Mega-Tek/OCT Challenge November 2008

Thanks Ladies. It's tough growing out highly layered hair. I am itching to cut but...I haven't trimmed since March. Go me, Go me!!

To all who have add requests. I got your name and I will be updating the list some with new challengers and corrections.

Thanks Ladies for all of your support!!
I received MegaTek adn I am sure that it is the right one because it is the same one that is pictured on the link in this thread.
What I don't understand is that people are mixing it with stuff....should I do that? Mine doesn't smell bad. And it's more like a conditioner texture when I was expecting an oil-type.

You don't have to - use it, and see what you think of it straight. A lot of ladies end up mixing other stuff with it because they like how their hair feels with the other stuff better - but I think you should start using it straight. :wallbash: I wish I did - but I'm doing it backwards. It'll be interesting to see. :yep:

Nice growth DSD!!! Those are some wicked layers - are you thinking about growing til your shortest layer is X length, and then trimming it all even? :look: The thought of doing that to my hair crosses my mind every now and then... *sigh*
Hi ladies,

I am really sad because I think Mega-tek is drying and matting my hair. Has this happened to anyone before?
I hair is getting thicker and thicker, which is good, but I think now it is too thick and it is drying up.
I have been using MT straight, but tonight I decided to mix it with Keracare essential oils to see if that helps. I may have to give up on MT if this continues. I don't want anymore thickness.
My OCT should be here soon.
Maybe I will sell my MT (but I mixed it with oil so I don't know if anyone will want to buy it:wallbash:)
I am completely cutting out all other protein based products.

Please check the exchange forum if you want to buy some of my goodies.
Whoa time flies. This is the second challenge that I actually lasted more than two months. I am still MTing. I can't wait until December to see my results and get my Gallon.
Hi ladies,

I am really sad because I think Mega-tek is drying and matting my hair. Has this happened to anyone before?
I hair is getting thicker and thicker, which is good, but I think now it is too thick and it is drying up.
I have been using MT straight, but tonight I decided to mix it with Keracare essential oils to see if that helps. I may have to give up on MT if this continues. I don't want anymore thickness.
My OCT should be here soon.
Maybe I will sell my MT (but I mixed it with oil so I don't know if anyone will want to buy it:wallbash:)
I am completely cutting out all other protein based products.

Please check the exchange forum if you want to buy some of my goodies.

How much are you using? How often are you washing your hair? You might have to decrease the one, and increase the other. How often are you DC'ing? What are you DC'ing with?
We don't want any setbacks! :nono:
I went in for a trim and ended up with a cut. So I lost an inch or so. Now I am in two-strand twists on my real hair only for the next two weeks. Still megateking.
Hi ladies

Hi, I changed my name from Kathy Edwards to balancegoals can you please change my name in the challenge - Thank you

I am still using MT and OCT , I see some growth and thickness, hair still short but it is growing , edges are coming in as well. I am mixing my MT and OCT with coconut oil, and Castro , because when I used it straight it dry my hair out, and it start to break. I have bun since 9/11/08, and now I am going to wear half wigs , not sure how long I will wear a wig , but I hoping to the end of the month , I am DC weekly , I wash my hair 3 times a week. I have clarified and used homemade garlic , which stink . I am taking garlic pills, Biotin , Vitamin C, Fish pills, and I drinking water all day long.
I've been switching between OCT and Megatek, both are good though I suspect that the MegaTek has been behind some serious itching problems I've been having lately. I try not to put it on my scalp, I'll continue to use it but if I have any issues with it I'll stick with OCT.
How much are you using? How often are you washing your hair? You might have to decrease the one, and increase the other. How often are you DC'ing? What are you DC'ing with?
We don't want any setbacks! :nono:
I use it everyday to every other day a good size on the scalp. I cowash pretty much every morning after applying it the night before.
I have been terribly busy and therefore have not DCed as much as I would like in the last two weeks (DCed today though).
I am DCing with Keracare Humecto or Mizani thermasmooth or ORS hair mayo (what?:rolleyes: we have already established that I need PJ rehab. As bad as it seems, I am doing much better):grin:
Has anyone had kinkie twists or micro's whil using MT or OCT?? If so how often did you wash your braids?? And what type of moisturizers did you use. I really want to get some micro's but I'm so afraid I won't wash or moisturize enough!
Has anyone had kinkie twists or micro's whil using MT or OCT?? If so how often did you wash your braids?? And what type of moisturizers did you use. I really want to get some micro's but I'm so afraid I won't wash or moisturize enough!

Yes. I have used MT with Micros and tree braids. I washed my hair every 7-10 days. I used CFCG, Eqyss Avocado Mist and Premier Rehydrant Spray. HTH.
I plan to buy a Gallon size too. If anyone find a great sale on the Gallon size let me know!

Whoa time flies. This is the second challenge that I actually lasted more than two months. I am still MTing. I can't wait until December to see my results and get my Gallon.
I want to join!!!:grin:

The official OCT/MEGA-TEK CHALLENGE is MARCH 1 - MARCH 1, 2009

My product(s): OCT and Mega-Tek
I am still hanging...last month was all MT...I am on OCT this month. Going to order more MT next week and use them both together. However...i think I am getting better r3esults with OCT and its only been a couple of weeks.
:hiya2:I'd like to officially join this guys got me:wallbash: I've been using Mega-Tek since Oct 18th and I broke down and ordered OCT on Saturday (11/1)...HHG to every1
*does a little happy dance*


I think - I just think - I might order me some OCT today. *twitches* I got a lil extra money burning a hole in my pocket..... and it's between the OCT and some Emu Oil.

Hrm. *goes to check eBay* :lol:
:look: Okay, I confess I have been secretly following the megatek for about a month so I would like to officially join the challenge. I am trying to get to bra strap. It is grazing the bra or something like that. Noticing some things with the megatek, it is working slowly but surely. You may check out my fotki or my mini album. I may just try the OCT.....Best wishes to everyone.....:grin:
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Im still using my Mega tek, my hair has grown, how much Im not sure, I get my relaxer on Wed(im 20wks post). My new growth is soooo manageable its unbelievable.
im using mega tek i add saa to the mega week the alternating with oct the following week....i have nothing but a big grin on my face...cant wait to post in a few more hiding my hair under a wig..i co-wash daily.
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*happy dance*

I love new threads, because I see so many new faces then - it's so EXCITING to know that there are so many women using this is so many different ways, and getting SUCH good results.


Sometimes I wonder if the folks who are getting bad results are scared/nervous to speak up, because my cynical self really struggles to believe that it's REALLY working perfectly for everyone.

Hrm, maybe I'll start another thread.
Here are my progress pictures for the end of October.
May 13, 2008 and July 7, 2008

September 4, 2008

October 28, 2008

So very lovely, DSD!!!!
The results of MT can be questionable :lachen:!! Thank God for pics because I would swear that I got zero progress or very little at best!!

Just keeping taking comparison pics- at least every month!!! Keep growing ladies!!! :grin::grin::grin:
I received MegaTek adn I am sure that it is the right one because it is the same one that is pictured on the link in this thread.
What I don't understand is that people are mixing it with stuff....should I do that? Mine doesn't smell bad. And it's more like a conditioner texture when I was expecting an oil-type.

:grin:Welcome to the MT/OCT challenge SKing, Some people find the protein in MT to be very heavy so they mix it with their favorite oils, which will delute it and aid in softening the hair. I don't mix my MT with anything and it works fine for me. I am currently DC'ing with my MT and tomorrow I will only apply to my scalp. Many of the ladies are using it in ways that fits thier regimen you too will find a way that suits you. Good luck. :yep:
