Mega-Tek/OCT Challenge November 2008

I am the only black female at my job - oh, I hear them whispering and going on about my hair. They did the same thing when I started losing weight. I work with some undercover card carrying members of the Klan (IMO) especially in light of the Obama win - this election has really shown how people really are.

Anyway - when they get the nerve to ask me what I am using, I am going to tell them Mane and Tail conditioner mixed pink oil, BB supergro, vegetable oil, a whole bottle of garlic powder, hydrogen peroxide and whatever I can think of that is NOT beneficial

Guess I am ventin', huh?!?!?!:lachen:

Yes I understand where you coming from
PLEASE ladies, can I get some answers please!

Well I m lurking the challenge for 2 months now but here goes:

1. Which alter ego products are you using to combat shedding?
Now i am using the Nutrine garlic con as a co-wash and have no shedding anymore. But I m familiar with Cren and it works great and quickly.

2. Are you mixing anything in your OCT?
Quit the OCT due to cost and use only MT. Yes its mixed with black castor oil.
3. How often are you DCing and with what?
DC once a week w/ Silicon Mix and ORS rep pak.

I forgot to mention that I got like 3 girls using MT at my job. Even this white lady tapped me the other day saying, "I heard you're the girl with the magic hair products." I'm like whauut? :blush: She explained that her daughter is wanting her hair to grow. I gave her the info about MT - she was too excited. Has this happened to you?

Oh, and who cursed me with the damn itchies?:wallbash:

Sareca mentioned something about the bentonite clay mixture that she put in her hair helping with the itchies!
Hey ladies. :hiya:
I know this has been answered somewhere b4 n another thread but I'm lazy. 4 those of u that r taking garlic, how much & do u think there's 1 brand that's better than another?
Hey ladies,

I have been experiencing shedding and breakage too while using megatek. I am taking garlic pills but that doesnt seem to be working. I dont understand why not? If the garlic supplements dont work, will the alter ego conditioner be any better?
Hey ladies,

I have been experiencing shedding and breakage too while using megatek. I am taking garlic pills but that doesnt seem to be working. I dont understand why not? If the garlic supplements dont work, will the alter ego conditioner be any better?

garlic is more to prevent shedding than to stop breakage. maybe you need to find some moisturizers that don't contain protein
ladies, I have some questions:

1. Which alter ego products are you using to combat shedding?
2. Are you mixing anything in your OCT?
3. How often are you DCing and with what?

Please help me out ladies. I just got my OCT a few days ago.
I have tried garlic pills, but they gave me some weird reactions.


Mandy, I apologize for taking so long to respond to you. Been taking care of a friend who had surgery, plus work & teaching schedule has me running.

1. I used the Alter Ego Impact Ego Garlic conditioner. Will probably not repurchase since I take garlic pills. Also found EVO with garlic at Smart & Final & I add that to my cowashe recipes & my conditioners.
2. I use OCT straight or mixed 50/50 with MT. I cw, then apply MT or OCT for 5 min to 1 hr depending on time. Rinse, then DC. I apply OCT or MT to scalp at night, moisturize, seal with oil, baggy & leave over night.
3. I DC twice a week for 1 hr with steam one day & 2 hrs no heat the other day. However, after daily cw & MT/OCT app, I always apply whatever DC I use for at least 5 minutes.


Note: Although I was fearing breakage with having so many short bushy spots, I can see very clearly today that I have a lot of growth & rapid growth. For me, using it straight & adding OCT to the regime has helped a lot. Please keep in mind that I tend to be obsessive about things, so right now, my hair gets a ton of my attention. I'll work it in even at 3 AM. I also use the MoeGro oil recipe for my prepoo daily.

ETA: I forgot to mention that I DC with Silk Elements moisterize treatment mixed with Caramel treat, & fenugreek tea & ocassionally irish moss. I find my hair doesn't like carmel treat alone but when I add it to my other conditioners, it loves the mix.
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Here are all the product I used I don't used at the same time.

I mixed MT , OCT , Coconut oil and Castro in my color bottle I cant remember how much I use but I made a half of bottle of the mix I used it daily and DC three times a week, but now I DC daily .
Elasta - Shampoo -
COA - Shampoo

Moisturizer and Condition

Elasta QP - Intense Conditioner
Elasta QP - Leave in moisturizer sealing conditioner
Elast - Mango butter this is really good
ORS - Replenishing Conditioner
CON - Conditioner and Shampoo
Garlic power mixed with shampoo
Cantu - Shea Butter leave in conditioner

Olive oil
Tea Tree
Aloe Vera

Hrrm, all of that looks really good. :ohwell: I dunno - it seems like your hair shouldn't be breaking, but since it is, something more needs to be tweaked. I would lay off of the MT, and up on the moisture until the breaking stops, I think. :yep:

Can you guys share where you've purchased your OCT?? I would like to get the best deal possible. Thanks-

As far as I know, the only place you can get OCT from is the Ovation website. :yep:
Sorry Mandy i can't help i'm using MT and don't mix it and i cannot get hold of the Alter Ego products.

