Raise your hand if you are 100% black with long hair!

i don't get EITHER of your logic. . .
1) and this WASN'T controversial??? By the end of the first page, people were already addressing her definition of "100% black". . . then it turned to hinting that she was ignorant or that her post made no sense, and that it's wrong that this one was left alone & the mixed thread was closed. . .so that wasn't the reason.

2)name calling is definitely not the only way a post could get negative fast. . . I didn't read the other post, I probably wasn't even around when that one was made. . . you are asking about the turn that this post took, when this post is still available for u to read. they did jump down the girl's throat, so again, that isn't the reason either. as far as them "knowing better", let's not take it so literally. . . maybe they saw the disgust that closing the other thread generated so they wanted to avoid all of that and just let the thread run its course. . . and no need to be suprised, it is still going on because folks are still posting in it, plain and simple. majority of the posts have nothing to do with the topic, more with agreeing/disagreeing/co-signin/etc with something about the words she chose or her definition or why the post is still in existence or what makes someone 100% black or that no one is 100% black. . . etc. ALL of which has been posted before, so if folks have a problem with the post, stop feeding into it, and let it die (which is what I said initially)

Clearly this is true...so you are free to believe whatever you please. I will believe whatever I please and state whatever I feel to about it.
I too agree that people are not reading the WHOLE post or even the ORIGINAL post fully before responding. Since my lurking days, I have felt that LHCF was an extremely positive forum filled with women determined to: 1)grow their hair past stereotyped lengths 2) learn and practice healthy hair care 3) help each other with experiments as we hypothesized about what would help with hair growth and hair retention & 4) provide support and encouragement to all.

I still think that for the most part that these intentions have not changed. However, as a group our knowledge of hair care has evolved markedly, and that has left room to explore some of our other issues. We must take care to post some of these issues in the off topic forum.

I do not think the op's post was offensive in the least, nor do I think it was out of place, nor personally exclusionary. I think that everyone who took the time to read what she had to say would understand her point was to know if people who were very predominantly black blooded had the capability to grow hair to phenomenal lengths. There is nothing wrong with that. Why? Cuz it's not advertised anywhere, not in magazines, not on televsion; nowhere. Whereas the world in general holds the false stereotype that the less black you are, the better chance you will have of growing and retaining length. Therefore, the op raises an important and valid question.

The op's post should have provided insight and inspiration, but instead people quickly forgot the op's original point.

Ladies, although we have come a long way in our quest for long hair, there is still more work to do. Let's keep providing positiveness and respect to our posts so that we can truly revolutionize the way our hair is cared for and respected, and so that everyone can attain their hair dreams and goals. :yep:


P.S. I love that the LHCF group IS made up of all kinds of nationalities, ethnicities, and mixtures. Love and respect yourself first and love & respect for others and from others will follow.
I apologize if anyone is offended by this, but I believe that whoever got offended at this thread is reaching and is way too sensitive. Come on now, how different is the OT than anyone else who started a thread asking a question of natural ladies, relaxed ladies, 3Cs, texlaxed people, etc. Get over yourself, it's not THAT serious. No one can make you feel bad about yourself/heritage without your consent. I'm not 100%, by her the standards that the OP set- and I'm totally fine with that, at the end of the day, I love myself. The OP wanted to know the answer from a specific group of women, what's wrong with that? This thread was taken WAY out of context. Eveything is not for everyone all the time... it's called life people.
I think that everyone who took the time to read what she had to say would understand her point was to know if people who were very predominantly black blooded had the capability to grow hair to phenomenal lengths. There is nothing wrong with that. Why? Cuz it's not advertised anywhere, not in magazines, not on televsion; nowhere. Whereas the world in general holds the false stereotype that the less black you are, the better chance you will have of growing and retaining length. Therefore, the op raises an important and valid question.

Exactly. Keep in mind that the poster is also American on an American board. So the term 100% black may have a different meaning for people who are not from the States.

Like someone can say, "I'm Carib or I'm Jamaican", Black people of African descent in this country can't get that specific. So Black really is our nationality, Black American or African American.

So she knew what she was saying when she said, 100% black. She meant 100% Black American, that's all!
I feel you on this. I find that I am less interested in progress pics from those that have hair types that are different than mine.

People like to say that all hair grows at the same rate, blah blah blah. I don't think that is true. Even though he is not mixed (all white) my BF's hair grows sooooo fast. I mean I can cut it and it is back in no time. Even here at work, I have 2 co-workers one white and one Asian. Both got short hair cuts. It took them NO TIME to grow their hair back and it was simple and easy for them - no protective styles, pre-poos, growth aids and other things.

