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the big deal it that these women are being exploited and paid next to nothing by billion dollar corporation who in turn sell the hair to black women who are buying it trying to have hair so they can fit in to white culture. I know this is something we don't want to face, I understand the need for weave, I wore it once. it's very powerful to be able to have the hair God didn't give you in birth. However, it's not all ok just because they can regrow their hair. The point of her post was that women of color are being exploited for profit and lies are being told to cover it up. It's not true that Indian women sacrifice their hair at their weddings. This is not a harmless practice where Indian women are willingly supplying their hair to feel a need. I'm just saying some, if not most of us are walking around with the hair of women who were in miserable situations when the had their hair cut. And yes, i see the other side because I live the other side. I have scarring alopecia on my scalp and while I have had some success at regrowing my hair, the fact is that one day, I may have to go back to the weave and the wigs. I already know that I will do this if I have to but I don't feel good about it. It kinda makes my heart heavy knowing some woman had to give up a source of her power so I can obtain some power for myself (cause hair is power for women, let's be real) And if I wear someone else's hair on my head, I am going to know where and how it got to me. So I'm not going to sit here and pretend like "we need to just stop wearing weave" no I understand the reality of WHY we wear it but we should know the reality of why and how they obtain it. But I do see your side of it too. In the end, there are millions of women on this planet who are desperate and poor and don't have hair that can be used as a source of money. But poor and desperate is still poor and desperate, no matter what hair you have on your head.
It's not that I just don't want to face it. Why would I care if I decided that it was wrong to wear false hair? I have my own hair.,,1805462,00.html
Honestly, I'm glad that I have more info on the subject now. However, I think that it would've been more helpful if some of you guys just filled in the missing links that the article did not state.