my friends laughed at me when i told them i'll have long hair soon

omegachick31.. i too noticed that this is a very old thread.. however it's soooo appropriate! lol

The other day in making general conversation with a coworker I told her that I was going to grow my hair down my back and she she looked at me with her lips curled and basically said yeah right!! It amazes me that people even have the audacity to tell you what you can't do! lol lol anyway, I was glad that she did it because it gave me motivation to keep going.. not that I really needed it but it was icing on the cake.
@Missjae09...No problem with throwback threads, its just lots of people were telling the OP they were sorry and she would show them....and I was hoping 1.) She has moved past that and 2.) Her hair has gotten longer than the time that has passed since she started it....but then I looked at her updated fotki and it seems like my first hope has come to fruition but the second has been stalled until further notice...

P.S. I think the the contraction can't stands for can too.....see you at the finish
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wow, I'm reminiscing!!!!
I will never forget how this one dude... after I had done my big chop starting cracking jokes on me talking about how I looked like I was recovering from cancer... two and half years later.. guess who was trying to talk to me... STILL trying.. smh. I think the haters are the biggest motivation because the more they hate the longer your hair gets.. pftttt girl please, they'll be asking you for hair tips in a minute.
We need an update from OP. I see from her sig she recently BC'd, but I wonder where she was before that.

caribeandiva update us :)

She was last active yesterday, so she's still around these parts!

Update please! :)

Have you guys checked her fotki? She has before and after pics on there as well as other pictures too. :)

I'm natural now yall!! album | Caribeandiva -- BC on 9/3/10 |, photo and video sharing made easy.
We need an update from OP. I see from her sig she recently BC'd, but I wonder where she was before that.
Holy smokes! I'm sitting here in shock that someone bumped my old thread from 4 years ago. To answer your question, yes I BCed earlier this year in September. Before that I was past shoulder length, edging me way to APL. After I made this thread I grew my hair past SL TWICE because of some health challenges.

The first time I made it past SL or collarbone length (a few months after I made this thread) my "friends" basically got real quiet when I wore my hair down. Sometimes they would touch it and run their fingers through and were amazed at how soft and healthy it was. Other times they would just stare. I was the go-to person for everything hair related. What products to buy, what techniques I used, etc...

Severe anemia (or so i thought at the time) broke off my hair badly to the point where I had to cut it back to ear length.The negative comments started up again. "I knew you couldn't do it." "All those expensive products you wasted your money on and for what?" "You're too stressed out." "I told you to save your money." etc...

It grew back right away of course, and same thing happened: Stares, asking me for advice, compliments. Somehow the topic always turned to hair whenever I happened to wear it down. Needless to say I no longer hang out with those people. What kind of friends are they anyway?

I went natural because my doctor told me that my hair breakage was cause by chemical damage from relaxer burns. He didn't tell me to go natural but I did it anyway. I figured it was sign that I should do it now. I'm still going MBL but I will do it relaxer-free. I can't wait for their eyes to bug out of their socket when they see my hair straight. That day is coming. Trust me!
BTW All the pics of my ups and downs are in my fotki hair album. Thank you for your kind comments ladies! Haters will find any excuse to justify their shortcomings.
I had no clue this thread was bumped until my sister (BelleBebe) started asking me questions about it. She knows my "friends" and she thought it was a new thread! haha.
lol my freinds/family laughed at me too 3 years ago when i had no hair. when i hit wL nobody said anything but they kept grabbing and looking at it.
My friend did the same thing. I showed her a picture of the length that I wanted and she laughed in my face. She even found another picture that she said was more achievable for me. A year an a half later she is asking for hair tips and telling me how long my hair is. Let them talk and don't give them any advice when they:Devil: ask about your flowing hair.

i know thats right lol. ♥
you know what sucks even more?
having people tell you your hair will never get that long...and when it does...its because you have that "good hair".
I'm pretty suuuuure...your hair texture is just like mine, wench.
A week ago, you were callin me a bald headed scallywag.
O, but now I always had flowin locks?
Feel you.
Just let my hair speak for itself. People will talk about you in the beginning until they see your hair growing and looking healthy.
Yes you will! Don't let them get you down. Don't share your dreams with them either. Dreams and goals are like jewels that should only be shared with people you can trust and who will support you. Good luck!

I wish I could hit the thanks button 1000X for this!
^^^^ I like that phrase as well and know that. I am going to school and that is going to be something I just do and not share. So when People go what do you do all day. Nothing just at home doing some work. When you tell people things they find all the negative things to say. I CALL THEM BUZZ KILL.

Best to keep your dreams and goals to yourself or only share with like minds.
you know what sucks even more?
having people tell you your hair will never get that long...and when it does...its because you have that "good hair".
I'm pretty suuuuure...your hair texture is just like mine, wench.
A week ago, you were callin me a bald headed scallywag.
O, but now I always had flowin locks?
Feel you.

This This This. Just yesterday my friend's little sister said she wanted to grow her hair out like mine, and my friend was like "You don't have hair like hers."

That's their own insecurities talking. I am done trying to convince people their hair can grow long. I have learned to keep my mouth shut because it's a losing battle.
This This This. Just yesterday my friend's little sister said she wanted to grow her hair out like mine, and my friend was like "You don't have hair like hers."

That's their own insecurities talking. I am done trying to convince people their hair can grow long. I have learned to keep my mouth shut because it's a losing battle.

Right,eh? Now that my hair has grown some of my friends say that's because you have that "spanish" hair (I'm cuban) or that I'm mixed (I'm not) :lachen: WHAAAT?!! Sooo all those years it was broke and dry where the heck was my "spanish" hair?

Agreed,it's a losing battle. If you have short broke hair then our hair doesn't grow long, if you take care of it and grow it long, you have "good" hair.