OCT/Mega-Tek Challenge October '08

Hi ladies! This is my first response on LHCF I been reading heavily on this challenge and I ordered the MT and OCT, but I accidently ordered the pet version of the MT. Has anyone used it?? I called the vendor to ask about it and he said the ingredients are the same in both it's just all the marketing of the product but I just wanted to know what you all think. Also, I'd like to join the challenge if it's not too late.
Hi ladies! This is my first response on LHCF I been reading heavily on this challenge and I ordered the MT and OCT, but I accidently ordered the pet version of the MT. Has anyone used it?? I called the vendor to ask about it and he said the ingredients are the same in both it's just all the marketing of the product but I just wanted to know what you all think. Also, I'd like to join the challenge if it's not too late.

I think mine is the pet version as well. I bought it from the pet store. As a matter of fact, I think every1 has the pet version - unless u're not talking about the 1 for horses. :look:
Hey ladies. I just realized my name has been on this challenge for months and I have not been using Mega Tek since like May. I'm sorry to say I could not hang!!! :nono::nono::nono::nono: But I'm glad to read that all of you who've stuck with it are having such great results!

Best of luck!

Too much work IMO and I got some increased shedding. I rather have average growth and zero shedding than hair down to my knees while worrying about shedding. I guess it was just not for me but I see it has given many ladies here fantastic results...

Ahh, that's fair enough. :yep: It's definitely a 'process', no matter how you use it, really.

My MT mix:75% mt,20%beemine,.5%rosemary eo,.5%peppermint eo,2%castor oil,2%vit e oil.

Dou you ladies think that the mt is too diluted to work at it's full potential?

That doesn't seem too bad at all - 75% MT is about the lowest concentration of MT to other stuff I would go, personally. :yep:

I haven't used MT since I started OCT. No specific reason, I really wanted to see if this OCT woudl be any different, and for me it really is. It is too soon to tell, but I really feel more length with OCT already, while MT added ridiculous thickness....and then length. I really need to moisturize with BOTH I just think that I finally have that part down pat now that I am using OCT. I mix a little with some jojoba and castor oil and use that on my scalp nightly, particularly on my problem areas of temples and nape.

I really started using my mix of glycerin/aloe vera/jojoba/lavender more regularly and that has helped , as well as really paying attention to DC'ing.

Oh, and I am noticing my NG texture is dense but really soft and nnot as difficult as it usually is around my hairline.....

Ay yai yai!!! I'm seriously going to get the OCT soon - I'm just trying to figure out how best to use them both together - as I want the thickness, I love the thickness, I need more thickness - but the thickness would be soooo much easier to deal with if it got long faster! :lachen: Maybe I'll just straight mix them together 50/50. :scratchch I dunno. I need to get working!

Thanks, Miss ElizaBlue. I know. He is constantly complimenting me on my progress. I just think it was the first time he took a close look. I got stuff under the counter, in a huge box by the wall, in the shower, in all the bathroom and toilet room cabinets, downstairs laudry room cabinet. That does not include by the laundry room sink, nor my steamer, table top hair dryer, heating cap, curling & flat irons (notice plural), electric curlers, oven, huge assortment of rollers, combs, clips, pin, wigs, ponys. You guys know. Even when I step back and look at it I think, especially as a shrink, "girl, should put yourself away.":lachen:

:lachen: RhapsdyBlu - that's so funny! I'm dreading/laughing over the thought of the day when DH realizes just how MUCH hair stuff I have. :look: :lol:

Hi ladies! This is my first response on LHCF I been reading heavily on this challenge and I ordered the MT and OCT, but I accidently ordered the pet version of the MT. Has anyone used it?? I called the vendor to ask about it and he said the ingredients are the same in both it's just all the marketing of the product but I just wanted to know what you all think. Also, I'd like to join the challenge if it's not too late.

