Rejected Him 2 Years Ago; Now, I'm Feeling Him


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I am in a conundrum. Literally two years ago, my best friend and her boyfriend, set me and a guy (boyfriend's best friend) on a blind double date. The four of us met at a lounge with the intention of the guy (let's call him B) seeing if we clicked. But B and his friend basically spent the whole "date" with each other, while the girls watched them have a great time with each other. :look: B walked me to my car and we talked for about 30 minutes at my car. When I got home, I saw that he had messaged me on FB and asked for my number because he forgot to ask for it at the lounge. He later asked me out to dinner, and we went on one more date and decided I just wasn't feeling him. So I told my friend and who I think told her BF who told B and we didn't go out again. He continued to text me from time to time like wishing me a happy Valentine's Day or just asking how I was. I hadn't seen him since 2014 until tonight.

My friend was having her birthday party at B's house and I thought things might be awkward. I walked in and gave him a hug and we talked a little bit through the party and he seemed different, physically and otherwise. He looks like he lost about 100 lbs and he had more confidence and "swag". I offered to help him sweep and mop his kitchen after the guests had left and we had a nice talk about my work and school; about his work and his plans with his Mason lodge and the events and programs he wants to oversee. He was so appreciative of me helping him clean; which I did because he had to be up for work in a few hours (he's a manager at a chemical company = $$$ :look: ) He even walked me to my car. I have a performance in a few weeks and he said, "I will so be there!" And now....I think I like him. :lol: He seems different and I'm in a different point in my life and I have developed a crush. He's still single because he said he is.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? Have someone pursue you, you reject them, then years later, you get back together? Should I wait for him to ask me out again or should I suggest a date because he probably doesn't think I like him? This is crazy!

****UPDATE ON POST 154****
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Why you think he lost weight and got money? So women like you wouldn't reject him anymore :lol:

This is so cute and funny. Y'all just parted and you got all that running through your head. I mean he really got to you :lol: He's all Stefan Urquelle to your Laura.

:lol: he already had the money and the house and I always thought he was cute, but he just seemed very uncomfortable with himself back then. He just seems to be more confident with himself now. And he's still big but not as big. In fact, I like his body now and then, but his aura is different. It's hard to explain.
My sister rejected a guy who really liked her when they were both attending college around 9 years ago. He expressed interest back then and she turned him down flat. He tried again a few years later and guess what? They clicked and started dating. They are getting married next month!!!

Feelings and circumstances change and nothing's wrong with that.
This is great, I would explore the possibilities with this. This is your moment to show him that after two years you are still the one he needs to be around. If he wants to be in your fabulous life he needs to put in the work. I would not suggest a date with him but if he contacts me, I would engage in communication.

You could indirectly let him know that you like. If he pays you a compliment or does something mice you can respond with "Thank you, you are sweet/caring/observant/nice/considerate/ etc."
I met my now boyfriend about three years ago and rejected him because I was still dealing with being hurt by my daughter's father. We didn't speak for almost two years when I randomly sent him a text because I was wondering about how he was. The rest is history! I am just praying it works out. I hope it works out for you too!
I know someone married with two kids who completely rejected her now DH.
And now that I think of it, another girl in college whom specifically said " I would never date So and So" Uhm they've been married over 10 years now lmao

It happens...go for it and enjoy!
Should I wait for him to ask me out again or should I suggest a date because he probably doesn't think I like him? This is crazy!

The good news is that he is your BF's friend. This makes things so much easier. Your friend could easily give her BF a hard time by asking what is up with his homeboy not asking you out on a date yet. :p Give it time and just be a little more responsive to him so that he senses a difference from the last time you two interacted.
It happens OP! met my dh in 2004, rejected him after dating for a short period, reacquainted and later started dating in 2007, and married since 2011.

I did initiate that (second) first date just to answer your question. That was out of character for me but I got anxious so I still agree with the ladies that have said to wait to see he asks you.

Keep us updated! Yay you!!

I didn't even say anything like I was thinking. I didn't respond to a text about a different topic because I was working on an assignment and then he asked me out!


So the date!!

Originally, I was going to go to his house after I got out of class at 7:20 because he was going to smoke some salmon. But my class got canceled so I went home after work. Around 6, I called and asked what time he wanted me to come over and he said he hadn't cooked yet and if I'd prefer for him to cook or go out to eat. i suggested a sushi restaurant we both like (manly because I didn't want a house date :look: ), so we met at the restaurant.

We had a great talk! Talked about each other's families and work and school and travel. He had leftover punch from the party so I went to his house to drink and we watched a movie. He fell asleep during the movie :lol: So I left right after the movie.

I texted him when I got home and this was our convo.

Me: Would you consider this our 4th date or a 1st date do-over?
Him: A combo of the two. I did want to ask you this face to face, but what makes now different than before? You seemed disinterested in me before.
Me: You know, I don't know. I've been trying to figure that out as well. I don't know if I've matured or you've changed or a combo of the two. or just a change in circumstances. But I think I developed a little crush on you.
Him: I got you. Let me ask this. Do you have any expectations? What are your intentions?
Me: We really should have had this convo face to face last night lol.
Him: I hear you, next time we will.

So....he knows I like him. But he didn't say it back. :sad:
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@BGT - I'm not sure how experienced you are with dating and all, but make sure you try to let him "chase" you. It's good that you pulled back, and you let him ask you out.

I think that he "showed" you that he liked you by asking you out. Try to enjoy this special time when you're getting to know each other and don't move to fast. PM me if you want to chat (married and happy).
