my friends laughed at me when i told them i'll have long hair soon

Yes you will! Don't let them get you down. Don't share your dreams with them either. Dreams and goals are like jewels that should only be shared with people you can trust and who will support you. Good luck!

I could not have said this better myself!
I don't really tell people about my hair goals. Just that I no longer get relaxers because it damaged my hair now i'm growing it back (and better). I rather show them!! People will try to steal your joy !!
I've only ever told a few people my hair goals, a couple of friends and my boyfriend. The two friends don't believe I can do it, but my boyfriend has no doubt that I will and doesn't find it weird at all that a black girl can grow long hair. (He's black, btw.)
This This This. Just yesterday my friend's little sister said she wanted to grow her hair out like mine, and my friend was like "You don't have hair like hers."

That's their own insecurities talking. I am done trying to convince people their hair can grow long. I have learned to keep my mouth shut because it's a losing battle.

I used to hear this same crap on an ongoing basis. But I have a day job so I stopped trying to school folks that think like this. I really just don't have the time!!!
Right,eh? Now that my hair has grown some of my friends say that's because you have that "spanish" hair (I'm cuban) or that I'm mixed (I'm not) :lachen: WHAAAT?!! Sooo all those years it was broke and dry where the heck was my "spanish" hair?

Agreed,it's a losing battle. If you have short broke hair then our hair doesn't grow long, if you take care of it and grow it long, you have "good" hair.

mind you i know TONS of spanish girls with hacked up heads of hair.
I think those remarks were also borne out of jealousy. You're doing something positive for your hair, and that makes them nervous. When you reach your hair goals, you will have something they don't, and that's beautiful long hair that's your own.

Ignore them and keep coming here for encouragement. There are too many pictures/success stories of the ladies here with beautiful, healthy, long hair to be discouraged. And that day will come soon, when you will achieve your hair goals! :)
For SURE they were. The easiest thing for some people to do is shoot negativity toward the unknown. Instead of asking more about what you're doing, they automatically decided that they would throw salt.

Well in the end, you can catch it on some green mangoes with a lil lime juice and enjoy the fruit of your labor! :yep:
I tell no one about my goals at all and when my hair is long enough, I'll just tell them I take good care of it and that it is possible to grow long hair even though your black.
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that happened to me either. i used to give my cousin some advice about hair they wont listen . Now i have bsl hair length, and they started to ask me how i get my beautiful hair.
Yep hehe when i reach my goal, first thing I'll do is a bun drop...right infront of their faces...on 'accident' of course, my hair will just fall out of its confines...and BLAM!
Don't let them get to you, hon!
Just keep your goals to yourself and swing your hair as it grows! My hair is WL in the longest layers now. My friend is still a bit dumbfounded and my mother just has big staring eyes whenever I'm detangling!
lolascurls said:
Don't let them get to you, hon!
Just keep your goals to yourself and swing your hair as it grows! My hair is WL in the longest layers now. My friend is still a bit dumbfounded and my mother just has big staring eyes whenever I'm detangling!

I love it! lolascurls
Actually to update you ladies:

When I big chopped those same people couldn't belive my hair could look like that without a texturizer. They never said that to my face mind you. I had to hear it from 3rd parties.

Fast forward 18 months this past Easter:

I went to church with my below shoulder hair straightened and colored. I sat towards the front while they sat in the back. Throughout the whole mass I could feel them staring at my head. Afterwards I went to say hello and I wish I took a snapshot of their faces. They were talking TO my hair the whole time, asking if it's real, touching it (weave checking me no doubt) while others acted like I wasn't there. Wait till I get to APL, I can't wait to see their reactions then.

On a positive note, i've become a hair guru for the younger women at that church. I get calls and questions about products, techniques, etc...
Thats so mean.

oops just realized the original post is from 2006 wonder if the OP is still around?

edit: because I didnt read through to the last page :lachen:
pinkdot's blog said:
I've read threads like this before and I also have people in my life like this. I don't tell people anything anymore unless they ask. Take that negaitive energy that they gave you and put it twards your hair. Stay on your p's and q's. Let them keep thinking that. As for me I want people to think I'm ballheaded and my hair will not grow. So when my hair gets to bsl they will be dumbfounded. :lachen: Dust yo shoulders off don't let them get to you.

