MTG users check in please!!

How much did your hair grow from MTG

  • None or normal hair growth rate

    Votes: 34 25.2%
  • 1 inch a month\ .5 inch in two weeks

    Votes: 67 49.6%
  • 1.5 inch a month or 3/4 an inch in two weeks

    Votes: 21 15.6%
  • 2 inches a month or 1 inch in two weeks

    Votes: 13 9.6%

  • Total voters
harigeek said:
Hi Ladies - I started using MTG last week Tuesday, July 5. So far I've only used it 3 times and cannot say if I have any growth. But MTG makes my hair feel very hard AND it makes my palms feel rough like sandpaper ! :mad: I can't stand it so now I use gloves when I put it on my scalp, and then I wash the gloves out as well to make sure none of it gets on my skin.
Has this happened to anyone else ??

I haven't had such a reaction but you may be experiencing an allergic reaction to it. I'd say STOP using it all over and if anything, do a patch test for a few days. If it continues or gets worse, growth or no growth, don't use it! :( There are some ladies who have had reactions to may want to start a separate thread so they can respond to you specifically.

You may opt to try the Lenzi's request if this doesn't work for you, some ladies are getting good results with that.

Either way, be careful...
LaNecia said:
I haven't had such a reaction but you may be experiencing an allergic reaction to it. I'd say STOP using it all over and if anything, do a patch test for a few days. If it continues or gets worse, growth or no growth, don't use it! :( There are some ladies who have had reactions to may want to start a separate thread so they can respond to you specifically.

You may opt to try the Lenzi's request if this doesn't work for you, some ladies are getting good results with that.

Either way, be careful...
OFF-TOPIC: Hey LaNecia, you're lookin' good in your signature! :yep:
LaNecia said:
:D Thank you Poohbear!! :kiss:

********OFF TOPIC***********

Ms. Lanecia I sent you a message a while back about abs here in LHCF...
Did you get it?
Oh and you are looking fierce!! I just love your abs.

*******BACK ON TOPIC*******

Regarding the poster who has only been using it since July 5th. You do have to give it a little time. Some people don't have the same kind of growth as others do. I didn't notice growth either until I realized, I didn't get much growth at the back of my hair as I did with the sides. My sides are catching up with the rest of my hair. The sandpaper feel could be due to the sulphur. I have that same grainy feeling too in my hair and hands. I also break out along my neck and face but that happens when I put my hair or anything greasy on my face and neck. With the surge, I don't use anymore, that caused actual very deep beet red burn marks on my neck and raised burnt skin on my temple area and flaking and drying of my scalp. It hurt like hell to touch and felt like my skin was on fire!

The only problem I have with MTG is thick newgrowth. Check back in about a month and tell us what you got going then. And don't forget to take pics!
LondonDiva said:
The thicker harder to manage hair is definitly noticeable from using the MTG. It's beyond ridiculous. But still ALL good.

Hello LondonDiva,

I want to thank you for introducing me to the Protectiv line of products. I had used one of the products before and liked it, but I did not continue. Then I peeped your photos and saw that you used the relaxer and thought I would try it-since I was looking for a new relaxer. I loved the relaxer and the other the products too. I did add 2 caps of evoo to the relaxer, but I was very impressed with the end results. Thanks for hooking a sister up! ;)
I have not started using my MTG again just yet, I want to be a week or so after my relaxer before I contiune. I don't want any bad reactions between the relaxer and MTG.
Okay, this is my one month anniversary of regular use and it is a keeper. I have pics in my album from the end of june and plan to take at the end of july. I expect at the end of july, the hair at my nape to be back at my pre trim measurement that I had at the start of the year.

I am using 2-3 times per week. Some weeks just MTG by itself, other weeks 1 to 1 mixture of surge and MTG, applied to scalp and massaged in.
I started it about a month or 6 weeks, and I've so much new growth already, and I'm like 6 weeks post relaxer!! My hair is super thick, 1st time I used it, I mistakenly had it behind my neck and got little bumps. I read about that here, and then avoided it, and havent had a bad reaction to it just yet. This is a keeper! I used to use it every 2-3days, now I'm using it every day at night, every now and then I use it with surge. The smell is nasty, I ordered Lenzi's request too, and hoping that will help with growth as well as with the smell!!
Has anyone experienced facial hair from this the way it happens with products that have minoxidil (i.e. rogaine, minoval)?

How exactly is everyone applying this? With a squirt bottle? Fingertips? Can you ONLY use it when hair is completely wet?