I deep conditioning with my coconut oil conditioner once a week and steam every two weeks. I have recently just started to use ORS replenishing again on the length of my braids.

I'm taking the garlic pills and my shedding is slowing down,what was your experience?

Have you tried garlic powder mixed with Jojoba or castor oil?
Hope somebody will chime in and answer your q.
Thank you that is helpful.

Mandy, I apologize for taking so long to respond to you. Been taking care of a friend who had surgery, plus work & teaching schedule has me running.

1. I used the Alter Ego Impact Ego Garlic conditioner. Will probably not repurchase since I take garlic pills. Also found EVO with garlic at Smart & Final & I add that to my cowashe recipes & my conditioners.
2. I use OCT straight or mixed 50/50 with MT. I cw, then apply MT or OCT for 5 min to 1 hr depending on time. Rinse, then DC. I apply OCT or MT to scalp at night, moisturize, seal with oil, baggy & leave over night.
3. I DC twice a week for 1 hr with steam one day & 2 hrs no heat the other day. However, after daily cw & MT/OCT app, I always apply whatever DC I use for at least 5 minutes.


Note: Although I was fearing breakage with having so many short bushy spots, I can see very clearly today that I have a lot of growth & rapid growth. For me, using it straight & adding OCT to the regime has helped a lot. Please keep in mind that I tend to be obsessive about things, so right now, my hair gets a ton of my attention. I'll work it in even at 3 AM. I also use the MoeGro oil recipe for my prepoo daily.

ETA: I forgot to mention that I DC with Silk Elements moisterize treatment mixed with Caramel treat, & fenugreek tea & ocassionally irish moss. I find my hair doesn't like carmel treat alone but when I add it to my other conditioners, it loves the mix.
Thank you so much. Please don't apologize. I hope that you friend is ok.
This is very helpful.
To all the ladies experiencing shedding/breakage I recommend using Alter Ego Nourishing Garlic Conditioner. I have been dc 2x's a week with this and I have had little to NO shedding. This dc is the truth!!! I also reccomend moisturizing and sealing your hair & ends at least once a day.

eta: i have been using MT since July!

Co-signing on the Alter Ego...pricey but stopped my shedding with a quickness! Made my hair very soft too! :lick:
I have also crushed a clove of garlic, added a few tablespoons of EVOO and heated in the microwave. Put it on like a hot oil treatment/ with cap and that worked very well with no residual garlicky smell.
Hrrm, all of that looks really good. :ohwell: I dunno - it seems like your hair shouldn't be breaking, but since it is, something more needs to be tweaked. I would lay off of the MT, and up on the moisture until the breaking stops, I think. :yep:

Hi Just Kiya

Thanks for answering me back, yes this website help me in picking my product , so I am glad I am on the right track. Yesterday I wash my hair and blow dry, and flat iron it out to see wear is the problem , but I am noticing that I have short thick patches in my hair , so I am thinking that it growing in new hair , instead of falling out. This hair was never there before I started MT and OCT . My hair is relax , but the MT pretty much reverse my relaxer, I was thinking my hair was falling but it was shrinking a lot . I took picture and I see a big difference on my picture. My hair coming in really short and thick . So I am hoping the OCT would kick in with lenght.I was trying to put picture , but this website dont allow me.
I would love to be a part of the challenge. I have a question which one would you prefer. The result that I would like to recieve from my hair is length and thickness. Which is better to help me get there Mega Tek or Ovation. Has soon as a get a message I am ordering.

I would love to be a part of the challenge. I have a question which one would you prefer. The result that I would like to recieve from my hair is length and thickness. Which is better to help me get there Mega Tek or Ovation. Has soon as a get a message I am ordering.


Hello JG,

Megatek will give you thickness then length and Ovation will provide length then thickness. I currently use Megatek as it is cheaper and I am having great results.

