OMG, I think I'm falling in love...I thik something is up.

He told you about his girlfriend so he could use it as a reminder later on. If he was really into you and the girlfriend was on her way to the curb, he would not even mention her. He'd be more concerned with making himself single and available for you, not giving you a warning. Take heed!
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This was the cutest story until you said "he has a girlfriend." You should have put that at the top so I could have scrolled past everything else. :p

I'm kidding, but I think you know what to do here. Let go of this guy and open yourself back up to meeting an amazing, single guy!

I'm still working part time at this job that I hate. There is this co-worker that I always assumed that he was a kid. I'm 32 and well I thought he was 17-18. He is actually 23.He is quite slim ( or slender as he prefer to describe himself:look:). He thought I was his age, I'm not. I told him I was older.

During the last few weeks, I have been in a situation where I was able to talk to him more and more. Turns out he recently graduated university, bought a home, revamping it and decorating. He knows how to fix things and build thing.
Then today during the christmas souper we had at work, I discovered that he is a huge MJ fan like me. I was shocked, he knew every single song. I tested him like crazy! We talked alot. At one point he left the room and another female co-worker came and chatted with me. He then came back. He could have sat with another one of his buddy at the other end of the room. Instead, he came back and remained by my side. We talked some more.
He tested my MJ knowledge and I tested him.He nailed every question. He tested me I nailed the questions.I also discovered that he's a dj. He has a bunch of songs that he remixed and he dances.

Tonight, we talked, emailed like crazy. I couldn't help to be attracted to him more. I have the impression that it's both ways. I mean the long stares he gives me. At one point during the evening, he came to my desk and asked me if I read the email. He winked at me 5 times and smiled. He also started talking about dance.

Here is another detail. He has a girlfriend. :nono: ....y'all he is hot but I'm scared. Last time I was dating /in a relationship was 5 years ago. The age thing makes me worry but when I'm with him age doesn't come to mind. It's like we are the same age. It's weird. OMG, am I a cougar?:perplexed

Any advice?


Okay, I read you post and went straight to it:
1. (@ first bolded) Yes this is a very sessy trait in a man
2. detail? Try RED FLAG!!! Keep it kosher girl, we don't want any work-place drama
His frontal lobe has not yet developed!! He is incapable of thinking straight!! Just (halfway) kidding.

Don't do it girl. I haven't read through all the posts so I don't know if there have been any updates.
His frontal lobe has not yet developed!! He is incapable of thinking straight!! Just (halfway) kidding.

Don't do it girl. I haven't read through all the posts so I don't know if there have been any updates.

I'm not gonna do it. Like I mentioned "I think" meaning not to sure what the heck is going on.

I saw him today for the first time since posting this thread(dec 24). He came by to chat with me and...well it was platonic. I looked at him and it wasen't Like...:lick: hmmm you lookin sessy to the bone I'm turned on.No. I'm not sure what went on that other day. Physically, he is not the type to catch my eye. In fact, he has a boyband-ish look going on. I think what got me going was his voice.:spinning: He does have a sessy voice. I can't explain it....Its like some abstract painting that you have to constantly remind yourself why its the bomb. Very odd. Not flirting with with was extremely easy. Maybe it was my hormones when I wrote the post. I don't know:ohwell:
I'm not gonna do it. Like I mentioned "I think" meaning not to sure what the heck is going on.

I saw him today for the first time since posting this thread(dec 24). He came by to chat with me and...well it was platonic. I looked at him and it wasen't Like...:lick: hmmm you lookin sessy to the bone I'm turned on.No. I'm not sure what went on that other day. Physically, he is not the type to catch my eye. In fact, he has a boyband-ish look going on. I think what got me going was his voice.:spinning: He does have a sessy voice. I can't explain it....Its like some abstract painting that you have to constantly remind yourself why its the bomb. Very odd. Not flirting with with was extremely easy. Maybe it was my hormones when I wrote the post. I don't know:ohwell:

Whew!!!....Had me thinking the other night ya'll done got a hotel room...had a steamy night of hot passionate romantic sweat dripping sex....naw wait...that was my daydream of me and Morris Chestnut! great to flirt and have sounds like it was pure innocence and nothing more!
screwwwwww his girlfriendddddddd ....did you realize i said girlfriend not wifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ....u only live once go for your gut and get with him he can be a blessing in ddisguise just because he's doing all this flirting with you dosn't mean as soon as he gets with you he's gonna start doing this with some other chick just make sure you put your foot down and makke sure the feeling is mutual and yall can skip off into the sunset together.....cherrio

dont listen to others you know whats going to make you happy at the end of the day.,and shhhhsh if its with a younger man who use to have a girlfriend but.......... now the girlfriend is youuuuu so be it
don't sh*t where you eat....

and the obvious is the girlfriend.

lots of guys like Michael Jackson and can fix stuff. there are others out there.
. Maybe it was my hormones when I wrote the post. I don't know:ohwell:

Yes, hormones will have you messed up :lachen: ... when I find myself having crazy thoughts about men I shouldn't even consider I put them on the shelf, so to speak, cause they'll usually spoil or go bad after a short while.
screwwwwww his girlfriendddddddd ....did you realize i said girlfriend not wifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ....u only live once go for your gut and get with him he can be a blessing in ddisguise just because he's doing all this flirting with you dosn't mean as soon as he gets with you he's gonna start doing this with some other chick just make sure you put your foot down and makke sure the feeling is mutual and yall can skip off into the sunset together.....cherrio

dont listen to others you know whats going to make you happy at the end of the day.,and shhhhsh if its with a younger man who use to have a girlfriend but.......... now the girlfriend is youuuuu so be it

:lachen::lachen::lachen: love this post.

