OH MY GAWDDDD He is a sexual predator


Active Member
I am so angry right now I could just scream... :wallbash: Before I go on a date I do a simple Google search just to see if there is any criminal history or if he is married not paying child support etc...Well any who I thought I knew almost everything you could know about a person before the first date: his name, birthday, where he worked, his ex wife and his two kids. So I did a search using his first and last name nothing unusual came up so I accept the offer to go out for midnight bowling. I still don’t really know this guy so I tell him that I will meet him at the bowling alley around 10pm. So I get there and were playing pool and drinking soda talking smack.

Were having a dang good time, then I notice he has on his "dog tags" from the Army (for those of you that don’t know "dog tags" have your identifying information in case you are injured in combat: name, social security #, birthday,). So I asked to see them and he's a Jr. I didn’t have his whole name when I did the Google search :perplexed. so the dates over I leave the bowling alley and head home thinking about the great time I just had take a shower and go to bed.

When I get up I grab my trusty iPhone and do another Google search using his first and last name with Jr............

:wallbash: OH MY GAWDDDD He is a sexual predator

He was arrested and convicted of molesting a 10 year old who was mentally or physically incapacitated. He didn’t do any time for this and just paid a fine. I am so sick right now and not answering the phone.
I'd be a bit freaked out and mildly disappointed ...(maybe):look:

but over the moon pleased that " I know one date in rather than say 30" whom I'm dealing with...

get a drink, say a prayer, pat yourself on the back for having the presence of mind of mind to check this joker out...

and KIM...:yep:
I'm glad that you found out.... but are you SURE it's him? Some folks have common names. :look: I'm just saying.

If it is, then YES it's great that you know. That's creepy.
I'm glad that you found out.... but are you SURE it's him? Some folks have common names. :look: I'm just saying.

If it is, then YES it's great that you know. That's creepy.

yea are you certain? like was there a pic of him up there along w. his name? cause it could've been someone else
I am so angry right now I could just scream... :wallbash: Before I go on a date I do a simple Google search just to see if there is any criminal history or if he is married not paying child support etc...Well any who I thought I knew almost everything you could know about a person before the first date: his name, birthday, where he worked, his ex wife and his two kids. So I did a search using his first and last name nothing unusual came up so I accept the offer to go out for midnight bowling. I still don’t really know this guy so I tell him that I will meet him at the bowling alley around 10pm. So I get there and were playing pool and drinking soda talking smack.

Were having a dang good time, then I notice he has on his "dog tags" from the Army (for those of you that don’t know "dog tags" have your identifying information in case you are injured in combat: name, social security #, birthday,). So I asked to see them and he's a Jr. I didn’t have his whole name when I did the Google search :perplexed. so the dates over I leave the bowling alley and head home thinking about the great time I just had take a shower and go to bed.

When I get up I grab my trusty iPhone and do another Google search using his first and last name with Jr............

:wallbash: OH MY GAWDDDD He is a sexual predator

He was arrested and convicted of molesting a 10 year old who was mentally or physically incapacitated. He didn’t do any time for this and just paid a fine. I am so sick right now and not answering the phone.

I'm so sorry this happened to you.

But I'd like to take the time to commend you for checking him out, at all.
This is most excellent work, on your part! I wish more women took the time to do this.

Sure, the results are horrible....but thank goodness you know.
oh no girl its him, his picture, address and birthday and he had on his dog tags

this is not a funny situation at all
but that's just too weird....he must love those dogtags :lachen:

but since you're sure that its definitely him
better make like the gingerbread man and run, run, run as fast as you can!!!
Hey, you did the right thing and found out information about him that he probably wouldn't have told you until way into the relationship. Your just like me in that I practically do a background check before I would even say yes for a date. I just wish more women would do this.
OMG! How scary.... even worse is that so many of sexual predators have not yet been apprehended. So even if you do a background check they could come up smelling like a rose.

If I saw a man wearing dog tags I would turn on my heel and walk away. I don't do military or police.
I'd be a bit freaked out and mildly disappointed ...(maybe):look:

but over the moon pleased that " I know one date in rather than say 30" whom I'm dealing with...

get a drink, say a prayer, pat yourself on the back for having the presence of mind of mind to check this joker out...

and KIM...:yep:

I am really disapointed but glad that I followed my instincts and checked him out a second time.
I feel like I should just give up on dating and get another cat
same here

how was he allowed in the military btw with that kinda record?

Apparently this took place two years ago 4 years after he got out. I love the military and served ten years in the Navy. so I don't think all of them are bad about 80% of the guys I served with were like my brothers. But there is that 20% that are wack jobs that couldn't even function as a normal human and shouldn't be in the military at all........ those guy give them all a bad rep
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Girl you should be doing the running man dance...last night my bff came over and she was telling me about a guy (that is too good to be true) that is going on a date saturday...and I did my usual routine to do a maryland case search on the guy...nothing came up...but with your story I am going to do a google search!!
I am so happy you found out NOW rather than later. Imagine not knowing, and even worse, inviting this guy to a family event where kids are present.
So sad that this is the world we live in.
My x was mad I googled him he was like
thats what you do after you start dating
I was like NO thats what you do b4!
So sad that this is the world we live in.
My x was mad I googled him he was like
thats what you do after you start dating
I was like NO thats what you do b4!

Exactly! I google everyone I may date and look up their court cases too. Info is so easy to get, its stupid NOT to look.