Mega-Tek/OCT Challenge November 2008

So I get a message on my fokti commenting on my growth from using htese products for 5 1/2 weeks. I'm not sure how to take it. She wanted to know if the hair growth were human. Maybe I'm just tripping.

I checked out the comment in your fotki and I think she meant, is it humanly possible to grow that much hair in that amount of time. :lachen:

It seems like she was freaked out by your progress. I don't think it was a negative comment.

By the way congratulations on your progress!
Just received my MT and Cream rinse supply for a year:grin: order OCT and I'm hoping it gets here before I leave town next week, I thought the MT was just thickening my hair till my mum mentioned my hair's got very long in a short period:yep:
Aw, you guys are so encouraging. :kiss: but i really don't think it's getting better. I think what you're mistaking as filling in is the bedeebees smoothed out :lachen: In the before pictures, my edges were curled up completely on dry hair instead of combed out and smoothed against the head on damp hair like in the after pics. In the left temple, the biggest balding spot seems to have gotten bigger, like there was a little tuft of hair there before and now that spot is just bare. But again, I think this may be because of the different states of my hair in the pics. This is why I wanted to take a picture with my hair in exactly the same state, but it didn't work out like that. I've taken about 4 sets of pictures and they all seem to be saying the same thing. I might give it another week and a half but I doubt I'll be taking it with me to S. Africa.

This is what I meant, if you click the pictures I added text and arrows to show the area I'm talking about:

Or am I the one tripping? Maybe I'll ask some of my non-hair friends.

It seems like this might be happening to me too, in the exact same spot on the other side of my head. Honestly, it does look worse than before to me. However, I wouldn't panic just yet. You said you've only been using MT for three or four weeks? It could be that your hair is going through a new growth cycle and it's about to grow in thicker than before, I'm pretty sure the growth cycle of the hair in your hairline is slower than it is in the rest of your head. So I think you should keep at it for at least another month. If it continues to get worse, DROP IT! There's no point in continuing usage if it's just going to make matters permanently worse. That's what I plan on doing as well, except that I'm going to continue use on the rest of my head no matter what, including my nape because those areas seem to be progressing nicely.:yep: HTH!
It seems like this might be happening to me too, in the exact same spot on the other side of my head. Honestly, it does look worse than before to me. However, I wouldn't panic just yet. You said you've only been using MT for three or four weeks? It could be that your hair is going through a new growth cycle and it's about to grow in thicker than before, I'm pretty sure the growth cycle of the hair in your hairline is slower than it is in the rest of your head. So I think you should keep at it for at least another month. If it continues to get worse, DROP IT! There's no point in continuing usage if it's just going to make matters permanently worse. That's what I plan on doing as well, except that I'm going to continue use on the rest of my head no matter what, including my nape because those areas seem to be progressing nicely.:yep: HTH!

Ahhh, that is a good point. A lot of us have noticed an initial shed before we saw the growth. So, if the MT is working on your temples, it might be causing a shed, which makes it look worse, because it's increasing the rate of growth and the follicles are dropping hairs earlier/in a larger group.


I still think it looks better. :lol:
Ahhh, that is a good point. A lot of us have noticed an initial shed before we saw the growth. So, if the MT is working on your temples, it might be causing a shed, which makes it look worse, because it's increasing the rate of growth and the follicles are dropping hairs earlier/in a larger group.


I still think it looks better. :lol:

:grin::grin::grin: You're entitled to your opinion! lol But that's encouraging news, all the more reason to keep it up. Thanks for your input Kiya! :)
i relaxed on the 23-24 of last month and I already am feeling the NG. I just hope that my hair thickens up soon. I think I might add some castor oil on top when i DC my hair.
Sorry to be coming in late on this. I have been very busy so just this morning I found the new thread. I wanted to comment on the breakage I have been reading about. I have been concerned that I may be experiencing breakage also. Now, mind you, there are NO hairs in my sink, floor, neck, etc. (so those of you who are finding it may be in a whole different situation than me), but I am finding hair around the temple & directly above/center temple seems to be breaking. So is the hair at my crown. Then I go and look very closely at my before pics & what I think I see is that there was very little or no hair there. Now the new hair has grown in & it has grown in thick and fast. So... it is very short and thick and noticeable, especially sitting next to hair that is much longer & is also growing at a fast rate - that makes it look like breakage. & since it is spotty -there are "see through sections" which also give the illusion of breakage.

