Loc'ing Up!
I think free for all dating is good if you haven't established exclusivity with one person. i did this for about 3 years and it worked for myself. Now that i'm exclusive with someone, i would be extremely upset if he was still keeping his options open by talking to other girls and taking them out on dates.
Im avoiding putting all my eggs in one basket by not becoming too emotionally invested right now because things are still relatively new and shyt happens.
i think the concept of open relationships can work as long as both parties are aware. however being hush hush about it and doing what you want to do on the side while the other person is completely oblivious to what is going on (whether it be sex or just meeting up for coffee with someone else ) is foul imo.
Although I've never been in an open relationship per se, I agree with this completely. It is the agreement between all parties that makes all the difference.