"Protective Stylin" for the last 3 months CHALLENGE!

Still bunning - wore my hair in a bantu knot-out this weekend. Hope to do a length check this week.
Just installed a new straight weave last night Ima wear this till the end of jan. I will remove it for my length check for the other PS challenges im in for 2010.
I haven't been PSing since I got my trim on the 17th. I've been wearing my hair down. I'll be PSing starting tomorrow until April.
I am still wearing two strand twist and know doing 3 buns. I joined LCHF in Oct/09 this is my new growth and my hair is a little thicker now from my original pics. Thank all of you my LHCF sisters. I will do a blow out at the end of the month to see how thick and the length of my hair.


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so... i've been rockin braidouts for at least a month now. i wasn't able to update as finals week took precedence.

i'm considering straightening my hair for the first time since last december...but i'll probably chicken out since i love the crazy improvement in the health of my hair over the past year. it's thicker - more strands! it's thicker - each strand! the curls are better! and it's longer (made APL twice this year after trims)!

a few weeks ago i realized that my hair and scalp like being cowashed twice a week, and it doesn't like shampoo very often. i need a henna and a long dc right about now though.
It's sort of funny how, when I started this challenge, I intended on being relaxed for the rest of my life. & now, I'm natural, & I don't have any hair to PS lol.
Wow, SBC, you are one gorgeous woman! I'm so happy to hear you are so pleased with your decision to go natural. HHG!!

Hi Everybody!! I almost forgot I'd joined this challenge! I'm sad to say that I've been awful about updating, BUT.. I've been very good about PSing! :yep: So good, in fact that my manager overstepped today and said something cross about my bun. Something about not being used to seeing my head looking this way. I'm like, whatevah... my hair is luxurious; bun and all.

I'll be back after I straighten to post pics. Trying to amp myself to do it tonight but I'm soooo tireddddd
still under my lace front.. will relax over the w/e and start rocking my new lace front or one of my half wigs not sure yet..
I think its been a minute since I updated by I'm still PSing. I bun everyday except the last couple of days I straighten for Christmas and to check the length. I'm so excited! I'm finally APL! I think I'll be PSing all the time now. I'm only a few inches away from BSL.

Thanks OP for starting this challenge.
I think its been a minute since I updated by I'm still PSing. I bun everyday except the last couple of days I straighten for Christmas and to check the length. I'm so excited! I'm finally APL! I think I'll be PSing all the time now. I'm only a few inches away from BSL.

Thanks OP for starting this challenge.

I concur :yep: Thanks so much! This really kept me accountable. I was awful about checking in, though, but I was always PSing!

I did a length check over the weekend so I'll post my pics. It was something, too, because my manager made a really snide comment about how I need to "do something" to my hair. Since I length checked yesterday and was feeling so good about my hair I rolled up in the spot this morning and she didn't have not a ting to say! My hair was too fabulous... she couldn't even muster a compliment. Didn't even speak to me until lunch time and, of course, didn't even mention my hair. :lol:

Ok, so... end of September:

End of December

I had my hair straightened about 2.5 weeks ago and just washed it on Sunday. Here are pics of it straight - the 2nd one is from when I started the challenge and the last is from the most recent straightening.

Doesn't look like much progress :( but I will note that I got a trim and that unlike me, the stylist was determined to get my hair pin straight, which didn't leave me with any texture, hence it not looking as thick as the 2nd pic.

Anyways, I continued to PS while my hair was straight, wearing it in updos using hair sticks. I washed and DCd on Sunday, box-braided my hair and have been wearing a full wig as my PS this week.

I plan on PSing into the new year!:yep:
It was great doing this challenge with you ladies!! im so happy that I finished it :)

I am still weaved up and will PSn it through the first half of 2010!
Here is my picture starting the challenge in Oct


Here is my current picture as of 12/31/09 Sorry, so Big!


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Still PS'ing.. Gonna do so thru 2010.. Its a good look to reach goals. Rocking my Face Farah lacefront for about another 2 weeks or so.. she still looks good, and I just bun her during the week for work.. Look at me even PS'ing my lacefront... Gotta love it, lol
i'm sorry this is late. I've been sick and then I've been busy getting back in the swing with work. I don't have pics to so because I couldn't get a camera like a wanted. But I can honestly say that PSing was the right way to go and from the last 3 months of the year my hair has grown 3 inches which is funny I decided to do the BC a week into starting the challenge. So I'm definitely continuing the PS into the New Year and even when my hair gets back longer. I had a lot of fun. Good luck ladies.