Welcome to the Challenge! I'd suggest PM'ing dontspeakdefeat to add your name to the list. :yep:

Several ladies have used the pet version, and I don't recall hearing any negatives. The only downside is the ounce for ounce, the pet version is a heck of a lot more expensive - it's more expensive than OCT, even!

I almost managed 6 days this week - I skipped Thursday because I had a final, and I was just done when I got home - totally slipped my mind.
I'm sitting here TST'ing my hair now, and I'll MT it once I'm done.
Hi Justkiya

I mixed OCT a, MT together , I only put a couple of drops of OCT to my MT cream condition and rebuilder in a bottle and shake well, on my bald spots I put OCT straight daily , So I am hoping this work. I wanted to do 50/50 but the OCT is very expensive for me . I get my MT rebiullder for $23.00 and condition cream for $9:00 at a store near my home in Atlanta , so I can save on my shipping.
Hi all, just touching base. I'm making progress which is a good thing! I have been using OCT or MT 4 times per and I'm noticing my new growth is off the chain and thick as ever! I love it!! One problem: Has anyone noticed that the new growth is hard. I'm having trouble softening it up and keeping it soft. Myhair that hangs is good, but when I dig in that kitchen, Lawd, lawd, lawd it's rough!

Hi all, just touching base. I'm making progress which is a good thing! I have been using OCT or MT 4 times per and I'm noticing my new growth is off the chain and thick as ever! I love it!! One problem: Has anyone noticed that the new growth is hard. I'm having trouble softening it up and keeping it soft. My hair that hangs is good, but when I dig in that kitchen, Lawd, lawd, lawd it's rough!


Hrm, most people seem to find that their NG is softer than usual - how often are you DC'ing? When's the last time you clarified?
Hi all, just touching base. I'm making progress which is a good thing! I have been using OCT or MT 4 times per and I'm noticing my new growth is off the chain and thick as ever! I love it!! One problem: Has anyone noticed that the new growth is hard. I'm having trouble softening it up and keeping it soft. My hair that hangs is good, but when I dig in that kitchen, Lawd, lawd, lawd it's rough!


Mine is rough too, Ivy, so I either mix OCT w/ an oil or I oil afterwards. I use Amla and it makes my NG nice and soft.
I DC 2x's per week. I should have mentioned that I just got the OCT last week, and now that I'm thinking about it, MT may be causing the hardness. Most people have reported softness with the OCT if I remember correctly.

I use the 1 Squirt - ORS Replenishing Pack and 1 Squirt - Cathy Howse's Condition (which may not be such a good idea since it's Med Protein content).

What are you using as a DC?

I clarify only 1x per month.
I might try the oil after I rinse the OCT. That's a thought. Thanks.

Oh, you're talking about when you use it as a rinse... yes, you have to follow it with a moisturizing conditioner. OCT works like a protein treatment. I use something serious like Kenra MC or Aubrey's after an OCT rinse. Its when I use it as a leave-in on dry hair at night that I follow it with oil.
I've found it best to use the Ovation Creme Rinse after using Ovation Cell Therapy.

Using the entire Ovation system offers balanced results. The Creme Rinse helps to soften and smooth the hair which helps to counter the extreme strengthening properties of the protein.

This is very true. I used the entire system one day just see how it made my hair look and it was soooo bouncy, soft, and shiny when I haven't relaxed since May (I think).
One time for the slow people:

How do you incorporate the creme rinse in your regimen? I apply it to my hair after I apply the cell therapy. I leave the cell therapy for 24 hours and rinse.

Can someone help me with a regimen? I think this is where I'm running into problems... Pre-pooing, Shampooing, OCT, DC, Moisturizing, etc. it's getting confusing...