I am sooo happy that you ladies are gettg these amazing results.. but I will continue to sit this one out for a while to see if this is a fad/short craze like with surge b/c I had such high hopes for it to help me with my edges, but it didn't work a lick...

and NOW everyone is off the surge wagon and has hopped onto the MTG wagon. There's nothing wrong with that, just want to be sure first, but the results so far seem VERY convincing.
I tried MTG and I really motivated to use...but the smell was simply unbearable!!! I am so envious of all you ladies that can use it and get such great results. I awaiting my Lenzi request. Hoping that this works as good as MTG appears to have worked.
secretdiamond said:
Has anyone experienced facial hair from this the way it happens with products that have minoxidil (i.e. rogaine, minoval)?

Wouldn't you have to apply it to your face for this to happen?
no.. It can also get into your blood stream thru your scalp. That's what happened to me. I NEVER let it touch my face. As a matter of fact, I only applied it RIGHT B4 I would wash my face in the morning and evening. Not only did I get facial hair (it's very thin, but I still notice it), but hair grew thicker and longer where it NEVER came close to like my arms and legs. I used to be able to go weeks-- even months w/o shaving my legs and NO ONE would notice, but now my legs look horrendous. And the hair on my arms definitely grew thicker AND longer. :(
oh snap, i was gonna break down and get some eventually but there is no way i'm using that stuff if you had hair growing other places as well. has this happened to anyone else?
I have been getting some growth from using MTG but I haven't been using it regularly since I got my results should be better than what I am getting. I have used it 3 times within the 2 1/2 weeks of having it. The smell isn't really that cute but my hair is thicker and growing....
toinette said:
oh snap, i was gonna break down and get some eventually but there is no way i'm using that stuff if you had hair growing other places as well. has this happened to anyone else?

No.... I was speaking of things like Minoval or Rogaine that have minoxidil in them. I know MTG is known for its sulfur, but now I'm weary of anything that promotes growth as it may cause growth in other places. So I'm gonna sit this out for a while and see what adverse reactions (if any) people get from using this over a period of time AND to see if it will hold up it's popularity over time.
Wow, and I just ordered mine last week! Oh well, I plan to still give it a try when it arrives. Always remember ladies anything that goes on the skin is absorbed by the body. Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies.
I cant tell what kind of growth i'm getting because I've been doing the wash and goes. Now that I've started wearing twists I will be able to better determine how fast my hair is growing. I'm not using it consistently tho. In fact I havent used it in about 2 weeks. Thanks ladies for the updates!
Here is my updates:


June/ July

after 2 months


LadyZ said:
Here is my updates:


June/ July

after 2 months



Holy Moly :eek: That's some GREAT growth. I've gotten a good amount this past month from MTG since my touch up. Gotta wait (if I can) till october for the 4 months touch up period.
LondonDiva said:
Holy Moly :eek:

:lol:...I was thinking something very similar! :shocked:

I think I'm getting back on the ball w/my MTG....been slacking trying something else that isn't quite doing it for me. Tisk, tisk...why do we try to fix what ain't broken?

Anyway, great progress LadyZ, I'm inspired! ;)
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!I can only imagine, I've been using it for 6 weeks now, and I cant comb my hair anymore, too much undergrowth. I should be getting a touch up on thursday, and I'll post pics

LadyZ said:
I was not in the challenge... just used it on my own four 4 weeks:

LondonDiva said:
Does anyone get the itchies with the faster hair growth?

Yes! When I was on the Sulphur 8 challenge my head was itching like crazy. My scalp does the same thing on the MTG Challenge.
LadyZ said:
Here is my updates:


June/ July

after 2 months



All I can say is DAAANG! I am just about where you were in June. My second month will come up in the second week of August. At that rate you might be brastrap by the end of the year. Keep it up girl!
:) :) It just arrived today!! After a 2 hour skin test at the back of my head. I ran out and bought an applicator bottle and drenched my scalp. I figured I'd start with a deep oil treatment overnight. I'll get up early to shampoo & dry.
I have some errands to run in the morning, when I get back home, I will take pics one with wet hair, one dry. This is a great excuse for me to build an album! :grin:
Pewww Whee! This stuff stinks. I triedmixing in about 100 drops of pepermint oil, & 10 whole cloves to tone it down a bit.
FeelinIt said:
Yes! When I was on the Sulphur 8 challenge my head was itching like crazy. My scalp does the same thing on the MTG Challenge.

SEEMS like it. I stopped using it for a while (about 3 weeks) and just started back this week and here we go again, although it's not a continual problem once I start, it seems to last about two weeks.

Maybe, I'll try cycling my use, kinda like DSD and her Biotin :scratchch
I order from Shapley's and I got 1.5-2" this month and I'm ordering more, waistlength here I come...(gallops off to Shapley's) :lol: