My goal was not to generate an aggressive/defensive response from you. Just so you know my intentions. My point was proven exactly by your response: Men don’t enjoy watching movies like Love Actually but you said you make him. In that case I guess he’s watching it to appease/comply and although you forced someone to watch something important to you it doesn’t mean he’s enjoying it or getting what you get out of the movie. Again, compliance doesn’t beget effectiveness.
Acting is not genuine and merely obligatory so again....what’s the point? I thought the goal was to be with someone who genuinely wants to pay your bills, by you flowers, etc.
Now we’re off topic but I appreciate your response and would appreciate even more if you didn’t take my post as an attack.
Sorry I didn't mean to come off as an attack. I was trying to give an honest answer. I don't understand. What does any movie achieve? I don't know If they like the movie and I don't care. The man likes the experience. The hand holding and sipping wine. They like me saying "Thank so much for watching this with me. I get so sentimental at Xmas." How do I know they like the experience ? Because they then make extra efforts to make my xmas special and will repeat my words. "Xmas is a sentimental time of the year."
I really don't go around trying to figure out what men like anyway, because I don't understand them. I can only say that the movie has brought joyful times.
My goal is not to be with someone who genuinely wants to do anything for me . Mary J Blidge though her husband was genuine and we see how that worked out. A man motivated can fake genuine.
I don't really care if he wants to buy me flowers, or pay bills. Its what I require and I'm getting it. Thats really all that matters to me-results. I assume they like me and my desires or I they would leave.
I don't try to read mens minds. I just go with the flow. If I like it-im there. If I don't like it -I leave.
My friends go out of their way trying to please their men and they habitually get Dogged out.
So yeah, Compliance begets effectiveness. with me. It is effective in giving me what I want. What other effectiveness could you possibly be speaking of?
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