Oh Lord, Black Love Will Keep You Broke

On this lovely Easter Sunday, the Jew is going to bring a Muslim into the discussion. This message from Detroit Red is brought to you by Detroit Crackers.

"Instead of trying to change the white man, your mind and make you accept us. We change the mind of the black man and make him accept himself. As soon as he accepts himself, he'll solve his own problems. He won't be trying to force himself into your factory and into your bedroom and into your kitchen. "

Still current 50+ years later.
Black women don't have the discipline, mental fortitude or support to carry a pussy protest to fruition.
An effective pussy protest would result in a whole lot of black women dying partner-less and childless because despite the scare tactics, no where near the majority of black women are EVER going to have anything to do with nonblack men sexually. That seed has been planted and sprouted roots that extend to middle earth.

The true answer is not bw turning to wm. IR as an option for black women was never meant to be an en masse answer to the problem of black male inadequacy. The answer has always been and always will be limiting the black baby train to the point where only black men who not only see the value in black children but will provide a stable family life for them are rewarded with black babies. If the basic concept of black men building stable family structures starves the black race to the point of extinction then maybe it's not worth saving.

If 5540465646 people got the same person on ignore for being inflammatory and the other 5544984897798 wonder why they don't have the person on ignore, why take that person's point and run with it? How many times you go correct the same inflammatory person?

Well you see I didn't quote :look: But the reason I respond is because more people than you think take statements like that at face value no matter who it comes from and it doesn't serve anyone to have untruths floating around.
@Crackers Phinn
I think just the thought of a such a movement is planting a seed in some black women. It has to start somewhere. It was put on the table before, but other things clouded the idea, or diluted it.
It's a looooooonnnnnng way off because of nonsense like this spewed by black women with black men sitting back in the peanut gallery co-signing because it means they ensure their biological imperative with the least amount of effort possible.
Marry somebody with ambition and money. Being a broke mule in love with a bunch of kids is not my idea of
living my best life.

Institutional racism plays a part but most black men in america are christians and they should
be able to do all things through christ that strengthens them including breaking racial and economic bonds. Amen

Again this is why I have no issues being called a gold digger. I didn't marry the one with the most gold I married
the one with some gold and that was concerned about my pockets. We have a mutual interest in building something
and not passing on debt.

Our working productive men need to shame & shun those that are not productive and mentor those who are unproductive but want something.

This is not for the Mammy Collective to fix.
:lachen:You’re too much
But I agree with your thoughts. Women can’t fix men.
It's a looooooonnnnnng way off because of nonsense like this spewed by black women with black men sitting back in the peanut gallery co-signing because it means they ensure their biological imperative with the least amount of effort possible.
So she wants women to birth children destined to be in the permanent underclass, subject to oppression, use and abuse? Yeah, that's better than choosing to remain childfree and only have to feed oneself.
Just roll over and play dead why don’t you, KK? So instead of working and waiting until you’re not a blink away from destitution so you can thrive your dern self, just bring kids into the mix all willy nilly? Just consign yourself to being in the permanent underclass YOU KNOW the elites want you in?

Trying to raise kids who aren’t going to be members of Future Hoodrats of America is expensive. Why not plan to have yourself in a good position first before indulging in your most human right to your heart’s content?
I think at some point, people have to learn be more tolerant of other points of view. Not everybody is going to see the world through your lens. There is also a clear and purposeful distortion of what I'm saying and I find it quite ridiculous that discussions about Black relationships can only be limited to the co-constructions made by a few posters without there being these long and disruptive episodes of subversion.

@Southernbella. , not quoting me and going back and forth with others about things I've said is super passive aggressive and you know it. It is not inflammatory to say hey, SOME data shows that Black men are marrying non-Black women at increasing rates that directly affect Black women's marriageability, especially those that are highly educated and/or older. I was very direct in stating that I could not find that direct quote because I read it like five years ago, so fine, take it off the table for now. I did however, post other studies that showed that even if BM are not the marrying out at higher rates than other groups, they are marrying out ENOUGH to make it more difficult for Black women to find suitable partners. That's it. That's all.

Since when is posting legit research that shows that BM's dating choices can affect on BM's marriageability akin to making stuff up to make Black men look bad? That is unreasonable and a distortion of my position. Why do you always run from/dismiss views/research that challenges your worldview? BW want solutions and to not feel hopeless after reading stuff like this and I think an honest and nuanced picture that shows both the good and the ugly allows Black women to waste less time and make clear headed decisions.

As I've said to you time and time again, we don't have to agree on these things, but it would be nice if we could disagree using data/research instead of this hostile/derailing thing in every thread. We see a lot of things differently and that's ok. It's the HOW that is dealt with that needs to change and "this" ain't it.
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Just roll over and play dead why don’t you, KK? So instead of working and waiting until you’re not a blink away from destitution so you can thrive your dern self, just bring kids into the mix all willy nilly? Just consign yourself to being in the permanent underclass YOU KNOW the elites want you in?

Trying to raise kids who aren’t going to be members of Future Hoodrats of America is expensive. Why not plan to have yourself in a good position first before indulging in your most human right to your heart’s content?

..... :look: But research shows most people will not escape the same socioeconomic level of their parents. Most poor people will die poor. Middle class will die middle class.

And by whose standards of poverty would we use? If we used "mainstream" standards, then a large portion of black people would not qualify to have children. It's a slippery slope and even more reason for whites in power to disenfranchise minorities.

Now on an INDIVIDUAL basis, I agree that people should wait for financial stability to have children. But to enforce across a nation, eugenics is a solid argument.
..... :look: But research shows most people will not escape the same socioeconomic level of their parents. Most poor people will die poor. Middle class will die middle class.

