My SO just told me we're not having sex again until I agree to have a baby


New Member
I told him were not married and he was like ok we can take care of that now.

I'm not ready to get married to him b/c I'm uncertain about some things.

He told me well when I decide let him know, he refused sex tonight b/c I wouldn't accept to sex on the terms that he could go in..
The more you post about this man, the more I worry about this relationship... and this... oh lawd.
Well, he's being kind of smart. If you are uncertain about certain things, maybe you two shouldn't be "risking" it any way?

And are his terms "cap-free?" If you're saying no to that, I'd say you're being smart too.

He'll get over it. The cookie always wins.
If he wants to get married then it is time for yall to have some serious talks about the future of your relationship.

As far as the baby stuff goes, that is another conversation yall need to have pending the results of the one above.
So its his way or the highway???

Why is he making decisions for both of you?

Sounds like he is using sex as a bargaining chip to get his way in the relationship.
So its his way or the highway???

Why is he making decisions for both of you?

Sounds like he is using sex as a bargaining chip to get his way in the relationship.

Well he told me he was ready to be a Dad about a week ago and I kind of shrugged it off. Well today he cornered me in and told me how he felt and I said to him what I mentioned in the OP. Well tonight, he put his foot down, I thought he was kiddin' but he was serious! When I heard him snoring I was like oh-kaayyy and sent him a nasty text message. I'm not sure how long it'll last, I think he's doing this b/c I've been feeling indifferent about the relationship lately...i dunno.
Girl, get out some BC...I wouldn't trust him...2me it seems like even if he decides to renege on this silly ultimatum....he may try n pull some careful!!
Well he told me he was ready to be a Dad about a week ago and I kind of shrugged it off. Well today he cornered me in and told me how he felt and I said to him what I mentioned in the OP. Well tonight, he put his foot down, I thought he was kiddin' but he was serious! When I heard him snoring I was like oh-kaayyy and sent him a nasty text message. I'm not sure how long it'll last, I think he's doing this b/c I've been feeling indifferent about the relationship lately...i dunno.
soooooo, I feel it needs to be asked - why are you still in the relationship?
Better check them condoms honey! :lol: He may be poking them bad boys!

DONT DO IT DONT DO IT...Been there done that. My ex begged me to have a baby and promised me marriage . Lets just say im not married and he doesnt see his kids with me . It's all a lie .I would honestly leave him if he said that to me. That is just wierd. If he wanted you to have his child he would marry you first and than bring up children.
I have a real hard time with ultimatums. He's not trying to reach a compromise, he is withholding sex just so he can get what he wants.

So, what I get is, he's saying he wants to have sex without barrier protection. If you can do that (providing everyone's been tested), you can also take yourself down to the clinic and get some birth control.

If that's going to be a problem, then it's time to let go.
soooooo, I feel it needs to be asked - why are you still in the relationship?

Well I've been strongly considering this lately. I do love him but it's been rocky, yet with A LOT of good times :)

I wanted to make a decision when I was 100% sure. I'm a Taurus and one that's extremely loyal. So I'm not good about cutting people off unless I'm at a point where I KNOW it's the best choice.
Im sorry but ur SO is a fool :nono: Who gives reproductive ultimatums like this? :confused:

A man who is into mind games. It's reverse psychology. It's either one of two things:

- He may want to have a baby but the OP does not, so he uses sex as a tool to get his way

- He fears the relationship will fail, so to ensure she stays around he wants to bring a child into the picture and denies her the choice of having sex without intent to have a child. So if she wants sex it will be with the intent to be impregnated by him and with a child around she will always be a part of his life and he a part of her life.

He ain't no fool. This right here is a smart man who knows what his woman wants and is using it to get his way.

Not cool.
Well he told me he was ready to be a Dad about a week ago and I kind of shrugged it off. Well today he cornered me in and told me how he felt and I said to him what I mentioned in the OP. Well tonight, he put his foot down, I thought he was kiddin' but he was serious! When I heard him snoring I was like oh-kaayyy and sent him a nasty text message. I'm not sure how long it'll last, I think he's doing this b/c I've been feeling indifferent about the relationship lately...i dunno.

I didn't see this post.

Yup, I thought so. You got one smart cookie of a man on your hands and not in a good way.