You cannot tell me there is no difference.

Edited to add:
I am mad that this thread has almost 12,000 hits. :lachen:

Girlllllllll you hit the nail right on its head. Those has always been my sentiments.
I always wondered why caucasin , indian and asian women can grow their hair effortlessy without all the effort we have to put into our. I understand that our hair is differrent and require more effort to be healthy and hence grow and that is why I totally understand the reason for the original post. I too would like to know how people with hair like mines(4b, 4c) grow healthy strong hair.
I too agree that people are not reading the WHOLE post or even the ORIGINAL post fully before responding. Since my lurking days, I have felt that LHCF was an extremely positive forum filled with women determined to: 1)grow their hair past stereotyped lengths 2) learn and practice healthy hair care 3) help each other with experiments as we hypothesized about what would help with hair growth and hair retention & 4) provide support and encouragement to all.

I still think that for the most part that these intentions have not changed. However, as a group our knowledge of hair care has evolved markedly, and that has left room to explore some of our other issues. We must take care to post some of these issues in the off topic forum.

I do not think the op's post was offensive in the least, nor do I think it was out of place, nor personally exclusionary. I think that everyone who took the time to read what she had to say would understand her point was to know if people who were very predominantly black blooded had the capability to grow hair to phenomenal lengths. There is nothing wrong with that. Why? Cuz it's not advertised anywhere, not in magazines, not on televsion; nowhere. Whereas the world in general holds the false stereotype that the less black you are, the better chance you will have of growing and retaining length. Therefore, the op raises an important and valid question.

The op's post should have provided insight and inspiration, but instead people quickly forgot the op's original point.

Ladies, although we have come a long way in our quest for long hair, there is still more work to do. Let's keep providing positiveness and respect to our posts so that we can truly revolutionize the way our hair is cared for and respected, and so that everyone can attain their hair dreams and goals. :yep:


P.S. I love that the LHCF group IS made up of all kinds of nationalities, ethnicities, and mixtures. Love and respect yourself first and love & respect for others and from others will follow.

Excellent post!!
I am 100% black (parents from Nigeria, every other relative also Nigerian).
I think the OP has raised an excellent thread/ topic for discussion. I know where i'm from, people believe you can only have very long hair as a black person if you have some mixed heritage. Hells when i went to Nigeria on holiday in august, i was told that my shoulder length hair must be because i now 'eat the same food as white people' and that "white people's weather must really grow hair cos when you were in Nigeria, your hair was very short"
When i first saw this site and the gorgeous heads of hair here, i thought, no way on earth are they 100% black...no real black woman can have hair like that and i was going to admire and keep it moving...but i saw a member on here with Strong African features that had some swanging nearly APl length hair....that member, of all the tail bone length, BSL length hairs on here, made me join up instantly... she was the one that inspired me. I was totally bug eyed at her hair

Now i shall stop digressing. My hair is about APL now. It needs a trim and a relaxer badly so i wont claim APL just yet. My hair has Never been this length in my life. Its never even been shoulder length before...as a child i had a pony that was as long as half my middle finger and as an adult my hair at its longest was at my butt:rolleyes:
(......what?? Bought hair don't classify:blush:? Shucks...)
Alrighty then it was longest at chin length as an adult.:look:

Girls pls stop being hard on OP...people that are of 100% black heritage can feel exactly what she's saying and deep down many of you black (mixed or not)sister know exactly what she means too.
I apologize if anyone is offended by this, but I believe that whoever got offended at this thread is reaching and is way too sensitive. Come on now, how different is the OT than anyone else who started a thread asking a question of natural ladies, relaxed ladies, 3Cs, texlaxed people, etc. Get over yourself, it's not THAT serious. No one can make you feel bad about yourself/heritage without your consent. I'm not 100%, by her the standards that the OP set- and I'm totally fine with that, at the end of the day, I love myself. The OP wanted to know the answer from a specific group of women, what's wrong with that? This thread was taken WAY out of context. Eveything is not for everyone all the time... it's called life people.

