Raise your hand if you are 100% black with long hair!

Will people hate me for bumping this? I think there's some good info in this thread.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Honestly, I knew from the OP that the next few pages were going to be the "offended" folk, but I WANNA KNOW TOO! I completely agree that sometimes its a little discouraging to see the progress pics of people who had BSL hair as a kid or is mixed. I completely believe because even within 2 years lots of people have proven its possible, but it does appear that the group of people the OP is talking about is in the minority...even my beloved Traycee said her grandmother is white and while I don't discredit for ONE SINGLE minute her hard work to grow her hair, it did make me wonder if it played a role in how quickly she was able to reach her goal.

What is your current length? just above bra strap (see siggy)
How long has it been that length? since last week! literally....:lachen:
What is the longest length you had as a child? SL
as an adult? APL (before now) and that was only after buying Cathy Howse's book and moisturizers before I found any hair forum.
What do you contribute to your length/retention? Ingredient knowledge, which I don't believe has been said to find quality products. I could have the same regimen with petroleum and mineral oil based products and I don't believe I would've been successful.

ETA: I'm am 100% - I've heard "rumors" of white ancestors but I aint seen em, ain't met em, can't call no names or their relationship. Both sets of grandparents are black. I'm light skinned but I have straight 4b hair, not even any 4a. So I qualify!!!
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I can't respond to the post either, I'm half Nigerian and half American and the American side of my family is black with some Taiwanese from my great-great Grandmother. Oh well.:perplexed

I just wanted to say that not all Africans are 4b, and by Africans I do mean Africans. And since most (somewhere around or more than 80%) African Americans have some European ancestry as a result of slavery... its not like they're 100% anything. Hair isn't directly correlated with skin color. There are white folks walking around with hair we could classify as 4b and coarse. There are "mixed" people with nappier hair than those who claim they are 100% black. I don't think its fair to use "race" as a determining factor when clearly a lot of people can be more than half white and still have that kind of hair. Its about genetics. There are black children (and dark ones) walking around with blue eyes because their great-great-great-great grandfater was white and their great grandmomma was half or something. There are white people popping up "nappy" hair who find out they're not 100% white as well. There is no way to be able to determine someone's hair type based on "race" and there is no way to determine someone's race based on hair type. Nobody really knows exactly what they are these days, especially when not everyone in Africa is 100% anymore either. So why not just ask if any 4bs with coarse hair have maintained length? There are plenty, and it isn't impossible.

BTW: I do get where you were going with the thread and no offense seriously to anyone, I just wanted to point the above out. I do get what kind of hair you're talking about, I just thought it woudl be easier to ask if folks had 4b hair, thats all.

Damn did you even read her first post at the beginning of her thread?

Some people really need to go back to kindergarden....

In addition, just b/c one may consider themselves to have 4b hair doesn't necessarily mean their hair grows as slow as someone with 100% African hair.

I really wish people who don't fall in the category just keep it moving b/c they are ruining the thread for those of us who also had this question and would like to know the answer as well... Sheesh!
100 percent Ghanaian, current lenght is BLS,almost MBL. The longest my hair has ever been in my whole life.
Ahh, I remember this thread. I secretly really liked it. I was really struggling with my hair back then and some of the responses were inspirational (if you could find them digging through the arguments). At the time I was still very skeptical.

I have a great grandfather who was supposedly half native american and he and some of his siblings (they lived to be really old so I actually met them as a child) did have silky looser textured/long hair. But other than that, no mixing that I know of (sooo far back, but I guess that takes me out of the OP's target category still). All of my immediate generations of family tho have 4b hair and NO ONE has been past SL unless they had dredlocks. So it took me a while to believe that our hair type could be long without dreding.

