Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your SO??


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering how you lovely ladies met or "captured" the heart of your significant other? This is a question posed to you ladies who are married or who are in a serious relationship with someone.

I'm just wondering! I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong...looking in the wrong places, not going out enough, having the wrong outlook, etc. :look: Do I need to expand my horizons?? I'm just curious!

Right now I'm single after getting out of a break-up back in February, and at this point and time I really feel ready and eager to start dating again. But THIS time I want it to be the right person. The last guy I wasn't really that into, and he had some control issues :ohwell: .

So please! Any success stories would help! What changed? What happened? Was it that your perspective, your outlook, or something within yourself changed? Or did you do something differently? What was it?

It would be nice to hear from you ladies who were perhaps single for a long time and had lost hope, but who then eventually found "the one". :yep:
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I was heading home from work, running late for a date, waiting at the bus-stop, reading a book.
He had the day off, and was headed to the bus-stop from a comic book store.

He saw me reading, we had a very interesting/engaging/intelligent conversation, I gave him my number, we got married 4 years later, been married for six years in March. :infatuated:

So, for me - it was random luck. I wasn't looking for a husband - heck, I wasn't even looking for a relationship - but, that's how I found mine.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

On Craigslist in the For Sale joke. He was the seller and I was the buyer. We decided on a place to meet to pick up the item I was buying and the rest is history.
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Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I was also not looking for a husband at the time I met mine. I had just broken up a week before with my boyfriend when a friend of my sisters came to my moms house looking for her. I just happened to to be visiting that day and my sisters friend Joe had a friend along with him. Joe introduced me to his friend,we talked a little and they left. A half hour later Joes friend, my future husband came back and asked for my number and we began dating from there.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I wasn't looking for anything when I met DH. I had been in a relationship for almost 5 years, and I was just enjoying my relatively new freedom. A classmate (who heard that I was finally single) told me he had someone he wanted to introduce me to, and I said no thank you. Well, after hearing how wonderful this guy was for weeks, I finally decided to meet him. I met my husband on a blind date. We went for sushi with my classmate and his wife for our first date.

My law school classmate was his roommate when they were in grad school. He knew both of our personalities pretty well, and he was sure that we would hit it off. I guess he was right! :)
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

At church:yep:

His sister and brother were in the 1st communion class i was teaching, and he came from the US to see them when they recieved it. I thought he was handsome, but I didn't get to talk to him then.

A few days later his sister came up to me telling me her brother thought i was pretty and we have been together ever since...7 years.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I met DH my freshman year in college at a club. I was sooo not looking for a boyfriend, let alone a husband.

I was waiting at the door for my girls to come on out (i was the only one with a car) and he was at the door also waiting for his boys. we talked and I gave him my number. It took about six months before I even had a real conversation with him. I didn't have time for him, it was my freshman year! :)

We got married 6 years later.

I won his heart by not being like all the other girls. He had a wall up, didn't trust women- I showed him different and have had his heart every since.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

At his friends apartment. We were watching a movie and the SO came over to drop off a DVD. When we met the first time, we were both really nonchalant. The second time I ran into him, I called out his name and he walked right past me...then I got loud and called him out:lol
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I'm wondering how you lovely ladies met or "captured" the heart of your significant other? This is a question posed to you ladies who are married or who are in a serious relationship with someone.

I'm just wondering! I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong...looking in the wrong places, not going out enough, having the wrong outlook, etc. :look: Do I need to expand my horizons?? I'm just curious!

Right now I'm single after getting out of a break-up back in February, and at this point and time I really feel ready and eager to start dating again. But THIS time I want it to be the right person. The last guy I wasn't really that into, and he had some control issues :ohwell: .

So please! Any success stories would help! What changed? What happened? Was it that your perspective, your outlook, or something within yourself changed? Or did you do something differently? What was it?

