Raise your hand if you are 100% black with long hair!

This is strictly for the OP, beacuse I understand where she was coming from.

I am African (Nigerian) and I never had long hair ever! period. Never thought I could. All my family is Nigerian, (The town I am from encourage Nigerians to marry Nigerians so there isn't any interracial coupling in my family.) I started learning how to take care, I went natural first and I am now texlaxed. There was a lot of unlearning I had to do in terms of how I take care of my hair - I am now hoping to reach BSL this year and then onwards.

PM if you need any support, I am also learning to take care of my hair too

What is your current length? About APL
How long has it been that length? Since december 2007
What is the longest length you had as a child? between ear and neck, the back was always broken
as an adult? APL and growing hopefully
What do you contribute to your length/retention? Firstly going natural for 2.5 yrs allowed me to take care of my hair without worring about chemicals, I am now texlaxed, but I switched form using super to mild, deep conditioning everyweek, bunning when I can, Moisturiing daily, using a spritz daily, not using products with alcohol, limiting heat and prayer.


We as women of color (can I use that word???) will always have different hertage within us, that is how the world is made and that is what makes us unique. If you don't apply to her criteria, just keep it moving (sorry) but people always feel that they have to defend the 10%/20%/50% in them. It did not have to get this serious. Me being African and growing my hair will always be more of an inspiration for someone like me (African). It doesn't even have to be a hertiage thing i.e genes, it could be that in Africa espcially west africa, people grow up hearing that your hair will not grow (culture).
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I too agree that people are not reading the WHOLE post or even the ORIGINAL post fully before responding. Since my lurking days, I have felt that LHCF was an extremely positive forum filled with women determined to: 1)grow their hair past stereotyped lengths 2) learn and practice healthy hair care 3) help each other with experiments as we hypothesized about what would help with hair growth and hair retention & 4) provide support and encouragement to all.

I still think that for the most part that these intentions have not changed. However, as a group our knowledge of hair care has evolved markedly, and that has left room to explore some of our other issues. We must take care to post some of these issues in the off topic forum.

I do not think the op's post was offensive in the least, nor do I think it was out of place, nor personally exclusionary. I think that everyone who took the time to read what she had to say would understand her point was to know if people who were very predominantly black blooded had the capability to grow hair to phenomenal lengths. There is nothing wrong with that. Why? Cuz it's not advertised anywhere, not in magazines, not on televsion; nowhere. Whereas the world in general holds the false stereotype that the less black you are, the better chance you will have of growing and retaining length. Therefore, the op raises an important and valid question.

The op's post should have provided insight and inspiration, but instead people quickly forgot the op's original point.

Ladies, although we have come a long way in our quest for long hair, there is still more work to do. Let's keep providing positiveness and respect to our posts so that we can truly revolutionize the way our hair is cared for and respected, and so that everyone can attain their hair dreams and goals. :yep:


P.S. I love that the LHCF group IS made up of all kinds of nationalities, ethnicities, and mixtures. Love and respect yourself first and love & respect for others and from others will follow.

Exactly what she said. Don't get me wrong, I can see how those who were 'excluded' would have the reactions and feelings they did, but her point I believe was not to make anyone feel left out. To me I saw this post almost as a hair type kind of issue. I have patches of 3 something in my hair, but you aren't going to find me posting in a thread about how to care for 3 type hair cuz the majority of it is 4. The girl was just trying to find ppl of similar background to HER. There is no need for this thread to have gotten this deep
That's fine for her to make this thread. However, that isn't the whole issue.

Really though, it was the issue. This thread has morphed into something that it shouldn't have. I don't understand why the other thread was shut down and this one left either, but that's a question for the mods and not this thread.
hello ladies,
i have to answer because i always feel that i am a living proof that 100% black can grown long hair....
i am a senegalese women from west africa, with black all around my familly no mix, and during chilhood my hair never grow past shoulder, since 1998 i have decide to grow my hair because i get pregneant and i have lot of hair and i tell to myself i have to keep it so i start to
strech relaxer: it was a must for me, i was doing 6 month strech at that time and iwas braiding my hair (no hair add) to avoid manipulation
then i discover the forum and i start taking care of my hair very seriously
moisturizing, 12 week sterch relaxer, the phyto 2 relaxer help me a lot my hair love it, and taking vitamine, exersice....no trim just dush....

my sister have neck hair

but it's long, take time and you really need patience

love u ladies i hope i help and please sorry for the bad english i do my best


Your hair is beautiful!
Really though, it was the issue. This thread has morphed into something that it shouldn't have. I don't understand why the other thread was shut down and this one left either, but that's a question for the mods and not this thread.
:amen: I just wanna say :amen: Thank ya!
I wasn't talking about hair types :huh:
I was just answering a question about why men's hair grow better than many women's hair...
sorry if you thought it was something else :)
np. I wasn't just responding to you. I was responding to all the in-fighting in the whole thread as a whole, but ur quote kinda summed up the questions i was trying to respond to even though u were talking about men.:look: Many believe there is some magic formula. Others think that x hair type is liquid gold. I was just trying to make sense of it all.:drunk:
np. I wasn't just responding to you. I was responding to all the in-fighting in the whole thread as a whole, but ur quote kinda summed up the questions i was trying to respond to even though u were talking about men.:look: Many believe there is some magic formula. Others think that x hair type is liquid gold. I was just trying to make sense of it all.:drunk:

