Wanting to help my friend.. Her CHILD SUPPORT dilemna

So...he just assumed he got off scot-free on his baby momma. People crack me up with this ish. "Secret child support." What the heck did he expect?

I highly doubt there is such a thing as secret child support. By the time wages are being garnished....er...

depends on where they live... in many states, attaching wages are standard and/or mandatory from the first payment due... so, assuming that the person in question ignored their mail which contained the notices, seeing deductions in their paycheck can happen pretty quickly after the establishment of a support order...
Lil J (the 9 year old) NEVER goes without and I feel kind of sorry for my friend because dude was still paying his original amount and has no receipts while he is the hole.

this is the #1 reason that i always advise non custodial parents to opt to have a case with whoever the authority is in the state where they live.... "working something out" is very rarely to both party's advantage.... anything paid outside of the legally mandated child support obligation (at least in VA) is considered a gift unless there is specific documentation that shows payments were given and received as child support... with this being said, the ncp can be paying for 17 full years and then the cp gets a bug up their butt and open a case and BAM, now the ncp can owe for the full 17 years plus up to the age of emancipation....

it's a tough tough situation....
depends on where they live... in many states, attaching wages are standard and/or mandatory from the first payment due... so, assuming that the person in question ignored their mail which contained the notices, seeing deductions in their paycheck can happen pretty quickly after the establishment of a support order...

I didn't know that. Thanks.