What I actually think is going on for me is the new growth is coming in so thick and fast that it looks like breakage when it is actually new hair that has grown in much faster. You guys who were here in the summer saw my hairline - it was non existent. Then I had this "V" going in in the front, now the bottom of the "v" looks like the bottom of a square (does that make sense?).

I started using MT straight and added OCT. I was alternating every day, but kept forgetting which day was MT & which was OCT, so I just alternated rows on my scalp with each application. I do believe the combination is making my hair grow much faster. Every time I get a new "patch" I panic & think my hair is breaking. I worry about being foolish & winding up bald headed. Again, I go look at my before pics & realize my hair is growing.

Everybody, please use your own best judgment. But I swear, because of the weird way my hair grows in, spotty, uneven, & fast - I have to really check closely. I promised myself I would give it 6 months. Now if I look up & I think too much hair is gone/short - then I will quit. But it is the pictures that helps me. Also note like so many have already said, the hairline is tricky - hard to see.

I am sorry this was so long, but I have been planning on commenting on this for awhile & after I caught up on the thread, thought I should share.

I do hope the ladies with dryness and/or breakage/and or no progress will do what they think is best for their hair. For those that feel there is no damage just no progress, please remember that since so many had fast results so soon, many think that is the norm. I believe they say at least 90 days & somewhere I think I read it was 6 months. Try to be patient. A watched pot never boils & I swear i was looking at my hair constantly. Now that I am busy - I am pleasantly surprise because the spurts seem sudden.

HTH - Good luck

BTW, JK, love your new Avatar. can't wait til my hair get's long enough to do something with. I am learning to love the "DNA" of my natural hair. And.. I finally discovered that a wash and go was just that. I couldn't figure it out. It took me too long to WNG. I think I am of the era that thought my natural hair was suppose to be "neat" & then one day I "got it". Now I love it. Boy, it takes an old lady a minute or two to catch on.:lachen:
Great post! Girl I've been finding hairs so that's how I know it's breakage. BUT I have noticed one thing (started before the MT) My baby hairs are growing out.:ohwell: My sister said,"Um... what's up with your hairline? Where's your edges? (baby hair)" I looked and lo and behold those suckers are like three inches long! So are the edges in the back. :yep: They used to be really really short. Now they're catching up so YAY! hehe

One thing is for certain, even though I have experienced a little breakage my hair's feeling alot stronger. I mixed up my conditioner and my hair feels strong but really good. I'm still experiencing a little breakage so I'm going to have to tweak it.
Sorry to be coming in late on this. I have been very busy so just this morning I found the new thread. I wanted to comment on the breakage I have been reading about. I have been concerned that I may be experiencing breakage also. Now, mind you, there are NO hairs in my sink, floor, neck, etc. (so those of you who are finding it may be in a whole different situation than me), but I am finding hair around the temple & directly above/center temple seems to be breaking. So is the hair at my crown. Then I go and look very closely at my before pics & what I think I see is that there was very little or no hair there. Now the new hair has grown in & it has grown in thick and fast. So... it is very short and thick and noticeable, especially sitting next to hair that is much longer & is also growing at a fast rate - that makes it look like breakage. & since it is spotty -there are "see through sections" which also give the illusion of breakage.

What I actually think is going on for me is the new growth is coming in so thick and fast that it looks like breakage when it is actually new hair that has grown in much faster. You guys who were here in the summer saw my hairline - it was non existent. Then I had this "V" going in in the front, now the bottom of the "v" looks like the bottom of a square (does that make sense?).

I started using MT straight and added OCT. I was alternating every day, but kept forgetting which day was MT & which was OCT, so I just alternated rows on my scalp with each application. I do believe the combination is making my hair grow much faster. Every time I get a new "patch" I panic & think my hair is breaking. I worry about being foolish & winding up bald headed. Again, I go look at my before pics & realize my hair is growing.

Everybody, please use your own best judgment. But I swear, because of the weird way my hair grows in, spotty, uneven, & fast - I have to really check closely. I promised myself I would give it 6 months. Now if I look up & I think too much hair is gone/short - then I will quit. But it is the pictures that helps me. Also note like so many have already said, the hairline is tricky - hard to see.

I am sorry this was so long, but I have been planning on commenting on this for awhile & after I caught up on the thread, thought I should share.

I do hope the ladies with dryness and/or breakage/and or no progress will do what they think is best for their hair. For those that feel there is no damage just no progress, please remember that since so many had fast results so soon, many think that is the norm. I believe they say at least 90 days & somewhere I think I read it was 6 months. Try to be patient. A watched pot never boils & I swear i was looking at my hair constantly. Now that I am busy - I am pleasantly surprise because the spurts seem sudden.

HTH - Good luck

BTW, JK, love your new Avatar. can't wait til my hair get's long enough to do something with. I am learning to love the "DNA" of my natural hair. And.. I finally discovered that a wash and go was just that. I couldn't figure it out. It took me too long to WNG. I think I am of the era that thought my natural hair was suppose to be "neat" & then one day I "got it". Now I love it. Boy, it takes an old lady a minute or two to catch on.:lachen:

Oh no rhapsdyblu, don't you DARE stop using. I saw your pics and I know your hair is growing. I told you that you're one of my inspros, right?:yep: Well, I have started shedding but that's my fault because I ran out of galic pills-for like two weeks. It's not bad but noticeable. Before I didn't shed because when I started MT I was already taking the pills. So I know I have to keep up with the garlic. But I also know my hair is much stronger, has thickened and I know it grew before I chopped off that bad inch. It seems to have started growing back to it already though. I do my co-washes everyday and I have no breakage. I don't have the splits now but before they were cut they seemed stronger (if that makes sense) and they were not breaking. So I know the MT is helping with that. I know you guys want to see a pic but I want to get it flat ironed first. I keep meaning to do that; that is go to my mom's beautician to do it but life keeps getting in the way. I'm sure she would pay for it if I really want it done, but I don't want to ask her she does enough for me already. But I do want to cosign on the garlic for shedding. Don't be a dumb dumb like me and stop taking it!!!:nono: Oh, and moisture is key too. I got too happy with MT the first few weeks and was using it as a pre-poo and about twice a day-scalp AND hair. I was on my way to protein overload. Glad I caught it in time and slowed it down. Now my hair is super soft. I'm using shea butter but any butter should be ok. I use coconut/castor/BB growth oil/jojoba oil mix to seal. I also use that to oil my scalp very lightly before I put on the MT. I think it makes it feel better. I love brushing it (denman). I really should join the 'get your hands out of your hair' challenge but I won't. I'm in like in three already. I also think if you can hid your hair like buns or braids it will help too. I have been bunning all week and I notice my hair is softer. I mean it was already soft but it seems softer. I may join that challenge too.

Sorry for the long rant, but I haven't checked in for a while in this challenge....
It could be me but I honestly think you are being overly critical about your hair. What I wouldn't do have to have a thick mane such as yours! Someone commented that you should give it another month and maybe use it a little less and double up on the moisture to counteract any type of damage. I am having the same problems with my edges and they are growing in pretty good, but then again I am using MT like a DC and using a moisturizing condish afterwards. I am also relaxed but your natural 'do is off tha' chain!

Aw, you guys are so encouraging. :kiss: but i really don't think it's getting better. I think what you're mistaking as filling in is the bedeebees smoothed out :lachen: In the before pictures, my edges were curled up completely on dry hair instead of combed out and smoothed against the head on damp hair like in the after pics. In the left temple, the biggest balding spot seems to have gotten bigger, like there was a little tuft of hair there before and now that spot is just bare. But again, I think this may be because of the different states of my hair in the pics. This is why I wanted to take a picture with my hair in exactly the same state, but it didn't work out like that. I've taken about 4 sets of pictures and they all seem to be saying the same thing. I might give it another week and a half but I doubt I'll be taking it with me to S. Africa.

This is what I meant, if you click the pictures I added text and arrows to show the area I'm talking about:

Or am I the one tripping? Maybe I'll ask some of my non-hair friends.

I see what looks like growth. I think you should try to give it another couple of months - edges are almost always hard to grow.
It seems like this might be happening to me too, in the exact same spot on the other side of my head. Honestly, it does look worse than before to me. However, I wouldn't panic just yet. You said you've only been using MT for three or four weeks? It could be that your hair is going through a new growth cycle and it's about to grow in thicker than before, I'm pretty sure the growth cycle of the hair in your hairline is slower than it is in the rest of your head. So I think you should keep at it for at least another month. If it continues to get worse, DROP IT! There's no point in continuing usage if it's just going to make matters permanently worse. That's what I plan on doing as well, except that I'm going to continue use on the rest of my head no matter what, including my nape because those areas seem to be progressing nicely.:yep: HTH!