I was 23 when I met my boyfriend - now husband - at work. He had a girlfriend... I had a boyfriend. We had significant others. Do you think that stopped us from hooking up? No. We hooked up. Good and solid. 2 kids, a house and 8 years of marriage later, we are still crazy for each other.

So my point is this: everyone is fair game until they are married. Marriage is big stuff, so don't mess with married folks.

Also, don't let age deter you. You keep your cool and don't be bowled over by any fool regardless of their age. If you find a man who is strong and sincere, available, makes you feel like marshmellows and icecream, then go for it. Love is risky, but it can pay off.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: love this post.

I was 23 when I met my boyfriend - now husband - at work. He had a girlfriend... I had a boyfriend. We had significant others. Do you think that stopped us from hooking up? No. We hooked up. .

I certainly hope you ended both of your respective relationships before "hooking up" or that's straight triffling and LOW. :nono:

Everyone has the right to drop what they have and say "Hey, this isn't working out for me, something better has come." and pursue it! But sneaking and cheating just isn't right, relationships set the stage for engagement and marriage and the last two stages won't change once you get past the first!
:lachen::lachen::lachen: love this post.

I was 23 when I met my boyfriend - now husband - at work. He had a girlfriend... I had a boyfriend. We had significant others. Do you think that stopped us from hooking up? No. We hooked up. Good and solid. 2 kids, a house and 8 years of marriage later, we are still crazy for each other.

So my point is this: everyone is fair game until they are married. Marriage is big stuff, so don't mess with married folks.

Also, don't let age deter you. You keep your cool and don't be bowled over by any fool regardless of their age. If you find a man who is strong and sincere, available, makes you feel like marshmellows and icecream, then go for it. Love is risky, but it can pay off.

The only reason I don't encourage because NINJA's lie all the time....A Girlfriend can easily = Wife, Committed Woman, Live In BM and on and on....NINJA's lie to get what they want and to make something seem so innocent when it really ain't...You thinking you just having a fun fling...then feelings somehow get involved and you end up in a dog pile of shyt!!! and making a thread talking bout how he lied and so on...this is why we have got to do matter what the girlfriend was mentioned and in manspeak we know that he committed to her in some type of way...because if he was just dating her then he would've never mentioned her...
I certainly hope you ended both of your respective relationships before "hooking up" or that's straight triffling and LOW. :nono:

Everyone has the right to drop what they have and say "Hey, this isn't working out for me, something better has come." and pursue it! But sneaking and cheating just isn't right, relationships set the stage for engagement and marriage and the last two stages won't change once you get past the first!

Not to worry, Song of Serenity, that is what we did. I told him that if we are going to be serious about each other, then no messing around.
The only reason I don't encourage because NINJA's lie all the time....A Girlfriend can easily = Wife, Committed Woman, Live In BM and on and on....NINJA's lie to get what they want and to make something seem so innocent when it really ain't...You thinking you just having a fun fling...then feelings somehow get involved and you end up in a dog pile of shyt!!! and making a thread talking bout how he lied and so on...this is why we have got to do matter what the girlfriend was mentioned and in manspeak we know that he committed to her in some type of way...because if he was just dating her then he would've never mentioned her...

The above is all true.

I will say that when I met my husband, we were not looking to fall inlove at all. Just working colleagues... in conversation he told me had a girl, I told him I had a boy and that was it went on. But as the weeks went on, it became near impossible to be in the same room with him without going crazy in our heads. We hadn't even kissed or touched yet. Just the convos we had was filled with undertones and suggestions. :grin:

But once we got together, we totally got together. I mean no breakups or anything. Dated, engaged, married, done. I took a big risk because he was a foreigner.. a marine. But I was young... so I was looking for adventure.
screwwwwww his girlfriendddddddd ....did you realize i said girlfriend not wifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ....u only live once go for your gut and get with him he can be a blessing in ddisguise just because he's doing all this flirting with you dosn't mean as soon as he gets with you he's gonna start doing this with some other chick just make sure you put your foot down and makke sure the feeling is mutual and yall can skip off into the sunset together.....cherrio

dont listen to others you know whats going to make you happy at the end of the day.,and shhhhsh if its with a younger man who use to have a girlfriend but.......... now the girlfriend is youuuuu so be it

Thank you- I agree single is not married. Dating means you are still deciding. He seems to be fair game. Although I would not engage in any game playing ,sneaking, etc. that's up to him to work out.
Most men now have some kind of connection with someone when you meet them if they are over 30. I bet a lot of people with the "leave him alone, stay clear" comments if you think back you're SO had someone in the background somewhere when you met them. I'm just saying...