Well-Known Member
The only way to stop the idea that only black people who are of mixed descent can have long hair or if you are mixed all the credit for your healthy mane should go to your heritage is to just keep teaching people who are willing to learn the right way to do their hair. Eventually, the more black women who grow healthy heads of hair, the faster race will become a non-factor in the speed of growth and amount of retention.
You don't ever see spanish, asian, middle eastern, or caucasian women saying "Oh that grl has long healthy hair because she's mixed with blahblahblah." If a white girl has chewed up hair, we say she has bad hair practices, but if a black girl has the same type of hair it's because she's a "normal" black person? That doesn't even make sense.
So keep spreading knowledge to all who will listen, ladies. When the ratio of women with unhealthy hair to women with long hair fluctuates in our favor, all these non-believers will finally give credit where credit is due. When Jillian says to Jackie on YouTube that her hair is only long because she's mixed, she'll see her sister who she knows is all black start taking jackie's advice and getting long hair too. So now what's Jillian's excuse?
Keep it growing, ladies.
I find this funny, if my sister and I see a woman of any race with beautiful healthy thick hair, we assume she has black in her family at some point.