I hid my hair with a wig in high school some boy wanted to be funny and snatch it off but little did he know my (then shoulder length) hair was wrapped up and flowed beautifully. I didn't fuss I just took off my stocking cap combed out my hair shook it like a hair commercial then I did the white girl flip ~ got right at him~ and you gone show them too girl

*~SCKRI23~* via LHCF app

I'm just seeing this thread too my bad
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I totally forgot that I originally bumped this thread in 2010. OP I'm glad you are having success, thanks for keeping us updated.
I read the post all the way through and I'm happy the OP has had success with growing her hair! :) It was nice to follow the journey to this page.

In a few weeks I'm visiting's been awhile. At one point I had thin, color treated, a little below ear length was damaged and looked unhealthy.

Now after LHCF, I have thick, texalxed, a little above MID BACK LENGTH hair. (lol)

One of my close relatives has really long hair but she has unhealthy hair practices. She always compares us and truth be told...for awhile I did that too.

Now...I just do what works for me. This is not a race to the finish.

I wash my hair whenever it needs it and I follow healthy hair techniques. Now I will just let my hair flow and absorb the compliments. I have made all of my goals and blasted through others.

Last week, I got called Rapunzel....You know I was sooo happy about that compliment!
Actually to update you ladies:

When I big chopped those same people couldn't belive my hair could look like that without a texturizer. They never said that to my face mind you. I had to hear it from 3rd parties.

Fast forward 18 months this past Easter:

I went to church with my below shoulder hair straightened and colored. I sat towards the front while they sat in the back. Throughout the whole mass I could feel them staring at my head. Afterwards I went to say hello and I wish I took a snapshot of their faces. They were talking TO my hair the whole time, asking if it's real, touching it (weave checking me no doubt) while others acted like I wasn't there. Wait till I get to APL, I can't wait to see their reactions then.

On a positive note, i've become a hair guru for the younger women at that church. I get calls and questions about products, techniques, etc...

Good for you! Maybe some day they'll have the balls to ask for your help and opinion. Until then.....carry on and shake that hair....innocently, of course :lol:
Oh mah garsh! My friends have no idea how obsessed I am with hair! It's my secret addiction. I know they'll judge me for it, but it be calling me man! *In my best Pookie voice*
What haters! My cousin did the same thing to me.. But now that I am almost brastrap length, he just stares. He tells me that my hair is pretty and now long it is, but never admitted that he was wrong. It is all worth it though to see that blank stare on his face! Just stick with your routines and treat them like religion! Eat healthy and have fun with it. You WILL reach your goal! Good luck!

Sent from Cat's iPhone using LHCF
I agree with everyone else: you will reach your goal if YOU believe it. If you wait on everyone else to cheer you on, you may subconciously take on some of their negativity. I never told anyone my WL hair goal because I didn't want anyone to discourage me. When I showed up at my family Christmas party with WL hair, everyone was stunned.

My feeling is that most people aren't intentionally trying to be discouraging. However, most people have a hard time seeing past what they have or have not been able to achieve. The great news is that you have a whole community of supporters here on LHCF who believe in and support your goals. That's where I got all of the external support and encouragement that I needed to press forward.

Best wishes to everyone as we continue in our hair journeys... :-)
I been reading this forum for a year now and during that time I came in contact with "unsatisfactory products" but I was taught not to waste (especially if I didn't pay for it) so that set me back alittle + bad trips to salons + laziness AKA THE REASON MY PIC SHOWS THE FRONT AND NOT THE BACK

But now I'm starting my journey right and I'm determined to show my sis, grandma, and aunt what I can achieve just like you showed your friends

*~SCKRI23~* via LHCF app
I don't think it's personal, in any case. It's their own ignorance (and ignorance taught to them by others over the years) that have them in disbelief. It doesn't take away from your ability to take care of your hair or your ability to do anything in life.

Luckily, I can talk to my best friend about my hair goals. Neither of us can really talk to anyone else without judgement (and she's biracial) just to prove it goes past racial lines. Like another poster said upthread, do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them.
I'm not telling anyone about my hair goals apart from my mum, who has long hair herself.
I can already imagine what my friends would say, probably laugh and say it's not possible :/
I'm gonna keep it to myself until i get to my goal, with my hair hidden.
Well done OP by the way, keeping that hair growing :)