You’re absolutely right. It’s really an outside looking in from a mans perspective type of book on woman. Dating, married, or single various parts will speak to some and not others. If a woman lacks self-esteem the books applies, for the woman who esteems herself on superficial accomplishments it applies, and one who cannot 100% relate it could be read as preventative. The pitfalls he speaks of is not exclusive to dating, it can be applied to marriage if you look at the principle of it all.
You’re absolutely right. It’s really an outside looking in from a mans perspective type of book on woman. Dating, married, or single various parts will speak to some and not others. If a woman lacks self-esteem the books applies, for the woman who esteems herself on superficial accomplishments it applies, and one who cannot 100% relate it could be read as preventative. The pitfalls he speaks of is not exclusive to dating, it can be applied to marriage if you look at the principle of it all.