Who is offended by this thread? The issue is with this thread being fine and other threads for other people not being fine - at least IMO. I agree that some people need to get over themselves. If there is nothing wrong with a 100% black thread, then there is nothing wrong with a mixed thread either. Love yourself without the mere existence of other people and their experience being a problem.
I think that everyone who took the time to read what she had to say would understand her point was to know if people who were very predominantly black blooded had the capability to grow hair to phenomenal lengths. There is nothing wrong with that. Why? Cuz it's not advertised anywhere, not in magazines, not on televsion; nowhere. Whereas the world in general holds the false stereotype that the less black you are, the better chance you will have of growing and retaining length. Therefore, the op raises an important and valid question.

Exactly. Keep in mind that the poster is also American on an American board. So the term 100% black may have a different meaning for people who are not from the States.

Like someone can say, "I'm Carib or I'm Jamaican", Black people of African descent in this country can't get that specific. So Black really is our nationality, Black American or African American.

So she knew what she was saying when she said, 100% black. She meant 100% Black American, that's all!

That's fine for her to make this thread. However, that isn't the whole issue. But responding to your comments, I'm an American and on an supposedly American board. I was born right here in the U.S. to Caribbean parents. Everyone who is American does not have the same experience either. But either way, I really don't see why that would have much to do with anything. Her post did not specific nationality...
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Girlllllllll you hit the nail right on its head. Those has always been my sentiments.
I always wondered why caucasin , indian and asian women can grow their hair effortlessy without all the effort we have to put into our. I understand that our hair is differrent and require more effort to be healthy and hence grow and that is why I totally understand the reason for the original post. I too would like to know how people with hair like mines(4b, 4c) grow healthy strong hair.

Not only them, but our own Black men! I mean they can do pretty much nothing to their hair but put a braid in it and next thing I know, then got full SL hair that's pushing APL :blush:

Now I like to know why is it that our own brothas can get longer hair than us :lol:
That's fine for her to make this thread. However, that isn't the whole issue. But responding to your comments, I'm an American and on an supposedly American board. I was born right here in the U.S. to Caribbean parents. Everyone who is American does not have the same experience either. But either way, I really don't see why that would have much to do with anything. Her post did not specific nationality...

Girl will you leave this alone? You the only one that seems really uptight about this.

If you want a mixed thread, then re-start one.
Girl will you leave this alone? You the only one that seems really uptight about this.

If you want a mixed thread, then re-start one.

Why? I feel like addressing it...it's just not about wanting/not wanting a mixed thread, but rather the double standards. It's funny how people will want to ignore certain issues, but then want others to understand and be sensitive to their issues... *smh*
Not only them, but our own Black men! I mean they can do pretty much nothing to their hair but put a braid in it and next thing I know, then got full SL hair that's pushing APL :blush:

Now I like to know why is it that our own brothas can get longer hair than us :lol:

I don't belong in this thread, but I wanted to answer this question... :)

The reason their hair grows is BECAUSE they do next to nothing to their hair and just put it in a braid.

It's called low manipulation :yep: and if all of us did it (that's basically how I take care of my hair) we would all have long and healthy hair.

If people stopped relaxing, coloring, spraying, spritzing, puffing, combing, brushing, pulling, heat styling etc their hair would grow a lot more quickly.

I'm done...just feeling mischievous for awhile there!

Lol huggles are infectious aren't they?

I agree with Flowerhair though I believe lo-mani plus a healthy reggie is key for retaining length and the major difference between our hair and theirs:yep:

It soooooo is.....

I think I need to repeat this though this will be for the LAST TIME.

I created this thread to find women similar to me. POINT BLANK AND SIMPLE. Will that exclude some people? OF COURSE! Everyone is not like me! How ridiculous is it, even for political fairness, to assume that everyone in here is going to have the same heritage/background. We don't. Of course this doesn't mean that women who are mixed don't struggle with growing their hair too. I’m sure they do. That's just not the criteria I fall into or what I was looking for in creating this thread. I know my own struggles over the years. I know how I grew up and how MY hair was. I find it quite troublesome that anyone would be offended because I want to find women who are like me. Does that mean someone can’t ask for women who “have long hair and live in Atlanta??” because that’s where they live? :ohwell: I didn't say "You are 100% AA if"... I said I was looking for those who were 100% AA but if you had x,y,z you're excluded from MY ciriteria. Get it??? I’m not challenging your “blackness”. I HAD to exclude what did not pertain to me. This has nothing to do with stereotypes, so please, LET IT GO! If my mom were mixed, my question would have been no different except I would have included that in my asking criteria. Please don’t turn this into a “black vs. mixed” thread. That has no place here.

