Rules for Friends With Benefits Relationships?

FWB with someone else!

Sounds like you are asking for what not to do:

1. Don't expect boyfriend type behavior.

2. No sleepovers

3. Always use protection

4. Keep it light

5. Don't expect dates

If your looking for thinks like this, then try a guy who wants "the girl friend experience"

As a person who took time to be single after a bad relationship, I think dating was more beneficial than fwb. Although I got lonely, and would date multiple ppl at once, my rule was no sex.

I always think its a small world, this dude may know your next real love.

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I swear Friends with Benefits isn't supposed to be this complicated.
I've never entered one of these intentionally but when I did my only rule was to go with the flow.
My FWB "relationships" didn't work because we really were friends (which was a problem because, where there's friendship, there's feelings- on both sides- and having a FWB arrangement REQUIRES you to take your feelings out of the equation). You know yourself and this guy better than we do. Making sure NEITHER of you will develop a romantic attraction (or will at least be honest enough with yourself and the other person to say so instead of acting out) is the number one, non-negotiable rule of FWB. Plus, co-workers who have carnal knowledge of one another need to keep their business to themselves and remain professional after they're no longer "together".
1. Don't spend the night!
2. Don't cuddle!
3. Don't open yourself up emotionally!( don't share a lot of personal info outside of sex)
4. Be honest with yourself! FWB situation is not for the faint of heart!
6. Have fun!:look:
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Like the other poster said:

1. Date other people. Don't ever let yourself be exclusive.
2. Don't catch feelings.

Literally use him for sex. eg. Go on a date with a guy and call up your fwb to do the deed after.
Seems like emotions is the biggest potential problem. That seems to be in check so far. There's not much opportunity for dating. And we only have twin size beds here so cuddling isn't exactly comfortable (and we aren't stick thin)
Seems like emotions is the biggest potential problem. That seems to be in check so far. There's not much opportunity for dating. And we only have twin size beds here so cuddling isn't exactly comfortable (and we aren't stick thin)

Why are you guys in a twin size bed? Are you in college?
Lol. I wish. We work in Afghanistan. Space is limited here. His room is about the size of 2 guest bathrooms. My room is slightly larger. About the size of 3 bathrooms. Lol. But I wouldn't bring him to my room. Thats my 'me space'
Lol. I wish. We work in Afghanistan. Space is limited here. His room is about the size of 2 guest bathrooms. My room is slightly larger. About the size of 3 bathrooms. Lol. But I wouldn't bring him to my room. Thats my 'me space'

Tell me something!!! I was worried!!!!
Quoted from the Book of Dats My Lil Dip verse 1

Rule number one, he gotta respect the game
Cause he know he not my main and he barely know my name
Rule number two, he know where he stand
And he gotta get me grands if he wanna be my man
Rule number three, I make ‘em buy me shoes,
Gucci, Gucci, Louis, Prada and Channel bags, too
Rule number four, I don’t cuff em i dont love em
And you never post the trust em,
You just fu** ‘em and you dump ‘em!

Just playing around...(kinda):look:
I've had a few of these arrangements and all of these rules applied:

1. Keep your emotions in check, once you start worrying about who else he is with or vice's time to end it.
2. Protection is a must, I dont care if yall get tested every day. You can't clock every move his penis makes.
3. Dont stop dating. Entertain other company, and I don't even mean sexually. As humans our needs go beyond sex. We seek others to talk to, hang with...don't let it be all him or you're headed for trouble.
4. Don't try to mark territory (and don't allow him to do so either). Spendin the night wasn't really an issue for me, it's the idea of leaving things over at his place or vice versa that really start to blur the lines.
5. Please don't fool yourself into going along with it after it's run it's course. These arrangements are temporary, don't drag it out longer than necessary.

Have fun and be safe :-)
Well...It's going good! He called himself getting territorial. I switched up my wardrobe for work. Normally I wear all men's clothes (it's convenient because I work outside). But lately I've been feelin myself and wearing women's tees, jeans, eye make up, lip gloss, and some Sexy Jo (I've been searching through the forums). He tried calling me out in front of everyone, but it didn't work because they like the new look. And he started asking why we never go to my room/ why I never stay over? I told him he knows the rules and those aren't apart of them! For a long time I tried to be invisible here, but he's handling things pretty well. At work things are going good, there's no awkward moments or fighting. Everyone had already assumed we were seeing each other, but no one has noticed any differences. Thanks for asking!
That's true. As just a friend he seems like a good catch. Has a great job, works hard, is a gentleman (in and out of the bedroom), well liked by his peers, socially accepted, and very easy on the eyes. The only 'flaw' I could see in him is that he is materialistic. That and he takes more time to get ready than I do (he needs 2 hours. And I'm a natural who uses homemade products and he still takes longer)!
Well...It's going good! He called himself getting territorial. I switched up my wardrobe for work. Normally I wear all men's clothes (it's convenient because I work outside). But lately I've been feelin myself and wearing women's tees, jeans, eye make up, lip gloss, and some Sexy Jo (I've been searching through the forums). He tried calling me out in front of everyone, but it didn't work because they like the new look. And he started asking why we never go to my room/ why I never stay over? I told him he knows the rules and those aren't apart of them! For a long time I tried to be invisible here, but he's handling things pretty well. At work things are going good, there's no awkward moments or fighting. Everyone had already assumed we were seeing each other, but no one has noticed any differences. Thanks for asking!

Sounds like he is catching feelings. Men ALWAYS DO... in my experience anyway. And don't you work with mostly men? He is going to get more territorial and potentially show out much worse, especially since you are dressing nicely and wearing pheromones! Maybe it's time to end it before he gets in too deep.
Oh dear OP! He's attached. That's not even a warning. Thats your cue to ween him off the cookie til it's down to none. He wants you? One thing abt dating a person you see often/socially is their ability to "out" you. Are you mentally prepared for him to tell other ppl what you guys are doing? Are you the petty/vengeful type? Better yet, is he? Watch out OP. This is getting real sticky. Reallll fast

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He has been making more and more off handed remarks but I had to nip that in the bud! As far as personal stuff he's pretty private with things. Unless someone catches us in the act there's really no proof only speculation. But we have always been constantly at each other's rooms hanging out as friends. Even when he had girlfriends in the past they knew of me as his friend (but speculated too). So even if I'm spotted coming out of his room there is an plausible explanation for it. Unfortunately I'm the petty/ vengeful type. He isn't. He let's things roll off his back. I don't worry about him runnin his mouth about us. He can definitely keep a secret.*

LadyPaniolo I tried the pheromones for about a week or so. But this week I haven't used any.*
I'm 27 and about to enter into my first FWB relationship. The guy is a co-worker of mine. We've been just friends for about a year now with nothing going on. 2 months ago he confided in me that he has been having sexual dreams about me. The choice for this relationship is mine. This is something I want to do and I believe it will be mutually beneficial with no complications. The issue is I have little experience with dating as a whole and I'm not sure what 'rules' to go by. So far the rules we have are 1. No messing around on/ around the job. 2. No pressuring (this goes both ways as I am aggressive as well). 3. If either 'eyes' decide to wander we will let the others know.

For those of you in FWB relationships, what rules do you have to make it work?

The reason you think it won't get complicated is because you have little dating experience. Don't do it. Someone usually gets hurt in these situations. It's not worth it.
It takes a special personality to pull FWBs off. Sounds like he doesn't have one of those personalities. Good luck.
What you might want to watch out for, is what will happen when another man tries to approach you with an interest in starting a genuine romantic relationship. Your FWB is already getting sticky, but in my opinion things could go bad when another man enters the scene.

Especially since you can take the peen or leave it, but methinks he feels differently about access to your cookies. If he gets barred from the cookie jar but suspects another man is sampling your wares :nono: Men really don't like that. :nono:
lol @ him trying to call you out on your new wardrobe and all yet providing mediocre sex.

on to the next!
I'm not even ready to 'date' anyone. That's one thing I'm certain of. He know the terms but I think he likes to have his cake and eat it too. He's seen other men approach me before and it hasn't been an issue. Mainly because he knows I don't play that multiple partners crap or back to back lovers. But I havent thought about how he would react if I were interested in someone else. Of that were to happen I would end things with him waaayy before I persued anyone else. I wasn't thinking about the mediocre services I was receiving. Lol. But I did let him know if I were a 'Basic Bottom B*%#h' all the women here would know he's not the star he makes himself out to be. He tried to come back and say 'you don't know a good thing when you're gettin it'. I had to reply 'You might be right. But i've had 11 traes of bad things and I can call it when I see it'! I then spent the rest of the night laughing at his bruise manhood. SMH