What's a good DC to use with this system? How often should I clarify?
Let me know how the 50/50 mix works out got you. Me and a friend at work are thinking of going 50/50 and splitting a bottle of OCT; Tims are rought. LOL. Im getting extremr thickness but im ready for a growth spurt.:grin:

Ay yai yai!!! I'm seriously going to get the OCT soon - I'm just trying to figure out how best to use them both together - as I want the thickness, I love the thickness, I need more thickness - but the thickness would be soooo much easier to deal with if it got long faster! :lachen: Maybe I'll just straight mix them together 50/50. :scratchch I dunno. I need to get working!
hi everyone i posted this in the progress pic thread and im gonna post here as well. I have been using MT for 3 wks, and already i see progress. My family as even noticed the change. I have some pics but they're not that good because my updated one i have curls in because im trying to learn how to roller set. well neway here they are.:yep:

hi everyone i posted this in the progress pic thread and im gonna post here as well. I have been using MT for 3 wks, and already i see progress. My family as even noticed the change. I have some pics but they're not that good because my updated one i have curls in because im trying to learn how to roller set. well neway here they are.:yep:


Great progress!!! :yep::up:
One time for the slow people:

How do you incorporate the creme rinse in your regimen? I apply it to my hair after I apply the cell therapy. I leave the cell therapy for 24 hours and rinse.

Can someone help me with a regimen? I think this is where I'm running into problems... Pre-pooing, Shampooing, OCT, DC, Moisturizing, etc. it's getting confusing...

What's a good DC to use with this system? How often should I clarify?

If you are using the Ovation System, I say keep it simple. No pre-pooing necessary. I also wear protective styles everyday to work, so I don't have to worry about flat ironing, blowdrying or rollersetting unless I have an event to attend.

  1. Shampoo the hair with the Ovation Color Therapy Shampoo or rinse your hair with plain warm water to remove topical oils.
  2. Apply Cell Therapy and keep on for 1-2 hours or overnight
  3. Rinse out and apply the Creme Rinse (keep on for 5 minutes after working it through the hair)
  4. Rinse
  5. Moisturize, seal, dry, dress and style your hair as you desire.

I've been using Mega-Tek Rebuilder nightly and my Ovation System once a week; here is what I do with the Mega-Tek.

  1. Apply my Mega-Tek to my scalp at night, massage in and put a light coating on the length of my hair.
  2. Cover hair with my satin scarf and go to bed.
  3. Rinse out the next day using a moisturizing conditioner (I use Wen Cleansing Conditioner)
  4. Moisturize, seal, dry, dress and style as desired; I put my hair up. This helps retain moisture.
Thanks Jan! You are a Gem! MT has made my hair supper thick. I have only been using OCT for about a week and I haven't seen any length that's worth writing home about (that is...I haven't seen any length yet. I'm determined to make it work!).

My nails are another story! It looks like I have a full set! LOL!
After weeks of using MT, I'm seeing an increase in shedding. I guess I have to start using garlic products. Do you ladies see increased shedding when you use OCT, because I'm really thinking about using that instead.
After weeks of using MT, I'm seeing an increase in shedding. I guess I have to start using garlic products. Do you ladies see increased shedding when you use OCT, because I'm really thinking about using that instead.

I haven't experienced any shedding with OCT....never had with MT either.
My hair and my roots felt like butta today! AFter rinsing the OCT, I used the creme rinse, moisturized with mango butter and sealed with vatika oil. This morning when I woke up, I was in heaven!

Thanks for the advise ladies!
I haven't experienced any shedding with OCT....never had with MT either.

That's the thing, I used it for weeks without any shedding, and then all of a sudden when the new growth started to kick in more, bang!! the shedding began. I think I am going to try OCT soon.
That's the thing, I used it for weeks without any shedding, and then all of a sudden when the new growth started to kick in more, bang!! the shedding began. I think I am going to try OCT soon.

I read that for hair growth products, one of the ways to tell it's working is when your hair begins shedding (not breakage). And, I've read, that's when most people stop using the product. The shedding is happening as the new hair is pushing out older hairs. :look: Well that's what I read.