"Protective Stylin" for the last 3 months CHALLENGE!

I am still going. I have cornrows bc I got the wrong hair for kinky twist. The hair is so cute though I am thinking about going braids instead. I really like that afro kinky weave so I may do that next.
Quick Question:

Okay, I know that certain styles are considered protective, but is there some definition? For instance, I know that a bun is a protective style. I assume it is because there is little manipulation over time and that your hair is up. However, is there a list of protective styles or just certain criteria that the style has to meet?

I am bunning currently, but I can see myself getting very bored with this before December. I am not into wigs and weaves because I will scratch my scalp off, but there has to be some other things I can do with my own hair. I miss my twists and curls, but maybe that is considered protective...I just really do not know.

I was wondering the same thing. Does roller sets count? I was thinking of rolling in small rollers and just wearing a curly do with a satin scarf or headband to hid the bushy edges.
My protective style of choice is __weave/braids______
-I will PS for 1, 2 or ALL months- 2 months
-I promise to adhere to the heat rules
-I will update at least once every two weeks.

Just checkin in...I have been rockin my EZ Combs and wearing a bun. So far so good. I take my hair down to oil my scalp with Jojoba and Coconut oil and pin it back up. I used 1 heat pass this weekend. Ciao ladies!

-My protective style of choice is WIGS!
-I will PS for ALL months
-I promise to adhere to the heat rules
-I will update at least once every two weeks.
I'm still bunning.. I am approaching week 4 of my relaxer.. I will bun for the next 4 weeks hopefully and then resort to wigs for the last month or 2 of the challenge when the edges become unbearable to look at..
@mz.new-new: your wig is so darn cute!!
small update on me: I'm still in the same sew-in. i finally got brave enough to wash it, so hurray for that. here's a pic-not a really close one, but you get the idea-it's an angled bob. the hair was regular old cheap BSS brand-i'm a college student on a budget. :sad:
Too fab! Love the cut and the color - suits you well!:yep:
I have been bunning as well for the past few days and then I wrap my hair at nigh because if I don't, my hair will get tangled quickly.
Okay so I am taking a break from putting my twists in. I decided to put these in instead of a weave because I can use more stuff on my hair. I should be set for six weeks with these.
Finally took the braids out! I plan on cowashing with Suave Coconut Conditioner, a protein treatment with aphogee and then a DC under the steamer with Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment. From here on out I will be wiggin it!
Ok my heat pass is over, I just let out my chunky twists and my hair will be in smaller 2 strand twists no later than Friday!! Ohhh December is quickly approaching, yay!
Hello Ladies,
This is my first post, I am new to LHCF, but I have been reading on the board for a while
now. I'd like to just briefly say I am currently transitioning since July of 2008. I have also grown my hair out to its natural state twice in the
last 10 years. I have learned a lot from this board, and I am excited to join in on this challenge!

My protective style of choice is a sew-in.
I will protective style for all 3 months.
I will adhere to the heat rules
I will update every 2 weeks
Hello Ladies,
This is my first post, I am new to LHCF, but I have been reading on the board for a while
now. I'd like to just briefly say I am currently transitioning since July of 2008. I have also grown my hair out to its natural state twice in the
last 10 years. I have learned a lot from this board, and I am excited to join in on this challenge!

My protective style of choice is a sew-in.
I will protective style for all 3 months.
I will adhere to the heat rules
I will update every 2 weeks
Hello and welcome xcellence! :wave:

Please count me in!

My protective style is twists up in a bun
I'm in for protective styling for 3 months
No heat = no problem
I'll try to remember to update every 2 weeks
Too fab! Love the cut and the color - suits you well!:yep:
aw, thanks rosa!! :grin:
random update: i'm going to need to oil my scalp with some castor oil tonight, because the itchies are KILLING me.
amazingly, i'm not even tempted to take it down yet like i usually am with weaves and braids..that's probably because i had to pay for it myself (no parents around) and i'm waiting on my money's worth. :yep:
hello ladies. i am back in twists again. i will take these out and do them over on sunday. i would like to do them over on saturday since i have somewhere to go and dont want to wear old twists(because they are fuzzy already) but i dont know if i will have time.
i have learned that the best product to use for my twists are jan carter twist and lock. i love that stuff. this time i mixed that with ohm sweet hair pudding so that it would have more hold but that just made my twists heavy so next time i wont use the pudding.
Oh yeah :grin:, I am absolutely loving my Good Hair Day pins.............should have gotten these a whole lot sooner but I was just able to find them! I will definitely be cutting back on making my buns with a pony, even if it is with a Goody Ouchless elastic band.

How are you using your pins? I've had them for a while but I'm not sure how to use them. I tried securing a bun with them and it just fell apart when I let go.
How are you using your pins? I've had them for a while but I'm not sure how to use them. I tried securing a bun with them and it just fell apart when I let go.

I typically use no more than 3 pins for my bun. I slightly separate the two prongs(?) by pushing on it and then push one prong/leg through some of the hair at one edge of the bun while the other leg is pushed in the hair under the bun and I usually do this at three locations in a triangular fashion at the edges of my bun...........I don't know if you can visualize that explanation.

Unfortunately I do not have a digital camera at this time or I would have taken step by step photos for you.
I had to take out the pixies after 3 weeks they were driving me wild. My hair was frizzing up all over the place! I don't know how people can have consistently neat pixies for more than 2 weeks! So I made the appointment for my sew in and I'm just going to do it in this messy french braid pigtail thing until then.

Checkin in ladies! :wave: My hair is doing fabulous under my wigs. Currently cowashing my braids underneath every other day and baggying every night. My braids feel sooooo good. So moist and soft.
Checkin' in. Been doing braids and twists for two wks now. prior to that its been buns. Well here are my braids, the front is twisted bangs.

I will be going bk to work so I'm searching for a style that will work. I dont like extensions


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