed when folks outside of that circle try to get info from me...just b/c they think they have a right to it.

I am also possessive of the person i date. I am not jealous. Like it doesn't bother me if he flirts with the waitress (esp. if it gets us a free meal) or hits up the nudie bar. But, I like to know that he is mine, clear boundaries. don't like to share.

we are (near) genius smart and observant.

and i think the thing that folks take for granted about scorps when they are dating them(us) is that if/when we get turned off or get the impression that you're not really into us...we're out. people are always surprised by that. there's no drama, no big scene. just DEUCES.


good luck with your scorps!
ITA with the bolded! It drives me mad when people try to play me or think I ought to tell them everything!!

Girl RUN. I'm a Sag and I've dealt w/Scorpio men before. Let me tell you about them:

1. They are ALL about the chase/conquest. The more you resist them, the more they want you.

2. Absolute FREAKS in the bedroom. You can pretty much act out any sexual fantasy you want with them.

3. The ones I've encountered were very respectful when dealing with me, but you can't really trust them 100%

4. They are by nature stingy, but if you let them know that you don't play that "tightwad" ish, they'll be more generous . . . albeit begrudgingly, if that makes sense.

5. JEALOUS LIKE A MUTHA-EFFER: Often jealous of friends who they perceive to be "doing better" than them.

6. COMPLETELY devoid of a conscience!!!!

7. Sensitive about THEIR feelings, but not yours.

I'm not playing . . . if you are just in it to "have fun", then go for it, but I'd be hesitant to get too involved.

I know that you cannot put too much weight into Astrology, but they are on my list of "Never Again". Real Talk: Ike Turner was a Scorpio and Tina Turner is a Sag. Food for thought.

Good Luck! :)

ETA: I just noticed that this was an old thread, but I had to add my two cents.
To #4: I can't speak for all Scorpios but my brother and my boyfriend aren't stingy. My brother is frugal only because he can't afford to spend money however he pleases with three children and a wife to take care of. As for my boyfriend, the word "stingy" isn't even part of his vocabulary. That man would give me the world if he could afford it! :kiss2: have to tell him to stop spoiling me, enuff said.
5,6 and 7: the man you dated was a Scorpio yes, but he was one in a million...from the dark side. I have yet to meet a Scorpio who was like that including myself. All the Virgos that I've known or that I know fit the description for number 5 (and I've personally known at least 5 of them in my life, two of them being family members).
My brother and I have too much conscience for our own good.
And my boyfriend and I are so concerned about other people's feelings (at least the people who are dear to us, like me to him or my mom to me) that we sometimes neglect our own feelings to please others...

Now, my :twocents: . If you ever meet a Scorpio and you wonder how to get through him/her, I must tell you that it requires a lot of patience. We do not easily trust people and we can sometimes appear as cold or insensitive, when we simply don't know how to respond to someone's emotional reaction.
What may look like clinginess is simply a sign of affection. I thought my boyfriend was weird because he is into PDA and he's very expressive when it comes to his feelings whereas I'm the quiet, discreet Scorpio. But I realized that it was just his way of letting me know how much he loves me. We are currently in a long-distance relationship (but soon we'll b closer than ever :love5:) and we talk, txt and IM each other more than 5 times a day. I know this would have driven some people nuts but we don't mind it. The man even complains when I don't call him...
When it comes to our bedroom "abilities", we are indeed very passionate.
Now, keep in mind that every individual will have different behaviors based on their background and life experiences. Astrology isn't an exact science per se.
I'm a scorpio and no stingy is not a word we associate much with. Loyalty is important to us. We like to know more about you than you know about us. When you first meet a scorpio just pay attention. They will sit and watch you. Yes we observe a lot, even the little things others don't pick up. Those observations will help to determine if you can trusted to enter our secret world.

As a friend we will do anything and give you anything we can possibly give. Which is bad cause it's like giving others enough rope to hand themselves. We have an intense dislike of selfish people.
Sexually we are more intense than any other sign except maybe Taurus who we match well with (earth and water). Sex is not just a physical thing it's mental. A scorpio can take you around the world and back sexually without even touching. Sex is and art. My SO says to me I have the ability to make him shiver with just a kiss.

Betray us you are done with. Some of us are vengeful. Will take revenge when you least expect it and in the most awful ways. IE: My ex from high school cheated on me with a classmate. I dated his brother for 6 months and he never knew. Then one day i sat him down looked him in the eye and told him it's not working and revealed why. No guilt.
Yes we observe a lot, even the little things others don't pick up. Those observations will help to determine if you can trusted to enter our secret world.