Hope this helps!
I have really been slipping on my MT. I need to go back to doing it at least every other nite but I was a little concerned with the buildup I would get with it. I only was my hair once a week but I am also in the bunning challenge so I will get back on the ball with Mega tek for the rest of this month!
I would love to be a part of the challenge. I have a question which one would you prefer. The result that I would like to recieve from my hair is length and thickness. Which is better to help me get there Mega Tek or Ovation. Has soon as a get a message I am ordering.


Honestly it depends. I am using MT and I got the length followed by thickness. I think either one will be great HTH. Q
Great post! Girl I've been finding hairs so that's how I know it's breakage. BUT I have noticed one thing (started before the MT) My baby hairs are growing out.:ohwell: My sister said,"Um... what's up with your hairline? Where's your edges? (baby hair)" I looked and lo and behold those suckers are like three inches long! So are the edges in the back. :yep: They used to be really really short. Now they're catching up so YAY! hehe

One thing is for certain, even though I have experienced a little breakage my hair's feeling alot stronger. I mixed up my conditioner and my hair feels strong but really good. I'm still experiencing a little breakage so I'm going to have to tweak it.

this is me all day. my baby hairs are super long and they have these very defined curls at the end that smooth out nicely. they're actually very pretty, but my goal wasn't to have long baby hairs all attached to my forehead, but whatever.
How is everyone doing! Well I took out my perimeter braids to redo and I was pleased. I washed my perimeter real good to remove buildup and everything before redoing them and I noticed that my hair grown a good amount. It is definitely thicker! I really didn't know how much it grew at first, but I knew that it grew because the ends are "texlaxed" and the roots are not of course, so I'm happy. I should def be APL by March if this keeps up.
To all the ladies experiencing shedding/breakage I recommend using Alter Ego Nourishing Garlic Conditioner. I have been dc 2x's a week with this and I have had little to NO shedding. This dc is the truth!!! I also reccomend moisturizing and sealing your hair & ends at least once a day.

eta: i have been using MT since July!

Co-signing on the Alter Ego...pricey but stopped my shedding with a quickness! Made my hair very soft too! :lick:
Could one of you ladies post or PM me a picture of this conditioner? I am having the worst time trying to find it. What exactly is it called?
Thank you for your help.
I got some growth! My sister was so shocked, pressed and flat-ironed this weekend. My hair is NOT going to make APL this year :cry3: BUT its definitely grown I've still got about 2- 2.5" to APL and hope to get it by my Birthday (March) Go Megatek! waiting for my OCT:yep:
Hi Ladies,

For all of you that have made requests to be added to the challenge. I am updating today. If you haven't sent a request and you get your request in before 5 pm today you will be added today.

Last night I caved in and ordered MT, my sister did as well!

So by Thurs. it should come in the mail, I'm oh so very excited after redaing so many testimonial, I can't wait!
Co-signing on the Alter Ego...pricey but stopped my shedding with a quickness! Made my hair very soft too! :lick:

wow my hair is shedding and breaking like crazy. i'm about to stop using mt soon and just grow my hair the old fashion way. i priced that alter ego conditioner and i really don't want to pay that much for conditioner. i'm overseas and i'm sick of paying high s/h fees. i have garlic pills, but i hardly remember to take them maybe 2x a week if i'm lucky. mmmmmmmm what's a girl to do? any cheap or at home remedies i can use?

what about oct, does that cause shedding?
Can you please sign me up.I started MT Oct 20

Major shedding but don't wanna stop using.I think I'm gonna try one of the suggestions in the thread.


wow my hair is shedding and breaking like crazy. i'm about to stop using mt soon and just grow my hair the old fashion way. i priced that alter ego conditioner and i really don't want to pay that much for conditioner. i'm overseas and i'm sick of paying high s/h fees. i have garlic pills, but i hardly remember to take them maybe 2x a week if i'm lucky. mmmmmmmm what's a girl to do? any cheap or at home remedies i can use?

what about oct, does that cause shedding?

They had a homemade garlic treatment on last months challenge using garlic powder and EVOO. I don't see it posted on here this month so I don't know if anything was wrong this method. Hopefully someone will chime in as I am curious also.

I just received my OCT on Saturday. I used it sparingly one time and my hair is shedding like crazy and itchy.

Please add me. I started Oct 30 and I have experienced growth already. Not to mention it makes my natural hair feel so good. I use MT/OT.
I got some growth! My sister was so shocked, pressed and flat-ironed this weekend. My hair is NOT going to make APL this year :cry3: BUT its definitely grown I've still got about 2- 2.5" to APL and hope to get it by my Birthday (March) Go Megatek! waiting for my OCT:yep:

Congrats on the growth! Keep up the great work and I know you'll make it to APL by March!!!:drunk:!!!