Now that I am natural, letting go of heat, and wearing my hair up, my hair is healthy SL and I'm very confident I will be APL this year which will be longer than its ever been in my life.
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I can't respond to the individual questions because I am multicultural ( even though I haven't had long hair all my life) but I can definitely tell you growing my hair has been a journey. But what I want to say is I find people of pure African descent to be very beautiful and exotic each in their own way. I had to say that because I always get asked what I am and when I say "Black" I get the "what are you mixed with?" I love how God created me but it is frustrating having to go down the list. And then i feel like if I say what I am then I'm people will feel like I am trying rub it in... :ohwell: I feel in a lot of ways, pure African women are overlooked and their beauty not appreciated. I have friends who have expressed not wanting to go out with me because of how they feel they are treated. I generally try to steer clear of discussions such as these but I felt a need to say this. I hope it's taken in the spirit in which it was intended and that I didn't offend anyone.
Me! And you know my story. I've never been this long. Don't know of anyone in both sides of my family who have either. We're black for as far back as I know. Longest I've ever been was barely apl...and scraggley at that. I'm newly long-haired and attribute that to my hhj and healthy hair practices.
Right Here!

What is your current length? Just touching BSL
How long has it been that length? hmm... I had to cut off about an inch and a half of 2 months ago or so due to protein overload, so maybe since January/Feb?
What is the longest length you had as a child? Barely touching shoulder length
as an adult? Right now
What do you contribute to your length/retention? Reading LHCF, not overlapping my relaxers, DCing regularly and no direct heat.
Ahh, I remember this thread. I secretly really liked it. I was really struggling with my hair back then and some of the responses were inspirational (if you could find them digging through the arguments). At the time I was still very skeptical.

I have a great grandfather who was supposedly half native american and he and some of his siblings (they lived to be really old so I actually met them as a child) did have silky looser textured/long hair. But other than that, no mixing that I know of (sooo far back, but I guess that takes me out of the OP's target category still). All of my immediate generations of family tho have 4b hair and NO ONE has been past SL unless they had dredlocks. So it took me a while to believe that our hair type could be long without dreding.

Now that I am natural, letting go of heat, and wearing my hair up, my hair is healthy SL and I'm very confident I will be APL this year which will be longer than its ever been in my life.

I so agree with the bolded.
Ok I has a confused so please don't stone me LOL. I know the long hair as a child part excludes me, but all 4 of my grandparents had a biracial grandparent, would you still consider that as mixed?
threads like this is the reason i don't get how having a race sub-forum would be helpful. a simple question about hair or some other topic will become a "race" thread.

To answer the OP: I consider myself 100% black. Technically I am mixed...with black and blacker :look: I'm from Jamaica so British, Spanish or even German mixture back down the line is to be expected.

HOWEVER, i technically don't qualify because i had longish hair as a child (about APL).

I will say it took me a good 5 years as a natural to get past SL and that was due to information.

1. Low manipulation
2. moisture, moisture, moisture
3. detangling hair only when damp and loaded with conditioner
4 protective styles

I retained 5 inches the first year after find LHCF :yep: I'm half way through my second year and so far have gone from SL to BSL. I should be MBL by my 2 year healthy hair anniversary.
Ok I has a confused so please don't stone me LOL. I know the long hair as a child part excludes me, but all 4 of my grandparents had a biracial grandparent, would you still consider that as mixed?

Not you, not your parents, not their parents, not their parents, but your great great grandparents....

I'm certainly no expert but...well..

LOL! I didn't think so either but everyone has different opinions on it which is why I asked.

:look:I asked a couple people before I made up my mind...

"Whachu think Wayne?"


"Snoop, What say you?"


"Afro Man...?"

:grin:Just messing with you. I'm a little Gif-happy on a Saturday afternoon.
I'm raising my hand loud and clear although I'm barely grazing apl...
Although I was born in Toronto, both my parents are Ghanaian! So i am a proud African! Where my Ghanaians at?!?!:grin:

I totally understand where the OP is coming from, and thank you for creating this thread. This thread is for a specific group of women, who have been told and face the stereotype, of having hair that cannot grow DUE to the lack of "mixed blood" in their genes, NOT only due to the texture of their hair. (all the 4's a,b,c in the world...)
I have been natural for 2 years, (big chopped to an inch) and I can assure you, full african genes are a blessing, just as much as any other genetic mixture of hair. I have extremely dense thick coilly hair, that grows, without propper diet or vitamins. I never had long hair as a child, as my mom relaxed at the age of 4, due to a lack of knowledge. The reason I have been able to retain length, is by learning how to properly take care of my hair, and most of all going natural, letting go of that crap that doesn't agree with my hair!...to all my sistas out there..with african or african american genes...its time we let go of the stereotype...we've seen enough testimony...our genes are beautiful..lets embrace them :)

