~~~Pop Your Bra Strap Ladies 2007~~~

Hey Ladies still striving for BSL..lol I have 5 months to go so I am good for now. I was wondering though when you ladies say that you have X inches to go...is there an arbitary way to measure? Are you using the ruler on the hair picture that I see in some fotkis? Or do you adjust it your hair? I have about 18 inches of hair but it doesnt look as long as the girl in the picture. I know I am probably talking in circles but help my clueless self out....
I'm coming along fine. My daughter measured my hair for me and she said I need 3 inches to be brastrap. I hope, hope, hope to be there by June 2007.:)
JustMeSteph said:
Hey Ladies still striving for BSL..lol I have 5 months to go so I am good for now. I was wondering though when you ladies say that you have X inches to go...is there an arbitary way to measure? Are you using the ruler on the hair picture that I see in some fotkis? Or do you adjust it your hair? I have about 18 inches of hair but it doesnt look as long as the girl in the picture. I know I am probably talking in circles but help my clueless self out....

Since everyones body type (long/short waist) and height is different, it is measured on the individual. As long as your bra isn't hicked way up, you are BSL when your hair evenly hits the top of your bra in the back.
Cool ladies I'm so glad that you guys are going to reach your goal!!!!!!!

Come on ladies Pop Ya Brastrap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cat eyes said:
Cool ladies I'm so glad that you guys are going to reach your goal!!!!!!!

Come on ladies Pop Ya Brastrap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OT-your hair is looking good cat eyes but I'm concerned about your ends, they're not snagging on your sweater are they? Please don't be offended I'm just concerned for your ends:p
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Well I'm closer than I thought. I just touched up and dried my hair and I think I may be there (depending on the bra... ha!). I want to take pics but I can't find my dang camera!!!

Edit: I still need a trim though so that will bring me back.
Letitia said:
I am still expecting to reach my goal in May. Right now, I am just not seeing much growth but I know it's because my hair is pretty curly. So I am excited to see the growth at my next touch up.

How is everyone else coming along?

I think I'm coming along fine, but it will be April before I know for certain. That's when I'll take more pics for the Bootcamp challenge. As long as I make it to BSL my Dec. 31, I'll be happy.:woot:
GoldenBreeze said:
I think I'm coming along fine, but it will be April before I know for certain. That's when I'll take more pics for the Bootcamp challenge. As long as I make it to BSL my Dec. 31, I'll be happy.:woot:

You hair is looking good in your avatar! Cant wait to see your results come April!
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Some days I feel closer, and others I feel I'm a mile away..my latest pictures...while they are curled a tad look basically APL. :sigh: I'll get there, I just need not pressure myself with a date and I think I will either wear my hair up or curly so I can't measure the length.

Cat Eyes....are you BSL...you look it to me.
Letitia said:
You hair is looking good in your avatar! Cant wait to see your results come April!

Thanks! Your hair is beautiful, and I love the thickness. Looks like you will be BSL in no time.
senimoni said:
Some days I feel closer, and others I feel I'm a mile away..my latest pictures...while they are curled a tad look basically APL. :sigh: I'll get there, I just need not pressure myself with a date and I think I will either wear my hair up or curly so I can't measure the length.

Cat Eyes....are you BSL...you look it to me.

Try not to stress. Just keep taking care of your hair, and it'll respond.:)
GoldenBreeze said:
Thanks! Your hair is beautiful, and I love the thickness. Looks like you will be BSL in no time.

Thanks. I am really looking forward to it!
senimoni said:
Some days I feel closer, and others I feel I'm a mile away..my latest pictures...while they are curled a tad look basically APL. :sigh: I'll get there, I just need not pressure myself with a date and I think I will either wear my hair up or curly so I can't measure the length.

Cat Eyes....are you BSL...you look it to me.

I am right there with you on this one. (but i have a goal date. giggles)
You know what... I want in on this too. So what if it's not yet APL and I'm getting a trim next weekend. WHO CARES?! I'll make BSL by 12/31/07 any daggone way.
Letitia said:
I am still expecting to reach my goal in May. Right now, I am just not seeing much growth but I know it's because my hair is pretty curly. So I am excited to see the growth at my next touch up.

How is everyone else coming along?

Now that I am thisclose to APL, I am hoping I make it by December.
cat eyes said:
Cool ladies I'm so glad that you guys are going to reach your goal!!!!!!!

Come on ladies Pop Ya Brastrap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you ma I swear I need to take pictures b/c I am not growing as fast as you other ladies...:perplexed
GoldenBreeze said:
Since everyones body type (long/short waist) and height is different, it is measured on the individual. As long as your bra isn't hicked way up, you are BSL when your hair evenly hits the top of your bra in the back.
ok I just wanted to be able to join in the "inches" conversation.
I'm still hanging in there. Trying to reach bsl by the summer(earliest). I have been bunning on a daily basis and stretching my touch ups. My camera is acting up so I haven't been able to put update photos in my fotki album. I'm going to have to buy me another didgital camera.
hondahoney007 said:
I'm still hanging in there. Trying to reach bsl by the summer(earliest). I have been bunning on a daily basis and stretching my touch ups. My camera is acting up so I haven't been able to put update photos in my fotki album. I'm going to have to buy me another didgital camera.

Don't worry, because we are only required to update pics. at the end of each session. If you want to update more often, then I'm certain it's no problem though.

ETA: Shucks, got my challenges mixed up. Never mind. :D
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Did not even realized I qualified until January when I tried to stretch my hair. Right now it is right at the tip of the top of my bra so I am in. I am using my siggy as my point of reference for this year. It has grown since the picture posted in this comparison.
GoldenBreeze said:
Don't worry, because we are only required to update pics. at the end of each session. If you want to update more often, then I'm certain it's no problem though.

ETA: Shucks, got my challenges mixed up. Never mind. :D

Thats ok. Good lookin out.
Pixel Lady said:
May I join this challenge, please?
hey I don't think is a problem but hey I am just past newbie status. Your hair looks like it is already BSL in the avatar. HHG
I still working hard here to be there this year. My hair is currently in cornrows underneath a full wig. When I get in from work I spray on my moisturisers ans leave in conditioner and my oils and i baggy my whole head until the next morning. Hopefully I can retain some length as well as improve the feel of my hair.
Hair Iam said:
All the best ladies ..:) :)

Thanks for dropping by and giving your encouragement Hair Iam. Good luck in your journey to APL. :)

Everything is going well for me. I'm sticking to the BootCamp challenge, and I WILL be BSL before the end of 2007.