OK, I understand :yep:
I haven't read the whole thread :blush3:
Maybe it's better to leave some threads un-read LOL
You missed my point. I never addressed the fact that other threads got shut down, I was not a witness to that- maybe I haven't been here long enough or just didn't go into that thread. However, I did see posts from people, within this thread, that are expressing that they are offended. There is no reason to be offended. This is a VERY good thread. I applaud the OP for being bold enough to post such a thread because she shouldn't have to think twice about posting a question to people who are like her for fear of backlash from those who are not like her. She's not personally attacking anyone.

AMEN!! I completely agree
Hi your thread made me lol :lachen::lachen::lachen:. well both of my parents are black, so i think i can put a little input here in this thread.:yawn:

What is your current length? bsl

How long has it been that length? one year

What is the longest length you had as a child?
as an adult? i have always had short hair as a child. and the back of my hair never grew (had to wear plaits) until middle school. maybe ear length, is there such a length:spinning:

What do you contribute to your length/retention. signing up for long hair car forums, paying attention to what my hair needs, and baggy my ends with moisturizer and carrot oil.

never give up hope, you'll meet your goal:yawn:
I don't belong in this thread, but I wanted to answer this question... :)

The reason their hair grows is BECAUSE they do next to nothing to their hair and just put it in a braid.

It's called low manipulation :yep: and if all of us did it (that's basically how I take care of my hair) we would all have long and healthy hair.

If people stopped relaxing, coloring, spraying, spritzing, puffing, combing, brushing, pulling, heat styling etc their hair would grow a lot more quickly.

Yeah this is true! But the standard of beauty is different for men than for women.

They can have "Lenny Kravitz" hair. But we better have our hair on point :lol:
Why? I feel like addressing it...it's just not about wanting/not wanting a mixed thread, but rather the double standards. It's funny how people will want to ignore certain issues, but then want others to understand and be sensitive to their issues... *smh*

I'm not being sensitive to any one's issue in particular. But if you want to really see if their is a double-standard, then re-start the mixed thread. Or start another mixed thread. If that thread is closed down, then maybe there is a double-standard.

However, I am always of the opinion that if a thread upsets you or if you can't answer the question of the thread or you don't like what's being said in a thread, then leave the thread! Or don't respond. It's takes less of the negative energy out of the thread.

Same with the Mixed thread, if it's started up again. If you are offended by the mixed thread, then don't go in the thread! Simple to me :ohwell:
I'm not being sensitive to any one's issue in particular. But if you want to really see if their is a double-standard, then re-start the mixed thread. Or start another mixed thread. If that thread is closed down, then maybe there is a double-standard.

However, I am always of the opinion that if a thread upsets you or if you can't answer the question of the thread or you don't like what's being said in a thread, then leave the thread! Or don't respond. It's takes less of the negative energy out of the thread.

Same with the Mixed thread, if it's started up again. If you are offended by the mixed thread, then don't go in the thread! Simple to me :ohwell:

You'd have to be here a while to understand. I already wrote in the other thread and don't feel like repeating the answers, so I won't answer the question, but I feel you Divya. And, we've had a million threads like this already, so that's why I don't feel like putting in answers. carry on.
You'd have to be here a while to understand. I already wrote in the other thread and don't feel like repeating the answers, so I won't answer the question, but I feel you Divya. And, we've had a million threads like this already, so that's why I don't feel like putting in answers. carry on.

I've been here 5 years! I have just recently paid my $5 and started to post. But I know how things run here.

There are lots of lurkers who have been here for a long time. Don't assume you know how long someone has been here based on their post count!
The kind of responses this thread got is just ridiculous. All you had to do was answer the OP's question and move on.........It's obvious she was reaching for some answers, or someone she could relate to..........Gosh, this is why I be on lurk mode.
I thought this thread was going to be a place to find tips and advice from people who are like me. I didn't have LHCF standard long hair as a child, both my parents and their parents are black, and I have the hair texture people pay money not to have. It's nice to chat with people who have a similar lived experience. Unfortunately this thread has been derailed by hostility, and it's sad :nono:. Neither the OP nor this thread shut down that other one. If you want to know why a thread was locked/removed, PM a mod. It has nothing to do with the discussion here and it is well off topic. I don't understand why people would purposely try to block our conversation from happening. Great thread gone bad. Thanks.

