My Fiancé Never Showed Up To Our Wedding...

"I paid for everything, and he paid nothing"

I don't believe this. The venue would have been all over her asking for more money. Didn't she go to pick out linen and the menu etc.? Didn't they press her for a final count? I would have been following up with them asking so many questions that I would have known that a payment was still due. What about the groomsmen? Did he just boldly lie to his fellas as well? What about his family. What about the rehearsal dinner? There must have been signs all along the way.

"IF" this is true - he is a big time loser. My heart breaks for her. They were together for 10 years and this is how he chose to end it. I wonder if he even bought her a ring. Who does that? Sometimes we are so focused on the wedding that we don't pay close attention to the actual marriage/relationship.

I would go on that trip and try to take someone with me. Too bad she didn't buy travel insurance. When I returned I would have to hunt him down.
Aw! Poor lady! I mean some people still hold to the tradition that the bride’s family pays for the wedding, so it isn’t necessarily a red flag that she (and her side) would have paid for the bulk of the wedding. Not necessarily, necessarily. :look:

He posed for the engagement photos and wore the t-shirt... I think he got cold feet and warmed them up by running away. Hope nothing really bad happened to him before the wedding. Her family should get first crack at making something happen to him.
@Theresamonet - But isn't that the traditional way to do things? The bride's family covers the cost of everything except the rehearsal dinner and honeymoon?

The bride's FAMILY. Not the bride herself. What groom let's their bride-- their woman of 10 years, carry the entire burden of paying for THEIR wedding herself? Oh, I know... One who isn't going to show up to the wedding. :lachen:
@Theresamonet - But isn't that the traditional way to do things? The bride's family covers the cost of everything except the rehearsal dinner and honeymoon?

I don't think that tradition is traditional anymore.

Most weddings I've been too or read about rarely mention the family paying for everything. It's usually "we saved up x amount over x number of months". And I'll see the family might have chipped in on the honeymoon or dress or something.

Either way she got played and her ex is trash.
I don't think that tradition is traditional anymore.

Most weddings I've been too or read about rarely mention the family paying for everything. It's usually "we saved up x amount over x number of months". And I'll see the family might have chipped in on the honeymoon or dress or something.

Either way she got played and her ex is trash.

Because people are getting married older and are together longer, before they finally get married. It's ridiculous for 30-something year old people, who have been together 5-10 years, to then turn to the bride's parents and go "pay for us to have a wedding".
She wasnt supposed to pay for the honeymoon, but my friends would've made sure that didnt go to waste. They would've pulled a sex in the city and bought tickets and WE wouldve turned a honeymoon into as much fun as I would be able to have under the circumstances.

Sad for her, but my Taurean nature is more mad about all the money lost than his shenanigans. She had all the signs and ignored them. She feigned ignorance in order to have her 10 years mean something.

Also Sis is crazy for showing her whole face. I didn't see anything about kids and am wondering if they have any together.
I have an uncle who did the same thing. The bride was at the church all decked out waiting and he was on a trip with another woman. She was humiliated to the core.

My aunt married him after the fact and lived a life filled with humiliation. She gave birth to my cousins in the hospital alone coz each time he was out gallivanting the streets. My mother paid the bill each time, took her shopping and then took her home. That was her little sister.

My aunt was the first wife. Well he married a second wife and didn't tell her family of my aunt's existence. Had a big church wedding and everything. We had no idea. Her parents found out at their daughter's funeral that my aunt existed. My aunt took in her child and raised him.

Side chick number 2 had a kid who came to visit and refused to go back to his mother so my aunt raised him as well. His mother drank and partied a lot and he preferred being with his siblings.

My uncle is now older and slowed down. My aunt built him a house and bought him a car for their retirement. He is well behaved these days coz he's too tired to run the streets.
Poor lady! DH’s family and extended family contributed maybe 30% of the money for our wedding expenses, so if he skipped out, he’d have to face them, not just me!

What doesn’t make sense to me is the situation with the venue. She said that he didn’t pay the venue *deposit*. When was the balance due? Why didn’t the venue notify her/them that the deposit wasn’t paid way before the wedding? Didn’t they do a final meeting? Seems like she should have been aware of an unpaid balance. I know I was in near constant communication with my venue in the weeks leading up to the wedding. Heck, the owner was helping us set up the wedding and the rehearsal the day before. No way that would have been missed.

ETA: She also paid way too much for those items she listed. Sheesh!
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This has to be fake. She would've at least visited the venue a couple times before to plan the decor, seating etc and from what I understand you need to pay the venue in full before the day.

If it were true I wouldn't be surprised if she gave him the impression that her family was footing the bill to save face.
This has to be fake. She would've at least visited the venue a couple times before to plan the decor, seating etc and from what I understand you need to pay the venue in full before the day.

If it were true I wouldn't be surprised if she gave him the impression that her family was footing the bill to save face.
Yes. I’m thinking this must be fake now. That’s a lot for a DJ but only $500 down for the venue? Which she never saw?
This has to be fake. Trust me when I tell you venues dont play, she would have known long before the wedding day that the venue was not booked and they would have told her when she signed a contract whatever she put down would be lost no matter what after a certain date. Red flags all over the place her paying for evening. If was me I'm going to Greece without his trifling behind. And if I'm gonna look like a further fool for all to see his face needs to be seen.