And by whose standards of poverty would we use? If we used "mainstream" standards, then a large portion of black people would not qualify to have children. It's a slippery slope and even more reason for whites in power to disenfranchise minorities.

Now on an INDIVIDUAL basis, I agree that people should wait for financial stability to have children. But to enforce across a nation, eugenics is a solid argument.
It really is eugenics lmao but hey.. because there are people who would say to many, you shouldn’t have kids if you can’t pay for their tuition i.e. don’t have kids if you will make them use financial aid OR !!!don’t have kids if you take medicine for depression, bi polar etc. or don’t have kids if you aren’t making at least 70,000 a year... so many variables to consider when you consider , even well off black baby boomers children and grandchildren, end up back in poverty anyways.
Black women don't have the discipline, mental fortitude or support to carry a pussy protest to fruition.
An effective pussy protest would result in a whole lot of black women dying partner-less and childless because despite the scare tactics, no where near the majority of black women are EVER going to have anything to do with nonblack men sexually. That seed has been planted and sprouted roots that extend to middle earth.

The true answer is not bw turning to wm. IR as an option for black women was never meant to be an en masse answer to the problem of black male inadequacy. The answer has always been and always will be limiting the black baby train to the point where only black men who not only see the value in black children but will provide a stable family life for them are rewarded with black babies. If the basic concept of black men building stable family structures starves the black race to the point of extinction then maybe it's not worth saving.

I didn't go IR i just refused to be around much less ride a broke pony. :lachen: :bud::lachen:
..... :look: But research shows most people will not escape the same socioeconomic level of their parents. Most poor people will die poor. Middle class will die middle class.

And by whose standards of poverty would we use? If we used "mainstream" standards, then a large portion of black people would not qualify to have children. It's a slippery slope and even more reason for whites in power to disenfranchise minorities.

Now on an INDIVIDUAL basis, I agree that people should wait for financial stability to have children. But to enforce across a nation, eugenics is a solid argument.
No on is saying make it a law...we are saying that people should at least consider how many children they can handle mentally, emotionally and financially before they start popping them out. I was born middle class, will likely die middle class and that’s 1 reason I stopped at 2 kids. If I had kept going to 5-6 I would be 1 disaster away from poverty, that’s not fair to my kids.

My data source says about 26% of Blacks in this country live in poverty (in 2010 for a family of 4 that’s less than 22k a yr ). 45% of black children live in poverty so it looks like those 26% are having most of the kids...no? Those of in the top 50% need to have more and the bottom 50% should have fewer.
..... :look: But research shows most people will not escape the same socioeconomic level of their parents. Most poor people will die poor. Middle class will die middle class.

And by whose standards of poverty would we use? If we used "mainstream" standards, then a large portion of black people would not qualify to have children. It's a slippery slope and even more reason for whites in power to disenfranchise minorities.

Now on an INDIVIDUAL basis, I agree that people should wait for financial stability to have children. But to enforce across a nation, eugenics is a solid argument.
So socioeconomic class is our version of a caste system? That’s the parallel I’m drawing.

I’m speaking in individual terms. To make something like this a law would function like a poll tax. Legally establishing base income requirements for those wishing to become parents would have a distastrous domino effect on black communities.

I don’t know what income level the government currently recognizes as poverty level, but I’m speaking in general terms. Did the study mention anything about social capital and how the acquisition or lack of it may affect social mobility?
Eh, I think it's more so that American women think like that. I really need folks to hang around some white people at least once in their lives. And I know, nobody cares about what white people do (until they need to make a point) but that's not unique to black woman by any stretch.
You beat me to it. There are scores of people in this country who believe in “Love Will Conquer All.”
Heck, isn’t “Work With A Brotha” another version of it to a degree?
Eh, I think it's more so that American women think like that. I really need folks to hang around some white people at least once in their lives. And I know, nobody cares about what white people do (until they need to make a point) but that's not unique to black woman by any stretch.
True but this is a lesson I really want black women to learn and learn fast. Becky willingly gave up her good thing so that’s on her. I want to see black women prioritize financial security and love at least equally. I’m not saying get you a old fat white rich guy but leave these jobless, careerless, unmotivated men alone.
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Who really thinks they have to choose between love and struggle and financial
Security and misery. I don’t know these black women at all. Some of these articles, posts, comments color black women as basics. There is so much nuance in the human/black experience.
I don’t know them IRL but they exist. Jessiewoo started a IG post the other day about women not paying for dates even if they initiate and did the hurt dogs bark? I’m still getting tagged on my response from like Sunday and all I said was why are women asking men out on dates in the first place? All these women like “What if he can’t afford it?” Then he needs to go to work, he don’t have time to date.
True but this is a lesson I really want black women to learn and learn fast. Becky willingly gave up her good thing so that’s on her. I want to see black women prioritize financial security and love at least equally. I’m not saying get you a old fat white rich guy but leave these jobless, careerless, unmotivated men alone.

Oh I want us to learn it too. I just wish there was a better way besides hood fables and internet memes.
Oh I want us to learn it too. I just wish there was a better way besides hood fables and internet memes.

Word!!!!!!!! People really have to know who they are, because there's no one in this world who can shame me for prioritizing financial security. Not a single soul. To me, it's wisdom...a normal and natural consideration. I don't even understand anyone who don't see this as normal. And my women friends and colleagues, black, white and otherwise, treat it as normal.
Eh, I think it's more so that American women think like that. I really need folks to hang around some white people at least once in their lives. And I know, nobody cares about what white people do (until they need to make a point) but that's not unique to black woman by any stretch.
Thank you! White women have echoed the above statement to me before and I've given them looks like :confused: