Dedicated MTG Users...Please check in

I thought I was going nuts too last week. The thickness was doing it, so I understand now what you mean.
I had to change my up more options, so I hope this helps somewhat.:look:
That's good to know.;) And just keep growing.

BLESSED1 said:
Oh girl no, I'm not going to give up! I do want the extra length at a faster pace, it's just that I don't need the extra thickness. This pic shows what I was working with just a few weeks after I did my chop:


I can barely handle that but I've got almost twice as much of that these dummies keep calling me simba :lol:
:) I'm so glad that everyone is experiencing results. That's one thing I like about LHCF, the support, knowing we are all striving to achieve the same goals.
I don't have pictures yet though!
Happy growing everyone!
:weird::band: :cheers: :yay: :dance7: :creatures :bouncy: :bdance:
Let's see, my hair line is fuller and my sides have filled in, this is the fullest my hair line and lower sides have been all my life.:D I believe it has increased my growth rate and will continue to use even when I reach my hair goal to sid in keeping it fuller, I haven't noticed any thickness yet but I am patiently waiting.

Jadedcynicism :I have seen some residue, but it only shows up on wash day since I didn't oil my scalp the day before. it doesn't bother me though. It's like little white spects and I shake mine up for 3 min. at least before using and give it a good shake every other part.:ohwell:
jadedcynicism said:
Does MTG leave a sulphur residue in the hair? i know its oily, but are there white/yellow bits in your hair afterwards? or does the sulphur dissolve completely into the oil?
Finishing Surge challenge tomorrow...will start Surge tomorrow...will let you know.....(doesn't smell that bad....that's what I small like after smoking a husband won't say a WORD!
BeautifulWideEyes said:
Let's see, my hair line is fuller and my sides have filled in, this is the fullest my hair line and lower sides have been all my life.:D I believe it has increased my growth rate and will continue to use even when I reach my hair goal to sid in keeping it fuller, I haven't noticed any thickness yet but I am patiently waiting.

I think that's great! I started the same way. My hairline was totally damaged until I used this stuff...MTG. And yes, my hair is a lot thicker so just be patient and ready because when it's thicker, it's a lot more of a challenge to manage...Good luck
I am doing well with MTG, my hair look a complete mess in the back tomorrow it will be 1 month since I had a perm and the back grew out from close tapered cut and its a mess I am force to get braids to look human when I go out I look like i sleep outside the back is horrible with thick and thin hair shiny and dull hair I mean really. I use MTG every single day. It has no side effects on me but I have only been using it for a week and two days as of today. I am ordering another bottle just in case. I have a long way to go but you never know with everyone ordering they kind of know what the deal is they just dont' say anything, they just send it and that is fine with me.
In another thread, I caved in :) and purchased MTG because the crown of my hair was THIN (I had some highlights that broke off) so I bought it to test it out just in this area only. I follow the instructions on the bottle (I only use it maybe 2 time a week). I decided not to watch my hair like a hawk for growth because I didn't want to set myself up for disappointment.

Just this morning when I was pressing my hair, I noticed that my crown was not as thin as it use to be - it was a lot thicker. I could even pull my hair back in a ponytail with a side part - AND NOT SEE SCALP :D I have been using MTG for about a month now.

Yall just don't know how happy I was to see this. For this, I will gladly smell like a smoked turkey (plus its the holidays anyway so who's going to notice lol). I do mix in a few drops of ylang ylang and it kills the smell.

I don't get any residue, but once I apply the oil, I do massage it into my scalp though.

Good luck ladies!!!!

I started using MTG Oct. 5th twice a week...I checked for progress two weeks later and had my usual 1/4" growth. Then I started using it 3x/week. Now, two weeks later it looks like I have .5" of growth.
i have been dedicated since 10*24*05 when i got cornrows i mtg and surge daily and as of yet i havent seen phenom growth but i think my scalp has been dryer maybe its the surge not gonna stop must get an inch a month
Four (4) inches in 4 months? Wow-that's pretty good. This MAY just motivate me to open the bottle I purchased a month ago! Quite frankly, I have been terrified of doing so due to the smell that many have reported on this board. Some people add essential oils to lessen the smell, I may do that too. It seems that the people who use it frequently like you do see the best results. Thanks for posting this.....

Guyaneek said:
I'm using MTG faithfully. About 4-5xs per week at night. I "grease" my scalp with it. I did the BC to about 2 inches all around in May, got the MTG in June and now I am at 6 inches all around. I had braids in July and I've been lazy so I haven't taken pictures yet. I haven't measured in about a month either, just baggie & phony pony daily. Between May and Sept, I gained 4 inches and I would say a great deal of it is due to MTG. I'm getting braids next week so I'll update with pics of current length to compare when I'm out.
MTG is definitely a keeper for me though. My hair is a lot thicker and my kitchen area has grown from little stap crackle pops to about 2-3 inches. :lol:
High Priestess said:
I've been so curious since a lot of us have discovered MTG.
Check in please with us all just to let us know your results of usage.

As for me, I've seen great results since my use in August.
My hair=line has filled in
My hair is thicker, and my growth rate has seemed to increased. Seemed to because I can't tell right now due to shrinkage. I don't straighten it dry very often.
I am a newbie. What is MTG?