So I think I'm Being Stood Up...'s fine if you've changed you mind about me, if something has come up, or maybe you realize I'm not who you thought you are, but you can at least respect my time.
awww...wasn't for naught....merely practice for the real thing...

you were NOT played..

you questioned it....
stayed at home..
didn't go chasing him
texted him ..once
and you checked in here
allowed communication w/him to get clarity
deduced his explanations were lies
and will have nothing further to do with him

you are VERY smart liked a guy
who you found out ...RIGHT AWAY
was not worthy of your attentions ....

No.... not the end
N.E.X.T.!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

if you were me
he'd have been eating the cookies

Excellent post... Don't beat yourself up O.P. it happens to the best of us.
I have a history of letting guys treat me poorly and I am trying to break that. I just have never been treated well by one, so I don't know what it looks like. This is normal for me, but it never feels good. I just wonder if I will ever meet someone who care about MY feelings and wants to do things that make me happy.
This makes me sad to read this because there have been times when I have felt the same way. I wonder if I will ever meet a man that really loves, cherishes, and respects me the way I deserve. There are times when I think it will never happen to me, but I push those thoughts aside because they do more harm than good. You are giving this man too much control, allowing him to represent past men that you have dealt first hoping that he would make up for the wrong they did and now lumping him in with all the rest that have wronged you. Please, try not to do will get you no where and just make you sad. Remain positive and give it time, you WILL meet a great guy. I'm assuming that you are in college, so you are still young chica. You have plenty of time to meet a good MAN. You don't want some wannabe professional athelete on some little boy games messin with your head. Trust me, you will forget about him in time and meet plenty of other guys. In the meantime, grab your girls and hit the town!
Ya know, I hate to get all "rules"esque about this, but I'll bet the bold is why he's doing this. He suggested that you 2 spend time together because it was effortless to do had already done the work of opening the door. For some reason, men generally place more value on the things they pursue and work for versus things that are handed to them.

Honestly, even if he called, I would NOT go out with him. He would have to come hard to rectify the situation at this point.
This is the truth! I thought that immediately reading her post. Let the guy approach you. Period.
So I know longer think that I am being stood up, I WAS stood up. So, at first he said that he did not want meet up, because he was going to be moving. So, he felt it would be hard on him meet up when we would not see each other for months. Alluding to the fact that he would want to continue a relationship.

Then he says that he has been sitting at home all day after practice and was just too tired to leave the house. Err, you could not tell me that?!

But in reality all he is saying is that he realized he was not getting any cookies, so it was not worth any effort.

So, ladies the saga is over. Thanks for the support. I was played. The end.
He lacks maturity and respect. Not good qualities.
Don't even trip girl.

I had a situation last week were a guy was supposed to call me to solidify some plans to go out on Saturday. I didn't hear from that fool until 8:00 that night when he sent me a friggin text message asking what was up. I told him I made plans since I never heard back from him. He has not called me again since, and you know what? That is perfectly okay.

After wasting years of my life with the wrong guys, I've learned to appreciate the ones who show their true colors early in the game.

I'm damn near 31 years old, I don't have the patience, the time, the energy or the inclination to deal with a man who can't do what the says he's gonna do. Especially when it's something as simple as a phone call to make concrete plans.

I wouldn't even give him a second thought, it's his loss.
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Don't even trip girl.

I had a situation last week were a guy was supposed to call me to solidify some plans to go out on Saturday. I didn't hear from that fool until 8:00 that night when he sent me a friggin text message asking if what was up. I told him I made plans since I never heard back from him. He has not called me again since, and you know what? That is perfectly okay.

After wasting years of my life with the wrong guys, I've learned to appreciate the ones who show their true colors early in the game.

I'm damn near 31 years old, I don't have the patience, the time, the energy or the inclination to deal with a man who can't do what the says he's gonna do. Especially when it's something as simple as a phone call to make concrete plans.

I wouldn't even give him a second thought, it's his loss.
on point....
Don't feel bad girl. We've all been there.
U woulda felt extra-worse if u would have slept with him, and then never heard from him at all!
Consider this a bullet-dodged :yep:

everything in life are blessings or disguised blessings...he didn't hurt you he helped you starting to recognize from the jump what doesn't feel good you are saving yourself from unnecessary heart ache....when you've had enough of experiencing what doesn't feel good, you will be driven to start feeling good and creating good experiences...and you will KNOW the difference
(( HUGS ))

Baby girl, I can't count the amount of times I've let some guy stand me up and the funny thing is I've let the SAME guy stand me up on numerous occasions. I understand your situation because I dated a guy on the basketball team my freshmen year. And although he didn't start out acting ignorant, the fact that he was a star on the team eventually went to his head. I was too naive to believe that he would actually leave me for the other *hoes* when I'd been there before he became popular. I couldnt see the times when he was standing me up and I fell for them everytime. At the end, I was left distraught, heartbroken, and alone.

You seem like a very smart cookie and I know our emotions get in the way of our senses sometimes, but just know that anyone who treats you the way that the guy did in this situation, is not worthy of your time. He was extremely inconsiderate. Someone who genuinely cares about you would def. text your or call you instead of keeping you hoping and waiting around. Trust me, when things were going good with me and the basketball player he rarely made mistakes and if he did, he made them up to me. When he became arrogant, being stood up was common and he thought nothing of apologizing.
Ya know, I hate to get all "rules"esque about this, but I'll bet the bold is why he's doing this. He suggested that you 2 spend time together because it was effortless to do had already done the work of opening the door. For some reason, men generally place more value on the things they pursue and work for versus things that are handed to them.

Honestly, even if he called, I would NOT go out with him. He would have to come hard to rectify the situation at this point.

I knew I could count on you, DI. That same line popped out at me too. And, the fact that this boy is an ATHLETE....I hate to sound like a cliche but they have to be treated differently. Don't approach men....and NEVER approach an athlete....:nono: They have girls throwing themselves at them all the time. He's probably placed you in that category since you "approached" him first. He knew you liked him from jump.

Now....don't call. Do as DI suggested....the only way he can have the benefit of spending time in your presence would be to come hard with something to make up for this.
I knew I could count on you, DI. That same line popped out at me too. And, the fact that this boy is an ATHLETE....I hate to sound like a cliche but they have to be treated differently. Don't approach men....and NEVER approach an athlete....:nono: They have girls throwing themselves at them all the time. He's probably placed you in that category since you "approached" him first. He knew you liked him from jump.

Now....don't call. Do as DI suggested....the only way he can have the benefit of spending time in your presence would be to come hard with something to make up for this.
Yep, gotta keep in mind he's an athlete.
Yep, gotta keep in mind he's an athlete.

Yeah, I know right? I never date athletes. They all seem to turn out dreadful, but he came off different than the others that I have seen. Clearly, he wasn't!

But like I said, lesson learned. I will not do that again. Maybe I should ask for advide from you ladies, BEFORE I take action next time...:wallbash:, LOL!