I'm not sure why this is such a big deal. If you feel you meet the criteria to answer a thread, then post, if not, then don't post and if you feel you meet the criteria, answer the questions asked. There is no reason to feel excluded if you feel you don't meet the criteria to post. If there was a thread entitled "Question for those with 4a/4b WL hair" and you had 3a APL hair, would you post and would you feel excluded?:perplexed
I'm not being sensitive to any one's issue in particular. But if you want to really see if their is a double-standard, then re-start the mixed thread. Or start another mixed thread. If that thread is closed down, then maybe there is a double-standard.

However, I am always of the opinion that if a thread upsets you or if you can't answer the question of the thread or you don't like what's being said in a thread, then leave the thread! Or don't respond. It's takes less of the negative energy out of the thread.

Same with the Mixed thread, if it's started up again. If you are offended by the mixed thread, then don't go in the thread! Simple to me :ohwell:

:lachen: Honestly, I'm getting a little kick out of this. Who's upset or offended? I don't have an issue with the threads. I'm just discussing the difference in treatment. Not sure how that so hard to comprehend...

As for the bolded, been there, done that.

Now let's see how many more times I have to respond and make the same points.
I apologize if anyone is offended by this, but I believe that whoever got offended at this thread is reaching and is way too sensitive. Come on now, how different is the OT than anyone else who started a thread asking a question of natural ladies, relaxed ladies, 3Cs, texlaxed people, etc. Get over yourself, it's not THAT serious. No one can make you feel bad about yourself/heritage without your consent. I'm not 100%, by her the standards that the OP set- and I'm totally fine with that, at the end of the day, I love myself. The OP wanted to know the answer from a specific group of women, what's wrong with that? This thread was taken WAY out of context. Eveything is not for everyone all the time... it's called life people.

:thatsall: :thankyou:
:lachen: Honestly, I'm getting a little kick out of this. Who's upset or offended? I don't have an issue with the threads. I'm just discussing the difference in treatment. Not sure how that so hard to comprehend...

As for the bolded, been there, done that.

Now let's see how many more times I have to respond and make the same points.

You may not have been offended, but others obviously were. Do you agree with this statement? lol
i just wanted to thank the op for starting this thread. :) it has been a great source of encouragement for me especially lately because my hair has not been looking the best. i was ready to give up yesterday and go and get me a weave or some braids and just call it a day. just weave it up and stuff and don't worry about growing my own hair. this thread reinforces my original belief that i can grow my own hair long. now i just have to be patient. :yep:
:lachen: Honestly, I'm getting a little kick out of this. Who's upset or offended? I don't have an issue with the threads. I'm just discussing the difference in treatment. Not sure how that so hard to comprehend...

As for the bolded, been there, done that.

Now let's see how many more times I have to respond and make the same points.

Well you don't have to respond at all.

And if you want to, you sure don't have to quote my posts. Post away but kindly leave my posts out of it.
Well you don't have to respond at all.

And if you want to, you sure don't have to quote my posts. Post away but kindly leave my posts out of it.

:lachen: :lachen: I'll do what I please! If you don't want your posts quoted then you shouldn't be on a forum. :lachen:
I wish! I always wanted to have caramel skin with long jet black wavy or curly hair. I didn't get that. Then when I was pregnant and they said that I was having a girl, I wanted her to have chocolate skin with long jet black wavy or curly hair. I didn't get that. Oh well you get what you get.
I am so dissapointed by the negative response to this thread. I feel you Sister and respect your question. I hope you get more positive post.
I'm 100 percent African American with type 4 a/b hair. I know it's hard for some to believe that those of us with type 4a/b hair cannot reach our hair goals. My intent was never to grow my hair long; I was totally ignorant about hair care; even though I was doing some things right, but I wasn't aware of it. :perplexed

It was to keep my hair healthy and keep my stylist from constantly complaining about my ends--which he was doing off and on for three years. He would recommend products for me to use--to no avail; :nono: then he would reluctantly cut my ends. He or I never thought that I would have hair close to my navel or waist, because its extremely kinky and fragile when its wet. In fact, he would jokingly remind me how nappy it gets right down to the ends (as if I have the worse hair in the world). Maybe in his eyes I do. :yep:

I get it washed, deep conditioned, pressed and curled once every two weeks. Less manipulation, using super-moisture rich products, and keeping the hair oiled and keeping the ends up and out of the air is the solution. It depends on what you put on your hair and how its handled. I'm living proof that this is possible, even though I don’t oil my hair daily like I should. :ohwell:

If you don't believe me, check out my photos. They are posted at www.hairoil.com, and my hair is even longer than the last picture displayed--which was taken in 2002. Click on the "Testimonial" and "Before and After" tabs. I'm Barbara from Beverly Hills. :rofl:
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i dont know if i commented in this thread but i have more african features than anything....except my hair.

What is your current length?

scratching APL

How long has it been that length?

just got here

What is the longest length you had as a child?

maybe shoulder

as an adult?

my current APL

What do you contribute to your length/retention?

Hair knowledge. moisture, treating my hair like silk. Talking time to pamper my hair.