At least I'm not alone. I will be watching your progress (or lack of it) closely. Actually, I've been using it for 5 weeks now. I'll go until the end of November and if that empty spot looks bigger I'm throwing this stuff away. I'll be terribly traumatized if I've actually made things worse. I'm relieved that someone does see what I'm talking about with those arrows, though.

Okay, y'all, thanks for the encouragement. I'll go another 3 weeks for a total of 8 weeks. Then I'll take more pictures and reevaluate. At least for others I see that y'all's edges grow slowly, too.
Anyone need Ovation Shampoo? Check out the Exchange Thread.

Still using my MT and I just ordered some OVT.
Oh, aren't baby hairs exciting!!! Supposedly - and I've never been able to get my eyeballs close enough to my baby hairs to tell, brand new hairs have a tapered smooth end (think of a needle) where as broken hairs will have a chunky/irregular look to the end of them.

90 days Mwedzi! :yep: If it doesn't work then, totally, toss it - but at least go the whole 90.....
Aw, you guys are so encouraging. :kiss: but i really don't think it's getting better. I think what you're mistaking as filling in is the bedeebees smoothed out :lachen: In the before pictures, my edges were curled up completely on dry hair instead of combed out and smoothed against the head on damp hair like in the after pics. In the left temple, the biggest balding spot seems to have gotten bigger, like there was a little tuft of hair there before and now that spot is just bare. But again, I think this may be because of the different states of my hair in the pics. This is why I wanted to take a picture with my hair in exactly the same state, but it didn't work out like that. I've taken about 4 sets of pictures and they all seem to be saying the same thing. I might give it another week and a half but I doubt I'll be taking it with me to S. Africa.

This is what I meant, if you click the pictures I added text and arrows to show the area I'm talking about:

Or am I the one tripping? Maybe I'll ask some of my non-hair friends.

Charmtreese, how long did you use it before you gave up?

A little over 3 months!:ohwell:
Could you add me DSD? I am still in braids, but have yet to use it as planned. I decided to keep these things in until the week before Christmas, so starting today I will use the MT everyday up until the day I take these braids out. My starting pic is in my siggy.
90 days Mwedzi! :yep: If it doesn't work then, totally, toss it - but at least go the whole 90.....

Okay, if it doesn't look any worse after 3 more weeks, I will try for 3 months. If it looks worse, well, no one will have to live with the bald spot but me, so . . .
Hey Ladies...I just got my OCT in the mail :grin:... bought the Special System I'm gonna add that to the mix tonight.

The cell therapy smells just like my MT:ohwell: But I'm thinking that I read that before. I'm just hoping I get more length from this because I'm definately feeling the thickness from the MT.
Now that my braids are out, I can finally use MT 4 to 7 days a week, washing out weekly to see if I will get some length vs thickness which is what I got using it about 1 to 2 days a week.
EM Jazzy, ILuvsmhgrass, Gemini Girl, ladies :thankyou: for your encouraging words. :Rose::bighug:
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Hi ladies,
I washed my hair last night as I am winding up three (somewhat inconsistent :perplexed) weeks with MT and I have to say that my hair is looking fuller, "growing in" in the sparse places and I have more new growth that I normally would at this point in my relaxer cycle. I am pretty excited, so definitely try and find a way that MT works for you and I think you will be pleased. :grin:

Have a good weekend ladies!
I checked out the comment in your fotki and I think she meant, is it humanly possible to grow that much hair in that amount of time. :lachen:

It seems like she was freaked out by your progress. I don't think it was a negative comment.

By the way congratulations on your progress!
sorry i didnt mean anything negative when i posted that comment....i was in shock to see that much new kinda scared me because i just ordered this stuff and i never would have imagined it could do that to hair...that is outrageous!!!:rolleyes:I mean i hope i wake up in five weeks and see that monster growth in my hair...I am gonna shout hallalujah because you looked to have had 2 or 3 inches of new i said it scared me because ive never seen anything like that.:lachen: shoot girl i jumped back from the computer screen when i seen your pic.It was funny b/c my man said what the wrong with you??!!!
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