2018 Protective Style Challenge

I tried another flat twizt style today but I'm going to need to practice the zig zag part. I don' like the way it turned out. I will try it again tomorrow.
I didn't try the zig zag style again. I just did a part down the middle and 6 flat twist on each side. I will rock this for March. On wasy day I will try the zig zag part again just to see if I can get it.
  1. What is your current length? Layers Apl to below mbl
  2. What is your end of challenge goal length? Full WL
  3. What styles will you be wearing? Twist
  4. Give a brief synopsis of how you will care for your hair while it is protected. Wash, dc, twist biweekly
  5. Give a brief synopsis of how you will care for your hair between styles. Moisturize and seal twist daily.


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View attachment 426712 I took my Marley twists out about two weeks ago and put in two strand twists . Normally I would take them down and retwist by now. However it’s been really busy . I cowashed my twist yesterday and set them on rollers . Hopefully this will last until I wash next weekend .

This is too cute! What kind of rollers...girl spill the dets, you can’t roll up in here posting pics like this and then just bounce!
This weeks curls held up ok. If I do it again I'll remember to set on soaking wet twists, but I successfully avoided washing my hair until today so :oops: it's time. I intend to put in twists again. However, they won't be as small the time. The current set took entirely too long to take out an detangle.
I took down a set of twists I’d had in for 3 weeks . I didn’t intend to keep them in that long . It’s just been busy . I tried a new protective style with a few flat twists in the front. I have some events this week so I’m hoping to take the back out later this week and turn it into puffs.
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