So am I encouraged by a white woman growing 2 feet of hair in a year? NO. Am I encouraged by someone who is Black and whose parents and grandparents are black who grows 2 feet of hair in 4 years? YES! Why? Because she is like me!!!! No matter what other factors contribute to that hair growth, I will ALWAYS be encouraged by someone who's similar to me growing long hair. Period. I know that my locks are cared for and loved-for the past 5 years-, so that goes unspoken. I also know that NO black girl I’ve ever met has ever told me “I mistreat my hair” and it’s long. So for me, I don’t need to ask that. It goes without saying. If you assume otherwise well…you know what they say about ASSume. Though I’m encouraged by any black woman who grows their hair long, there is something extra special when that person is like you. Because you can see yourself in that person-or at least I can. Why did all AA women rejoice when HalleBerry won an oscar? Why are most black people excited at the prospect that Obama may become president? Why do you think people look for their “hair twin” or someone with their “hair type”? So they can be hopeful as well as be encouraged because that person is LIKE THEM. If this thread doesn’t encourage you well….there are a million and one other threads on this forum. I’m sure you can find one to give you the encouragement you need. This ones mine.


Very very very well said OP. I feel what your sayin 100% percent on this and I understood the original question. I am just as curious to know since I FIT THE CRITERIA! (Nigerian and Liberian)
I apologize if anyone is offended by this, but I believe that whoever got offended at this thread is reaching and is way too sensitive. Come on now, how different is the OT than anyone else who started a thread asking a question of natural ladies, relaxed ladies, 3Cs, texlaxed people, etc. Get over yourself, it's not THAT serious. No one can make you feel bad about yourself/heritage without your consent. I'm not 100%, by her the standards that the OP set- and I'm totally fine with that, at the end of the day, I love myself. The OP wanted to know the answer from a specific group of women, what's wrong with that? This thread was taken WAY out of context. Eveything is not for everyone all the time... it's called life people.

said beautifully and I'm madd that til this day, her original question has been rarely answered. I don't have long hair so... :lachen:
I don't belong in this thread, but I wanted to answer this question... :)

The reason their hair grows is BECAUSE they do next to nothing to their hair and just put it in a braid.

It's called low manipulation :yep: and if all of us did it (that's basically how I take care of my hair) we would all have long and healthy hair.

If people stopped relaxing, coloring, spraying, spritzing, puffing, combing, brushing, pulling, heat styling etc their hair would grow a lot more quickly.
Very good points. :yep:
You may get more responses if you categorized this by hair type instead. So maybe those who are 4a and/or 4b. I also think if you do a search you will find some threads about 4b's with long hair.
And there are a whole lot of threads on here about that. There is a waist length 4a/4b thread.
I don't belong in this thread, but I wanted to answer this question... :)

The reason their hair grows is BECAUSE they do next to nothing to their hair and just put it in a braid.

It's called low manipulation :yep: and if all of us did it (that's basically how I take care of my hair) we would all have long and healthy hair.

If people stopped relaxing, coloring, spraying, spritzing, puffing, combing, brushing, pulling, heat styling etc their hair would grow a lot more quickly.
Is it possible that people with looser hair types retain more length because:
a) their hair is less curly and less fragile by nature than 4a/b hair
b) their hair is "oilier" by nature than 4ab hair?

Isn't it a fact that the more textured your hair the more fragile it is? (ie less cuticle layers, harder for natural oils to reach down shaft?) Isn't that why white people after two days of not washing their hair gets greasy, LITERALLY:rolleyes:. I think we need to keep it real. Our hair is different, point blank, end of story. Its more fragile and much drier, which works against us for retention of growth. Do, I believe that 4ab women can have apl, bsl, wl hair? Of course! Will it be easy :nono:. Do i think someone with 3a hair will get there before me? Prally. Is her hair better than mine:nono:.

Its unfortunate that this thread has gotten so out of hand. Let's call a spade a spade.Although many of us don;t fit the criteria, myself included, I don't think the OP was trying to undermine anyones "blackness".
Is it possible that people with looser hair types retain more length because:
a) their hair is less curly and less fragile by nature than 4a/b hair
b) their hair is "oilier" by nature than 4ab hair?

Isn't it a fact that the more textured your hair the more fragile it is? (ie less cuticle layers, harder for natural oils to reach down shaft?) Isn't that why white people after two days of not washing their hair gets greasy, LITERALLY:rolleyes:. I think we need to keep it real. Our hair is different, point blank, end of story. Its more fragile and much drier, which works against us for retention of growth. Do, I believe that 4ab women can have apl, bsl, wl hair? Of course! Will it be easy :nono:. Do i think someone with 3a hair will get there before me? Prally. Is her hair better than mine:nono:.

i agree. and i'm glad u pointed out the reason why.

