my friends laughed at me when i told them i'll have long hair soon


Human being
they saw my hair book: beautiful black hair by Shamboosie, and they started laughing saying things like:
"you know that girl's hair on the cover is a weave right?"
"why did you waste your money on a book like that? you should have bought some fake hair with it instead."
"YOU are gonna have long hair? stop wasting your time and believing lies. your hair ain't never gonna be that long (brastrap length)."

i gotta admit they hurt my feelings. i can't wait for a year or 2 when they see my long hair blowing in the wind. i know they gonna ask questions. i'll laugh in all their faces. that's more motivation for me to keep up with my regimen. I WILL HAVE MYTH-BUSTING HAIR!!!
Girl tell it!!!

People always say that. But now that my hair is getting longer they don't tell me that anymore. I cna'r wait until I drop in with the WSL hair.
Yes you will! Don't let them get you down. Don't share your dreams with them either. Dreams and goals are like jewels that should only be shared with people you can trust and who will support you. Good luck!
I love my girlfriends but they don't always understand when it comes to my new hair beliefs. Mostly they just brush off whatever I'm saying. But I know they've started listening because they see my hair is getting longer and looking healthier.
Girl Don't Pay Them No Mind! I Can't Believe They Would Tell You Something Like That:eek: And They Are Supposed To Be Your Friends?:perplexed
Your hair will grow that long and then some. We believe in you because we've seen it, all over these boards. And when your hair is all down your back make sure you do the white girl flip and keep on walking.
Girl, DO NOT let them get you down! You know that you will have long hair cause you know what it takes now!
I've read threads like this before and I also have people in my life like this. I don't tell people anything anymore unless they ask. Take that negaitive energy that they gave you and put it twards your hair. Stay on your p's and q's. Let them keep thinking that. As for me I want people to think I'm ballheaded and my hair will not grow. So when my hair gets to bsl they will be dumbfounded. :lachen: Dust yo shoulders off don't let them get to you.
hopeful said:
Yes you will! Don't let them get you down. Don't share your dreams with them either. Dreams and goals are like jewels that should only be shared with people you can trust and who will support you.
ITA.Don't let them bring you down and keep doing what you're doing.
People told me the same thing. In fact, my best friend told me that. She had long beautiful hair. One year she cut it in a bra and grew back in a year and a half.

Fourteen months after I started taking care of my hair, it grew to my bra clasp and now my hair is longer than hers... it seems that only genetics was on her side. When she started dying, bleaching, abusing, and frying her hair, it began to look like brillo.

Now SHE'S asking me for hair advice.

Don't listen to them. Very soon they will be asking you for advice.
Oh honey, your friends will be begging you for that Shamboosie book in a couple of years, at which time you can sarcastically say "Why, if the girl on the front has a weave?"

How horrible that there are still people out there that believe that a black woman with long hair automatically is wearing a weave.
anky said:
People told me the same thing. In fact, my best friend told me that. She had long beautiful hair. One year she cut it in a bra and grew back in a year and a half.

Fourteen months after I started taking care of my hair, it grew to my bra clasp and now my hair is longer than hers... it seems that only genetics was on her side. When she started dying, bleaching, abusing, and frying her hair, it began to look like brillo.

Now SHE'S asking me for hair advice.

Don't listen to them. Very soon they will be asking you for advice.

I love this story!
Sorry they hurt your feelings. Just don't let it sweat you any further. Best of luck in reaching your hair goals!
You go lady! You can do it and i can't wait to hear your report on what they say when they see your Long Flowing Hair!
hopeful said:
Yes you will! Don't let them get you down. Don't share your dreams with them either. Dreams and goals are like jewels that should only be shared with people you can trust and who will support you. Good luck!
Amen to that!
Here's the three words that work wonders for me - 'MIND YA BI'NESS"

They can keep going on with the 'blah blah blah', just keep saying 'MIND YA BI'NESS". Say it just like that, capital letters and all.
I think those remarks were also borne out of jealousy. You're doing something positive for your hair, and that makes them nervous. When you reach your hair goals, you will have something they don't, and that's beautiful long hair that's your own.

Ignore them and keep coming here for encouragement. There are too many pictures/success stories of the ladies here with beautiful, healthy, long hair to be discouraged. And that day will come soon, when you will achieve your hair goals! :)
this is why I haven't told my firends what I'm doing yet. I 'm just keeping my hair in Buns, C&G method, etc. And graduation day (May 20017!!!!) I'll bust out my beautifulllllll shoulder length hair. and everyone will say dammmmnnnn. (I know, I have this too planned out)
Ok that make me mad, when I hear that. When I first got married, I cut my shoulder length hair off because of a bad relaxer. So it was a very very short inverted bob and when I got pregnant, I just did the corn rolls & braids. I was in Hawaii and just didn't want to deal with hair a being pregnant. 3 years later, it was bra strap length with several trims and hair cuts between...
Their negative words are just them acknowledging their own inability to grow long healthy hair. They probably figure if they cant do it, then it cant be done by anyone else. And everyone on this board is living proof that is untrue.

"Those that say it can not be done, should not disturb those that are doing it."
redRiot said:
And when your hair is all down your back make sure you do the white girl flip and keep on walking.

oh i sure will!! i'll drive them crazy with it. they probably gonna be like: can you stop that? you look crazy doing that. i gotta wonder why i am friends with them.
anky said:
People told me the same thing. In fact, my best friend told me that. She had long beautiful hair. One year she cut it in a bra and grew back in a year and a half.

Fourteen months after I started taking care of my hair, it grew to my bra clasp and now my hair is longer than hers... it seems that only genetics was on her side. When she started dying, bleaching, abusing, and frying her hair, it began to look like brillo.

Now SHE'S asking me for hair advice.

Don't listen to them. Very soon they will be asking you for advice.

OMG Thanks Anky!! it means so much coming from you. you're one of my hair inspirations.
JCoily said:
Here's the three words that work wonders for me - 'MIND YA BI'NESS"

They can keep going on with the 'blah blah blah', just keep saying 'MIND YA BI'NESS". Say it just like that, capital letters and all.

AMEN gurl!!! that should be my motto from now on.
I had a similar experience with my Fiance. He hurt my feeling so bad. He saw the Cathy Howse book and commented that she must be mixed and that my hair would never grow that long. It really hurt. I think he thinks that I am stupid and gullible for purchasing the book and spending so much time on hair that he thinks will not grow. He is supportive in everything else that I do so I am trying not to make a big deal out of it. I just stopped asking him "How does my hair look" and I try to do my hair care routine in private so that he doesn't say anything negative.

In a year he will be eating his words but, I am always right when it comes to disagreements so no big deal.

I think this just goes back to when people see black women especially dark skinned women with 4B hair they assume that their hair can't grow. Right now my hair is just below the neck and it is the longest it has ever been in quite some time because I have been taking care of it. I have no doubt that I will reach my goals.