I was just dumped...

Girl, you were not dumped you were DELIVERED. Had you hung in there you would have been duped.

You are a naturally sexy woman. I've warned you about this. :grin: Tone it down. Stop being so....womanly.

It's these Bama men. They are aggressive. And, I might add, he's not too much different from many of the Christian men I've encountered down here. I wouldn't be surprised if he were married. I've never seen closet polygamy like I've witnessed down here.

It's an Old Testament town I guess.:yep:


Oh, ok, you're very funny. :lachen: I guess my "sex appeal gets me in trouble" What's funny is he's not even a southerner. He's from Cincinatti and has only lived here for about a year. He just wanted a nice sweet southern girl, sorry I couldn't oblige.
GIRRRRRRLLLL :lachen::lachen: I was all ready to come in here and be sad with you and then come down to B'ham to bust some heads.....and then I read how that fool was acting....You surely did not get dumped, you just let go of a certified fool :lachen::lachen:
GIRRRRRRLLLL :lachen::lachen: I was all ready to come in here and be sad with you and then come down to B'ham to bust some heads.....and then I read how that fool was acting....You surely did not get dumped, you just let go of a certified fool :lachen::lachen:


I knew you had my back... but just hold it down until I need you for real..:lachen:
Yes. I thought something wasn't right. Men just don't usually move that fast. My exhusband did and I fell for it that time. I'm much smarter now.

Now that I think about it, I think maybe that was his "game" He didn't really want Patrice, he just wanted him "some" Patrice. :lachen:

LOL. Wow....I have experienced the same thing several times when I tried online dating, I was skeptical from the beginning and the aggressiveness scared me right off the site. Anyhoo...I know of some great love stories that started with a keystroke like my love affair with my hair...sorry....we are talking about men.....really I have a few girlfriends that have met and married their online lover...so there is hope. Stick with your intuition its never wrong.....BTW...I am a sexy sag from Bessemer of all places!!! God Speed!
No not really. But sort of.

I met this guy online 3 weeks ago. I met him on a Friday. That Saturday he took me out to lunch, dinner and a movie. The next day, Sunday, he asked if he could see me again, but I wasn't feeling well, so I declined. The next week I was off work sick for 4 days. He whined everyday b/c I was sick and couldn't see him. He begged me to let him see me teh following weekend but I stayed in bed sick. During this time he told me that he really wanted to be with me, that he really cared about me and wanted to do so much for me and take care of me...:ohwell:, yet we had only known each other for less than 2 weeks.

He invited me to go out of town with him the next weekend, I declined. I also told him upon our first meeting that I was celibate. His response was, "Oh, you're just confused. You've been hurt and just need somebody to love you. I really do enjoy sex, but we don't have to make love everytime we're together." I thought, "Oh, ok..whatever." And I even told him that wasn't the reason and I gave him my reason.

I went out with him again this past Sunday (2nd date). On this date, he said that he wanted us to date exclusively, he knew that he had found what he was looking for and he was ready to settle down. He told me not to answer, just think about it.

I talked to him yesterday and told him I felt like he was pressuring me. I also explained that we only knew each for 2 weeks and I didn't feel comfortable making that kind of commitment. He once again told me to think about it a little longer. He also told me that I didn't realize what I was giving up b/c he is a very "good man"

Well, he calls me at work today. He tells me how he is so attracted to me and how I really turn him on. I then say, "I understand that, but do you realize if you are in a relationship with me, there will be NO sex, at all." He was quiet for a few moments. Then he said, "Oh, we can be friends." What happened to how you really wanted to be with me and I'm the perfect woman for you. :lachen: Anyway, I'm just glad he's gone.

If anyone is looking for a "good man", I'll be happy to pass his number along to you.

sounds like his mission was to get you into bed and went he figured out you weren't that stupid as to fall for this weak ass lines, he slunk away and has probably already moved onto the next victim. you have a good head on your shoulders, imo and you're not willing to compromise your beliefs or get caught up in some dumb man's game. that's a great thing, imo.
:rolleyes: What's up with all these clingy needy men lately?! I'm trying to shake off one now. Same line...you are sooo sexy, you really turn me on. Umm, what do you really know about me besides that?! I guess that's supposed to make us melt and shudder...**NOT! makes you feel like meat**

Yeah, Mrs. that wasn't a dumping that was a major dodging!! Run Forest Ruuuun!!!!
I'd say he did YOU a favor by dropping the bomb. You deserve better...
Um, i think you need to pm me the name of this idiot so I can make sure I dont run into him around town:look: just kidding:) Honey these "christian" men are a trip, I asked a "christian" guy if he could give up sex for god and he told me, "no, I cant do it." I was like :ohwell:. U dodged a bullet for real.
He was a jerk and felt that telling you a pack of lies about wanting to be exclusive so fast would have him in your bed faster. Good riddens!!!
LOL. Wow....I have experienced the same thing several times when I tried online dating, I was skeptical from the beginning and the aggressiveness scared me right off the site. Anyhoo...I know of some great love stories that started with a keystroke like my love affair with my hair...sorry....we are talking about men.....really I have a few girlfriends that have met and married their online lover...so there is hope. Stick with your intuition its never wrong.....BTW...I am a sexy sag from Bessemer of all places!!! God Speed!

Maybe we have met the same guy. :lachen: Surprises how many people there are on here from the Bham area.
Ladies beware, I have a relative that is a straight up Wolf in Sheep's clothing, he trolls those Christian websites to womanize. He talks all the right talk and puts on the persona A wise woman like the OP who takes her time, and does not give in would soon smell his funkiness.

If it were in the least bit ethical I would post his pic on those sites with a big BEWARE of LOONY MAN caption under it.

Unfortunately for honest people, those are scary sites to meet men for because of men lke him. There are plenty others like him.

My understanding is that guys who want too much too fast are usually some form of abusive and possessive, and this is how it starts. AVOID.

Hi Blu! I so agree with this. I dated a guy like this briefly about two years ago. Within a three week time frame he kept started referring to me as his future fiancee. He was also very possesive of my time and wanted things his way. I quickly let him go.