P.S...Just the other day I was trying to encourage one my friends to continue on her natural hair journey, as she is a new natural fighting with frustrations of learning her natural texture and regimen, she told me she showed a stylist at a NATURAL HAIR SALON a pic of my hair..:blush:...and the stylist totally dissmissed that I am full Ghanaian or west african!?!? wtf? Claiming I must be mixed with something?!This just proves that the stereotype does exist because my friend came back to me questioning if I'm really full african...:nono:..this has got to stop!...our people need to know ALLL hair grows, and has the potential to be long!...and yes my hair will be long in accordance with this boards standards within the next year or two.:grin:..*fingers crossed*

Happy growing ladies.:drunk:
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My hair doesn't really qualify as long by lhcf standards but I want to play anyway.

What is your current length? Somewhere b/w APL and BSL
How long has it been that length? IDK a month or two
What is the longest length you had as a child? As a child SL/CBL
as an adult? As an adult this is the longest my hair has ever been.
What do you contribute to your length/retention? Finding a good conditioner with lots of slip, moisturizing, and limiting my use of direct heat. I have also become MUCH more gentle with hair, I use to literally rip hair out of my head detangling.
Damn did you even read her first post at the beginning of her thread?

Some people really need to go back to kindergarden....

In addition, just b/c one may consider themselves to have 4b hair doesn't necessarily mean their hair grows as slow as someone with 100% African hair.

I really wish people who don't fall in the category just keep it moving b/c they are ruining the thread for those of us who also had this question and would like to know the answer as well... Sheesh!

Le Papillon And just because someone is 100% African doesn't necessarily mean that they have 4b hair or slow growing hair. While we're clearing up stereotypes and all. :ohwell:
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Le Papillon And just because someone is 100% African doesn't necessarily mean that they have 4b hair or slow growing hair. While we're clearing up stereotypes and all. :ohwell:

Basically. I'm Senegalese and as close to 100% black as anyone can be and my hair does not grow slowly.

I can't answer these questions because I spent most of my life with apl hair or longer. Let me finish reading this thread.
Drama, drama, drama! This thread is old! lol!

I'm African....Nigerian, Yoruba ethnic group/tribe! Born and raised until 13, came to UK, struggled with the weather and my hair for years!

What is your current length? Waist length in a V shape! longest at nape!

How long has it been that length? 1 month!

What is the longest length you had as a child? SL - seriously!

as an adult? Now WL! Trying for TBL!

What do you contribute to your length/retention?

Information is power. God lead me to LHCF and other online hair websites.
Co-washing and DCing to increase the moisture in my hair. :lick:
Protein DCing and leave-ins whilst transitioning now!
Whilst still relaxing my hair, stretching for 10 weeks to 4 months helped alot!
Wonderful hair buddies online!

I'm so confused :lachen:

If someone talks about how they are mixed with Indian or something you get a 200 page thread about how most folks aren't mixed, etc. etc. and those who say they are probably aren't, etc. etc.

But when someone says where are the 100% black ladies at....the whole first page is folks giving her a hard time?

I just want somebody to answer the question. :lachen:

Thank you ladies on the second page for answer the questions. :grin:

i know, right? black folks are so mixed up. :spinning:
Lmao I love reading old threads. This thread is hilarious plus some good informative responses. I think the responses are so typical"I'm 2% Native American and .00001% Polish and this thread is offensive, I'm mixed and should be included!" Then you have biracial women offended that people don't live by the racist one drop rule which insinuates black blood is tainted and in usual fashion of their white side try to call out "reverse racism" lmaoooo. Glad people still responded properly with all the foolishness thrown in.

Off to the next old thread...
Raises hand! I'm very light, not white. 100% Black with long hair! I started my hair journey here in 2008 with shoulder length hair, at that time I had no clue going natural I could grow my hair near my waist! I read the boards and saw other Black women growing there hair and then a woman who wears her hair natural challenged me to stop putting relaxers in for six months so I did. I haven't wore a relaxer since 08 and now I am soo happy that I KNOW Black woman CAN GROW THEIR HAIR LONG!!!! I love this group!!!