can yall give your 2 cents

At above- if he's a Kang then maybe he was raised by Kangs who in their Kangland the rules say you don't open your mouf bout Nuffin-
Btw, what's a Kang? Lololol
celiabug First and foremost since this man was obviously cheating on you with others, please get yourself CHECKED. We have enough black women being clueless about this. Make your health a piority

secondly consider SelahOco post. It's the truth. we can all just say leave it, after all we arent in your shoes but know you can do this (move on)
ManeStreet i did meet his whole family they all knew me and i would go to family get togethers and they would say how we are so perfect together but this whole time they knew about this other woman and their child. his parents went to the funeral and then later were smiling in my face. his cousin is the one who introduced him to that woman and the baby was even made at his cousins house.
I'd do like that .gif with Bart Simpson's grandpa where he puts his hat on the coat rack, takes it off, puts it back on his head and walks back out of the door.

RUN FORREST! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

girl somebody needs to throw rocks at her to make her run faster!
Just wondering op if you will actually heed this advice?

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Not to be a pessimist and since the OP will see this it's not talking behind her back. My gut feeling is NO.

There is something about the way she's answers the questions and the additional details she has given that makes me feel she'll let herself be convinced that the other woman is mostly at fault, so therefore the BF is either fully or partially absolved.

I don't know anything about the OP dating history so I'm just extrapolating based on a few friends who had low self-esteem and where use to dealing with sub-par men.

When a woman is use to dealing with men who on a scale of 1-10 rates a 0 and she gets with a man who acts like 5, that's a big jump for them and they do not easily let go just because they find out he's actually a 2.
Run Forrest Run..

*A real true man awaits you...Not him..

This guy is hiding a lot,but his actions are loud & clear..Take heed & leave him on the curb!

OP-I'm sending you a hug..I hope things work out for you & the choice you chose is correct..

You can do it..God Bless & Good Luck!
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I think you have enough reasons not to the event you are still there.

Here is my $.15....this...he owns his own business but let's another woman buy him a car, which means he needed a car...which means he probably needs a job.

He got her preggo at her cousin's house...was he homeless or just that hard up that he couldn't wait to get her home...

The more you tell us the worse he sounds. You can do better...being alone would be doing better.
Your true husband is waiting for you out there. Look at the positives that God gave you the largest warning sign ever! How can God do better than that? So what positives are there for you to see, what your ex is really like and what kind of future you would have had if you kept down that path.

Time to get off that path and steer yourself down another road that is being steered for you by God. So we are blessed in being free willing entities, so what path will you choose for yourself?

I know which one I would be on, heart broken and all. I wasn't born to be placed into miserable hands of others and neither are you.
@celiabug I agree with everyone, I usually don't want to give my 2 cents when I don't know the people personally but in this case I'd say don't listen and don't wait. There is nothing confusing, unfortunately the facts are very clear and painful. You have an awful truth, maybe in a beautiful envelope, but at this point it doesn't matter anymore.

What you want to know about him is already in front of your eyes, it is a fact. Some facts must be deal breakers, otherwise you become one of those people who one day look in the mirror and don't remember when and how they got used to loosing respect for themselves, something that can really happen to anyone if we allow it. And that is the most dangerous direction to follow because it's extremely difficult to go back to who you were before from there. Some people never find the way.

You could be that other woman, and even more unhappy, in a second (!) and forever.
In one word: DANGER.
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There could be another trap there too: don't feel sorry for him or it will be easy to manipulate your feelings.
He didn't feel sorry when he wanted to marry you without first telling you 100% who he was. He didn't feel sorry for the woman he had 2 children with.

He said she trapped him.
Still, he wanted to trap you.
i moved out as soon as i found out. i was just starting to get used to things when he tried to come back into my life and make me question my decision, i have no doubt that i will stay away from him for good.
You need to call up baby mama and thank her for telling you the truth and just before that, you need to get on your knees and thank God that He allowed you to answer the phone and find all this out beforehand.

I agree....many many years ago I caught my college boyfriend with another woman...we had graduated and were living together, had dated 4-5 years at this point......he went on vacation without me (to his parents in Philly)...he paid all the bills so I never bothered to look...this time I saw the phone bill with unrecognizable numbers in Philly.....I called it...a female answered....I asked for him...he got on the phone...I told him to pack his things when he got back and get to stepping....I told her she can have him...they later married and are now divorced.