Sex is not just a physical thing it's mental. A scorpio can take you around the world and back sexually without even touching. Sex is and art.

People find it amazing that I can look at a person and have them figured out. Sometimes, I get "vibes" off a person, but I do have an ability to analyze people and know if they are trustworthy or not.

But I wanted to add something about the sex comment. I am simply amazed that the two guys I ever done it with was going crazy over my sexual performance. Truth be told, they were awful and all I did was lay there. But they would swear that I was great each and every time we did it. :lachen: I NEVER understood it until I read this thread. I'm now more aware of my sexual attraction and I'm ready to attract my Taurus man! LOL!
I am a Aries and my First Love has and always will be my Scorpio.

Also my DS and my first love no, my first love is not my baby daddy.

My first love and my DS are born on the EXACT SAME DAY!

Gosh what can I say about my first love Scorpio, he is very intense, smart, hardworking, very, very passionate. He is like pursuing me so bad right now and I totally ignore him. That makes him put the pressure on me more. I am so like "Bro it is not gonna happen". He is still so persistent. He is already planning our realtionship for the next two years to life.

" I am like WTH are you serious?" Last night I told him
and he said "YES"!

He is long distance and he is already looking up plane tickets / getting ready to purchase to come and be with me! I am like "Dude are you serious???" And He said "YES"

I have a thing and an attraction for Taurus men. However, my first love Scorpio he is all up in my way! LOL!
The last guy I fell for was a scorpio.he approached me at the club he worked at and I gave him my number but I couldn't really remember what he looked like(it was dark).I met him again the next night and thought he wasn't really cute but I liked his "swag" aka aura lol. I fell for him. He was the only guy I felt comfortable with to cuddle allll night.he tried to b a hard *** at times but I could see thru it,the sex was amazing.buttttt I ended up finding out he was having sex with other women which he denied and I stopped.I still crave it at times lol
Srry I can't quote from my phone...I believe the secretive thing.I had told my scorpio I stopped smoking and didn't do it with him.I met a girl in a class I was taking,one night we hung out and she wanted to see her "friend".we stopped by for 10mins outside and I smoked for like 1min.turns out her "friend" was also one of his very good friends and had seen me at his house lol.when I went to his house all he said was "I like that yellow dress u was wearin"...he never came out and said he knew but for about 10min he made it known in a slick way
I'm not into the astrology thing either but you all have described my beau to a T.

Flowerhair, I'm Capricorn, too. What's up? :ohwell:
I briefly dated a Scorpio, he was very sexual and too easy a conquest. So I got bored with him and dumped him. :ohwell:
This is a good thread- thank you for reviving it!

I'm a Taurus and my sweetie pie is a Scorpio. We're literal and figurative opposites, but after almost 9 years, I think I broke him in pretty good, lol. I can't say too much (because he hates that I talk to yall about him, ever! there's that secrecy).... however, as a Taurus, with half my planets in Venus, I love love, so ask me a question and I'll answer. ;)
My homegirl (also a pisces) dated a scorpio who did the exact same thing. He would go from one extreme to the next. I think they do that on purpose to toy with you. Most of the time, they don't mean it though. I've dealt with this with my scorp on a much smaller scale, but I always call him out and he laughs about it because he knows I see right through it. Seeing as this is the sign of seduction, they play the ultimate seducer: the coquette.

See my previous post. A scorpio male's desire for control is MUCH stronger than his need to express feelings in abundance, especially if it's something he is unsure about.

About the decisions, one thing about them, especially the one I'm dealing with, is that once they DO make a decision, they stick to it. I've never seen anyone exercise willpower quite the way scorpios do. This man decided to stop being late for events, and once that decision was made, that was IT. He recently decided to stop watching tv, and that televesion hasn't been turned on since. Maybe that's why they take a while to decide, because they know that once they make a decision, it's something that they will stick to.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Who you tellin?? I've never seen this scorpio man do anything half-arsed. Eating, sleeping, you name it!

The bold is true for males and females in general. Sometimes--but not often--to our detriment.
I'm a scorpio and no stingy is not a word we associate much with. Loyalty is important to us. We like to know more about you than you know about us. When you first meet a scorpio just pay attention. They will sit and watch you. Yes we observe a lot, even the little things others don't pick up. Those observations will help to determine if you can trusted to enter our secret world.

