Men Wanting You To Get Pregnant To Prove Your Fertility

The nerve.... They can check with a fertility doctor to see if they can get pregnant, she doesn't have to get pregnant before marriage to prove anything. This guy is a jerk.

Would he be proving his solvency? Cause he's expecting a woman to prove her fertility, that means he gotta prove he is able and willing to take care of a wife and baby, right? Kindly provide a copy of your credit report and proof of all your assets including retirement accounts, and, of course, a blank check to cover the doctor's fees, sir.
As far as I know he has not come out and said to the women that they have to prove their fertility. But I think, secretly that’s what has been his mo since his first serious gf left him after being with him so long.

Anyway. He is getting married to his current gf who is about to drop. Alls well that ends well.