Nightline Face-Off Series. Pt 2,"Why Can't Successful Black Women Find a Man"

Do you think when people see us on the street, about and around, they are thinking about all these various stories that they hear all the time, our hair, Mrs. Obama, being perpetual single, blah blah. Are we really that interesting?
We are that interesting :yep:.

I wish they would stop talking about this mess. Makes it seem like BW are losers.
There is something very wrong here. I feel like a protest is in order. Why the fascination with why a group of women are not finding men? "Successful black women" make up a tiny fraction of the American population--who really cares what's going on with us? Furthermore, it's not like these women cannot find men, but they are having a hard time finding men who are on or above their level. Why is this any surprise considering the state and struggles of black men?

Regular black people getting educated and becoming successful is a new concept, probably starting with this generation. Before now, it was usually black people who came from educated families who continued on the legacy. The fact that black women are becoming successful at a quicker rate than black men is all a part of growing pains. Many of these black women who come from working class or lower backgrounds who find success do not have a strong network of other black people on their level because most of their high school friends, childhood friends, family members, etc... are probably still hovering around working class. They have no knowledge of how to find a (black) man within this new class they've entered. I bet you that successful black women who come from middle class and higher backgrounds don't struggle nearly as much with this. This might not even be an issue a few generations from now.

White women naturally have a larger pool to choose from and 'other' women live in communities where the men are more successful than the women. Black women are a special case because our community is just now getting access (which is still limited) to opportunities that our parents did not have. So they need to cut it out with "nobody wants black women". White folks trying to place detective on an issue that they know damn well they had plenty of involvement in when they denied us equal education and career opportunities.
If that is Steve Harvey in the photo accompanying the web story, then they have incorrectly captioned him as Steve Harper.

As my mom often says, now that's that *ullsh*t....keep on with the negative press, keep on adding to ussems being pathologized.
Hmm these type of stories seem to be coming on stronger now that the FLOTUS is black. Isn't this odd?

I feel like it's sort of a backlash . . . just like they don't want black men getting too uppity because of Obama's success (and continuously draw differences between him and his heritage and "regular black folks"), I think they're trying to get in their digs at black women . . . like, "Don't get too excited now . . . Michelle is the exception, not the rule . . . ."

Maybe I'm just overthinking this but that's how I feel when I hear/read these stories.
So this other forum that I read occasionally has a thread about the 'plight of black women'. It is a forum with all races of people. I am reading through this thread--it is actually from 2009--on. Interesting to see the different (racist) viewpoints. Apparently most of it is our fault. Bringing this subject to light has achieved what 'they' wanted which was to open up attacks on black women. Ridiculous.
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