As a friend we will do anything and give you anything we can possibly give. Which is bad cause it's like giving others enough rope to hand themselves. We have an intense dislike of selfish people.
Sexually we are more intense than any other sign except maybe Taurus who we match well with (earth and water). Sex is not just a physical thing it's mental. A scorpio can take you around the world and back sexually without even touching. Sex is and art. My SO says to me I have the ability to make him shiver with just a kiss.

Betray us you are done with. Some of us are vengeful. Will take revenge when you least expect it and in the most awful ways. IE: My ex from high school cheated on me with a classmate. I dated his brother for 6 months and he never knew. Then one day i sat him down looked him in the eye and told him it's not working and revealed why. No guilt.

I'm a scorp (obvs) and I have been told that i am secretive too. That's not true though. I'm PRIVATE. there's a difference. I am extremely open with my select few. But, I'm annoyed when folks outside of that circle try to get info from me...just b/c they think they have a right to it.

I am also possessive of the person i date. I am not jealous. Like it doesn't bother me if he flirts with the waitress (esp. if it gets us a free meal) or hits up the nudie bar. But, I like to know that he is mine, clear boundaries. don't like to share.

we are (near) genius smart and observant.

and i think the thing that folks take for granted about scorps when they are dating them(us) is that if/when we get turned off or get the impression that you're not really into us...we're out. people are always surprised by that. there's no drama, no big scene. just DEUCES.


good luck with your scorps!

OMG! This is me to a TEE! wow..I have "eliminated" so many men in the past for these exact reasons..they were left to wonder what happened..LOL..I wasn't upset or anything, I just rolled out and I felt good about doing it too..:yep:
Another thing just came to mind about Scorpio men:

when they have an ex that they really loved, it's hard for them to let go mentally/emotionally even though they have appeared to move on...they are very likely to still love you and think about you many years after you split up...I've had this experience twice...
Another thing just came to mind about Scorpio men:

when they have an ex that they really loved, it's hard for them to let go mentally/emotionally even though they have appeared to move on...they are very likely to still love you and think about you many years after you split up...I've had this experience twice...

That is very true...when they love its like forever.
I will NEVA, EVA, EVA date another Scorpio. The secrets, the guarded emotions, the grudges...There is only room for 1 me in a relationship. I cannot handle myself most of the time.

ETA: The last Scorpio man I dated broke up with me because we were 'too much alike and he could see where this was headed'...'we fall too hard, often too fast'.
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Another thing just came to mind about Scorpio men:

when they have an ex that they really loved, it's hard for them to let go mentally/emotionally even though they have appeared to move on...they are very likely to still love you and think about you many years after you split up...I've had this experience twice...

The women too...or at least me...
Bump bump

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
My whatever(?) was very open about his feelings about me and with me. He and I had no problem talking and I didnt have to coax anything out of him really. I think out of the two of us, I was the one who didnt like PDA and all that touchy feely but he was usually trying to find someway to be near me or touch me.

Idk about arguing. I don't think they like a lot of fuss but they don't mind a debate. Our arguments go something like this. I get emotional and go on a tirade, he asks me if Im done, I say yes then calmly explain my point. He counters and then we resolve. Its very healthy, I still get to go crazy and hormonal but we work something out to the point that its done and we never bring it up again.
I need to learn some arguing techniques. Cuz I goes HARD!
He's VERY VERY calm and it drives me NUTS.
How can I get under HIS skin? He doesn't show much emotion but I know he feels's so frustrating...He did do two 'psycho/passionate' moves and it was so endearing! I tried not to throw it in his face either cuz I know he was embarrassed and the display of luuuuuuuuuv....:lachen:
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Since no one seemed to start this one...I thought I'd take a swing at it.

I seem to have a magnet in me for Scorpios. 3 of the top 5 closet friends I have are Scorpios.

I am currently madly in love with a Scorpio and I believe he is the most intelligent (near genius), honest (when you ask), sexual (oh yeah) and sensitive man I know. However, you'd never know he's sensitive because Scorpios can hide their emotions very well, men and women.

I am a Saggitarius and we get along surprisingly VERY well but it took many years for us to learn and adapt to one another.

What do you notice about your Scorpio and how do you deal with his ways?
Fellow Sagi BEWARE ,Them Scorpios talk a good game ,have you hooked and break your heart.