my friends laughed at me when i told them i'll have long hair soon

trimbride said:
I had a similar experience with my Fiance. He hurt my feeling so bad. He saw the Cathy Howse book and commented that she must be mixed and that my hair would never grow that long. It really hurt. I think he thinks that I am stupid and gullible for purchasing the book and spending so much time on hair that he thinks will not grow. He is supportive in everything else that I do so I am trying not to make a big deal out of it. I just stopped asking him "How does my hair look" and I try to do my hair care routine in private so that he doesn't say anything negative.

In a year he will be eating his words but, I am always right when it comes to disagreements so no big deal.

I think this just goes back to when people see black women especially dark skinned women with 4B hair they assume that their hair can't grow. Right now my hair is just below the neck and it is the longest it has ever been in quite some time because I have been taking care of it. I have no doubt that I will reach my goals.

Wow, trimbride....I can't believe that your fiance won't support you in this! :(
You'll be laughing at them soon...believe me. One of my friends who laughed at the thought of this board is now asking me for advice and she texts me her hair pics! :rofl:
cutiebe2 said:
this is why I haven't told my firends what I'm doing yet. I 'm just keeping my hair in Buns, C&G method, etc. And graduation day (May 20017!!!!) I'll bust out my beautifulllllll shoulder length hair. and everyone will say dammmmnnnn. (I know, I have this too planned out)
ITA, Since I have very negative friends, coworkers, and family members who are so jealous I keep my hair goals to myself and wear my up all of the time except maybe one week after I get a touchup. It's a shame you can't share your dreams with the people you love but I've learned that it's best to keep some things to yourself.
Some people can't help it (my fiance included). They may be wonderful, loving, and otherwise supportive people but they have been socialized to believe that black women can not grow hair. It is all good, I think I used to be one of those people. I used to think why bother...that is what weave is for...but I know better now and we will show those nonbelievers...Keep ya head up ladies :D
This is the prime example of why black people need to get educated about their own hair.

Happy Hair Growing All!
hopeful said:
Don't share your dreams with them either. Dreams and goals are like jewels that should only be shared with people you can trust and who will support you.
So true.

anky said:
People told me the same thing. In fact, my best friend told me that. She had long beautiful hair. One year she cut it in a bra and grew back in a year and a half.

Fourteen months after I started taking care of my hair, it grew to my bra clasp and now my hair is longer than hers... it seems that only genetics was on her side. When she started dying, bleaching, abusing, and frying her hair, it began to look like brillo.

Now SHE'S asking me for hair advice.

Don't listen to them. Very soon they will be asking you for advice.
Great example,
Anky I know you do the curly hair shake or straight hair flip on them :lol: just to rub it in right?
caribeandiva said:
they saw my hair book: beautiful black hair by Shamboosie, and they started laughing saying things like:
"you know that girl's hair on the cover is a weave right?"
"why did you waste your money on a book like that? you should have bought some fake hair with it instead."
"YOU are gonna have long hair? stop wasting your time and believing lies. your hair ain't never gonna be that long (brastrap length)."

i gotta admit they hurt my feelings. i can't wait for a year or 2 when they see my long hair blowing in the wind. i know they gonna ask questions. i'll laugh in all their faces. that's more motivation for me to keep up with my regimen. I WILL HAVE MYTH-BUSTING HAIR!!!

it may be unpopular but they are right....holding on to severely damaged ends will set u back and make the trip to long hair much some cases all the routines in the world wont help....

scissors must be applied for a fresh start...
Make believers out of them but don't beat them up too badly. They are where we probably were just a while ago. I can't act brand new now since being enlightened. It may take them some time but one day . . .

On a lighter note, my BF is the exact opposite. He says I'll have to pay HIM for each inch my hair grows. :grin: He is the one that convinced me to start wearing my hair out more and taking better care of it instead of hiding behind extensions.
caribeandiva said:
they saw my hair book: beautiful black hair by Shamboosie, and they started laughing saying things like:
"you know that girl's hair on the cover is a weave right?"
"why did you waste your money on a book like that? you should have bought some fake hair with it instead."
"YOU are gonna have long hair? stop wasting your time and believing lies. your hair ain't never gonna be that long (brastrap length)."

i gotta admit they hurt my feelings. i can't wait for a year or 2 when they see my long hair blowing in the wind. i know they gonna ask questions. i'll laugh in all their faces. that's more motivation for me to keep up with my regimen. I WILL HAVE MYTH-BUSTING HAIR!!!

Do not pay them any mind ! When I started my hair journey in 2004 there were one or three persons that thought my goal was unattainable. Now that my hair has grown like crazy those one or three persons are the very same ones giving me compliments. A lot of people at my job and in my family come to me or call me for hair advice. It is truly amazing what 15 months of a healthy haircare journey can do ! :)
wantlonghealthyhair said:

How's everything going now? your regime, your hair etc?:)

everything's going great. i haven't changed my regime much. i just added a clarifying shampoo and some Biotin pills to it. my hair is growing a lot. i can't wait for my next relaxer!
Yesterday I casually told a close friend about my hair goals of BSL. She was the first person I’d shared this with and, having never seen my hair grow past about APL, she patted me on my back and calmly assured me that it would never happen. She asked me, didn’t I know that hair grows to a certain length and will never get any longer? I was dumbfounded; the unexpected lack of support surprised me! I see where you’re coming from now. Isn’t it great having so much support here at LHCF? I think I’m finished sharing my hair goals with people who doubt my possibilities! It’s great to hear that you are progressing well!
I'm so sorry OP. This is common about LIFE in general. I was reading Micheal Jordan's biography and all the nay sayers he had in his life it was ridiculous. What struck me the most was his statement (not verbatim) that people who cannot achieve their own goals are the ones who don't believe you can reach yours. Just wait, when you reach MBL they will be the ones asking you for advice.
The people that were making fun of all my mixes and potions a year or two ago are now asking me where I buy my Indian oils and what conditioners they should use :lachen:
I'm opening a healthy hair salon and you wouldn't believe the amount of people who just call and ask if I do weaves. It is like they don't even consider trying to grow their own. Even the hairstylists look at me cockeyed. They just want to make the money and the money is in weaves and now locks, but for women to grow their relaxed hair long, I don't believe there is another salon like mine.

Swang, Inc.
257 Mamaroneck Ave.
White Plains, NY 10605
[email protected]

PLEASE SEND ANY HEALTHY HAIRSTYLISTS MY WAY WHO WANT TO WORK IN A GORGEOUS SALON AND LIVE IN THE NEW YORK METRO AREA, Westchester, Bronx, Jersey, Manhattan, Brooklyn (if they don't mind the commute.)

I would've said ok and left it at that................ Haters are my motivation......................
What they said was wrong..but I won't say that I don't understand where they are coming from. I held the same beliefs your friend did..sometimes I still do. When you are surrounded by so many weaves and heads of unhealthy hair..of course you will believe it can't be done. I think they should of kept their comments to themselves.
My friend did the same thing. I showed her a picture of the length that I wanted and she laughed in my face. She even found another picture that she said was more achievable for me. A year an a half later she is asking for hair tips and telling me how long my hair is. Let them talk and don't give them any advice when they:Devil: ask about your flowing hair.
This is one of the reasons I dont share my (hair and nonhair) goals with others. No one can see my dream like I can.
Okay with the exception of CurlyMoo, I'm like huh? y'all done confused the hell out of me.... unless time went all the way back on Sat. ole girl started this thread in '06...