My Fiancé Never Showed Up To Our Wedding...

Yes. I’m thinking this must be fake now. That’s a lot for a DJ but only $500 down for the venue? Which she never saw?

I only had to put $500 down for my venue to hold the date. 50% of the remaining balance was due 3 months beforehand and the remainder had to be paid 1 month before the wedding. It does depend on the type of venue, but a $500 deposit is definitely within the realm of possibility.

If she was not the contact for the venue, then no, she wouldn’t know. This story could very well be fake, but the fact that the venue didn’t call her is not indicative of that.

This is true, but unless she was 100% hands off besides paying for things (which I doubt), it should have filtered back to her somehow. I find it hard to believe that she as the bride wasn’t in contact with the venue in regards to other logistics, especially the week leading up to the big day and they didn’t say, “Uh, ma’am, we haven’t been paid our *deposit*”. Heck, without a deposit, they won’t even hold your date. If she’s out here booking DJs, that says to me that she was involved in the process and there’s no way it got up to the day of the wedding and a bride who had been involved in the planning didn’t know the venue hadn’t been reserved, much less paid.
But what about decorations? Setting up?

What about it? Maybe they selected a package that included decor/setup. Maybe the venue was already decorated. Who knows... There are a million and one reasons why she may not have gotten involved, and obviously she is not the sharpest crayon in the box. But that's not what I was addressing. I was saying that just because she wasn't notified of lack of payment, doesn't mean the story is fake (AGAIN, it could be. I'm not vouching for it's authenticity). But if he was the venue's contact, they would call him. Not her, just because she's the bride.
I didn't visit my venue again after first going and doing the tasting (same day) until the day I got married. I had a decorator or whatever do my flowers, centerpieces, etc. I didn't see the final product until I walked down the aisle.
We chose the bakery for the cake, and they delivered it to where we told them to the day of.
But don't all of those people talk with the venue to confirm things, figure out where to drop off stuff, how early they can arrive, etc.? You'd think the vendors would've said something to the bride and groom about it. I'm surprised that the venue wouldn't have both the bride and groom's contact info, even if one is just a backup.

But maybe it was a low-key wedding venue (just a hall) and her people were bringing food for the wedding? I dunno. Still the DJ should've checked it out and contact her, since it wasn't cheap. The DJ needs to set up ahead of time and she obviously wasn't in contact with the vendor to get details for him/her.

For a traditional couple, it is odd that the bride is so involved in everything else, but not the venue or anything associated with it.

The overall story is probably true but the details provided are ehh.

I agree she should've gone on that trip. Of course. Oh well I hope she sues him and gets all of her money back x2 at least.
"I paid for everything, and he paid nothing"

Women forcing the issue.
We chose the bakery for the cake, and they delivered it to where we told them to the day of.
This is my point. Wouldn't the cake be delivered before the guests arrive? Wouldn't the decorator have set up the day before or morning of (whatever is the arrangement)? How could no one have alerted her to not being able to access the venue before guests arrived?
Still unsure why people tell the world their business.
Why would I as the bride be paying for almost everything?
How would the venue not get paid and not contact the bride?
I don’t want to believe someone would be so foolish but Black women do even dumber things daily.
If I took an L this big only my girls would know as I cry over some tequila and they're consoling me. I would also ruin his life when I got myself together though I will be suing his behind.
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That she didn't want people doing or saying the things they are to him. She wanted other women to know and that essentially God will handle it @LdyKamz
Hm so still defending him? LOL What other reason could she possibly have for sharing this unless she wanted people to come for him? "Other Women" aren't doing this so she can keep her lesson. I hate to be mean but I can't stand people doing dumb crap and then want to tell the world not to be like them like they're some wise individuals when all they did was learn something that everyone else already knows NOT to do. But ok girl, let God handle it.
That she didn't want people doing or saying the things they are to him. She wanted other women to know and that essentially God will handle it @LdyKamz
Hm so still defending him? LOL What other reason could she possibly have for sharing this unless she wanted people to come for him? "Other Women" aren't doing this so she can keep her lesson. I hate to be mean but I can't stand people doing dumb crap and then want to tell the world not to be like them like they're some wise individuals when all they did was learn something that everyone else already knows NOT to do. But ok girl, let God handle it.
This is why I believe she’s lying. If it really happened why would she not show his face and not want people to clown him?
Her shirt should say and I'm stealing his last name not so. So I'm stealing his last name would only work if his shirt said I stole her heart. Yes, yes I'm being annoying in all the threads tonight lol

I’ve always seen it say: “I stole her heart... So I’m stealing his last name”.

It’s ironic that even on the shirts, she’s doing all the work.
Her shirt should say and I'm stealing his last name not so. So I'm stealing his last name would only work if his shirt said I stole her heart. Yes, yes I'm being annoying in all the threads tonight lol

I didn’t even pay attention! He doesn’t look interested in the pics. It’s like they rented him to take them. Too much nonsense for me...
This is why I believe she’s lying. If it really happened why would she not show his face and not want people to clown him?
True but also I think I could flip it the other way too. If she's lying why would she show her face? Wouldn't it be too embarrassing? This is not something anyone wants associated with themselves. The turn of this thread does not reveal ladies viewing her as just a victim. There are insinuations of stupidity (because it is) and of course questioning the truth of the story (and therefore her), etc. This isn't something anyone who has gone through such a devastating event would want to bring upon themselves.

To me hiding his face might actually go more with the truth because a lot of times, till the end, the victim tries to protect the horrible person. So she shared her story but didn't think it was right to reveal the guy.

Then again, I am not going hard for her or saying she's telling the truth, only looking at the other possibilities.
I have an uncle who did the same thing. The bride was at the church all decked out waiting and he was on a trip with another woman. She was humiliated to the core.

My aunt married him after the fact and lived a life filled with humiliation. She gave birth to my cousins in the hospital alone coz each time he was out gallivanting the streets. My mother paid the bill each time, took her shopping and then took her home. That was her little sister.

My aunt was the first wife. Well he married a second wife and didn't tell her family of my aunt's existence. Had a big church wedding and everything. We had no idea. Her parents found out at their daughter's funeral that my aunt existed. My aunt took in her child and raised him.

Side chick number 2 had a kid who came to visit and refused to go back to his mother so my aunt raised him as well. His mother drank and partied a lot and he preferred being with his siblings.

My uncle is now older and slowed down. My aunt built him a house and bought him a car for their retirement. He is well behaved these days coz he's too tired to run the streets.

Thats sad. Even more sad that her child and the other children she raised have this as an example of what a husband looks like.