Its unfortunate that this thread has gotten so out of hand. Let's call a spade a spade.Although many of us don;t fit the criteria, myself included, I don't think the OP was trying to undermine anyones "blackness".

i agree! its clear folks are very prideful of their heritage, but i also think that same pride got in the way in this thread and allowed people to misconstrue the intentions of the OP's initial question.
Who is offended by this thread? The issue is with this thread being fine and other threads for other people not being fine - at least IMO. I agree that some people need to get over themselves. If there is nothing wrong with a 100% black thread, then there is nothing wrong with a mixed thread either. Love yourself without the mere existence of other people and their experience being a problem.
You missed my point. I never addressed the fact that other threads got shut down, I was not a witness to that- maybe I haven't been here long enough or just didn't go into that thread. However, I did see posts from people, within this thread, that are expressing that they are offended. There is no reason to be offended. This is a VERY good thread. I applaud the OP for being bold enough to post such a thread because she shouldn't have to think twice about posting a question to people who are like her for fear of backlash from those who are not like her. She's not personally attacking anyone.
said beautifully and I'm madd that til this day, her original question has been rarely answered. I don't have long hair so... :lachen:
I know right!! Now if this was a thread asking 4A and 4Bs a question, the questions would have been answered and this thread would be like 9 pages back by now and not STILL on the front page of the threads. This should not be such a hot topic.:look:
You missed my point. I never addressed the fact that other threads got shut down, I was not a witness to that- maybe I haven't been here long enough or just didn't go into that thread. However, I did see posts from people, within this thread, that are expressing that they are offended. There is no reason to be offended. This is a VERY good thread. I applaud the OP for being bold enough to post such a thread because she shouldn't have to think twice about posting a question to people who are like her for fear of backlash from those who are not like her. She's not personally attacking anyone.

Who has an issue with the OP or this thread itself?
The way I see this thread IMO:

1. The OP had a legitimate reason to ask this question although I don't agree with everything used to classify.

2. It seems some mixed women have come in the thread and complained that the thread makes them feel like mixed women??

Although most agree that only a small minority of this website are 100% Black there is a reason why the OP IMO had to use that description. This thread says more about the US classification system more than anything, I know for fact if this was posted on a UK board no one would have a problem. There wouldnt even need to be a description of what the OP meant.
Anyways, I think if people who thought the thread was only there to divide sat back and let the "100%" Black women with long ass hair feel ok to answer the myth would be dispelled, as it is looking at the lack of real responses its not really debunking it.
Who has an issue with the OP or this thread itself?
If you wish to go back and real all 7 pages of this thread to find out who said that they felt like this thread makes them feel bad and stuff like that, be my guest. I'm not reading through all those pages to give you names though, sorry:grin:
Some suggest she should have posed the question of 4a/4b hair instead of 100% black. So is it inferred that if you are 100% black you have either 4a/4b hair? Furthermore, if the OP would have replied in the 4a/4b thread how many of you ladies are “100% black” would that had been ok? I thought the argument was one’s blackness had no bearing on hair type? Conpuzzling..
My hair is 4a/b and when I take my braids out in May I'll let you guys know. Before the braids my hair was on my collarbone, I don't know if you guys would consider that long but it's average. I guess long would be armpit length and below.
Is it possible that people with looser hair types retain more length because:
a) their hair is less curly and less fragile by nature than 4a/b hair
b) their hair is "oilier" by nature than 4ab hair?

Isn't it a fact that the more textured your hair the more fragile it is? (ie less cuticle layers, harder for natural oils to reach down shaft?) Isn't that why white people after two days of not washing their hair gets greasy, LITERALLY:rolleyes:. I think we need to keep it real. Our hair is different, point blank, end of story. Its more fragile and much drier, which works against us for retention of growth. Do, I believe that 4ab women can have apl, bsl, wl hair? Of course! Will it be easy :nono:. Do i think someone with 3a hair will get there before me? Prally. Is her hair better than mine:nono:.

Its unfortunate that this thread has gotten so out of hand. Let's call a spade a spade.Although many of us don;t fit the criteria, myself included, I don't think the OP was trying to undermine anyones "blackness".

I wasn't talking about hair types :huh:
I was just answering a question about why men's hair grow better than many women's hair...
sorry if you thought it was something else :)