It would be nice to hear from you ladies who were perhaps single for a long time and had lost hope, but who then eventually found "the one". :yep:

Met DH in college. I wasn't looking for a husband and personally thought I'd never get married. I think when Mr. Right comes along you will know it. All of my friends that got married weren't out looking for their husbands. We basically focused on getting our degrees and careers and God just worked it out. I didn't get married until I turned 30 but that's ok with me because I was in no rush or time table.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your I did go through plenty of jive turkeys (on and offline) before we met, but it worked out in the end :yep:

Wasn't necessarily looking for a DH, just someone to hang out with. 1.5 yrs later, we were engaged.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

We met when we were 4 and then when I was about 6, I left the church we went to. A mutual church friend of our mothers' called him and told him that I lived right up the street. We were 18 and so he hopped in the car and came to see me. We hit it off, he was soooooooooooo fine, but I didn't want him to know how I felt. So I just stayed his friend. He was so used to girls throwing themselves at him, but I didn't do it. I was too shy and was taught that a MAN that finds a WIFE finds a good thing.

He took too long, I moved on, he found out and was hurt...but we stayed friends and as soon as I broke up with my boyfriend 3 years later, he came home from the ARMY and the rest is HISTORY!!!! We have 3 kids and been married 4 years...

I do love him... he gets on my nerves sometimes though...:look:
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your!

It seems like a LOT of you all found or met your future DH's or SO's when you weren't even looking! Hmmm.... :scratchch Almost like it happened by chance or something.

But honestly I know I can't just sit on my laurels and just wait for some guy to fall out of the sky and into my lap. :nono: Nor do I feel like I should go out "looking" for some guy. :rolleyes:

Idk...I guess I feel like I have no problem MEETING different guys, but more so a problem taking things from the "nice-to-meet-you", or "just talking", or "hmmm...he's cute" side to the NEXT step.

Now don't get me wrong...I'm not advocating that women should "move things along" or try to "make things happen" (you guys know me better than that! :lachen: I am a "Rules girl" afterall :rolleyes: ), but you know...

I guess my question is really how did things transition from "nice-to-meet-ya!" to... "let's start dating"???
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your!

It seems like a LOT of you all found or met your future DH's or SO's when you weren't even looking! Hmmm.... :scratchch Almost like it happened by chance or something.

But honestly I know I can't just sit on my laurels and just wait for some guy to fall out of the sky and into my lap. :nono: Nor do I feel like I should go out "looking" for some guy. :rolleyes:

Idk...I guess I feel like I have no problem MEETING different guys, but more so a problem taking things from the "nice-to-meet-you", or "just talking", or "hmmm...he's cute" side to the NEXT step.

Now don't get me wrong...I'm not advocating that women should "move things along" or try to "make things happen" (you guys know me better than that! :lachen: I am a "Rules girl" afterall :rolleyes: ), but you know...

I guess my question is really how did things transition from "nice-to-meet-ya!" to... "let's start dating"???

That was all DH. He called me about a week afterwards (and I still tease him about that), and we went out on a date. :look: Had sex on the first date too. :look: We kept hanging out and got to know each other better. I told him that I was still dating other people, and he would be fit in where he could get in. :lachen: I think I was dating two (or three?) other guys, but I was only having sex with FDH.

I truly think that is what spurred him towards wanting to be exclusive - he liked me enough that he wanted me to himself. If I didn't tell him I was dating others/had just automatically dropped the other men - I've honestly no clue how long it would have taken for him to make that move to escalate the relationship.

It took him about a month and a half to say he wanted to be exclusive - and I told him I would have to think about it, and took another month before I agreed. :look:

Was I playing hard to get? No - I was just keeping my options open until I was certain that I was actually interested in something long term with him - because we truly started out as just FB's on both sides.

We were engaged about a year after he asked me to be exclusive.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

We met 4 years before we started dating. Lived in different cities, ran into each other from time to time when I moved to NYC but nothing popped off. One day out of the blue, decided to call him and we made (and stuck to) a plan to hang out that night--the rest is history. I say don't rest on your laurels, go out and get some more. Live your life, do things you've always wanted to. It makes you a more interesting person and therefore more desirable. It also raises self esteem and makes you feel less tolerant of b.s., which is what a man of real quality will want to see (and trust me, they will try to test that tolerance--which should be ZERO). I guarantee you when you are engaged in something that makes you happy or fulfills a desire that you have unrelated to men, relationships,'re gonna catch "his" eye! GL! :yep:
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I was introduced to my DH by his brother who lived next door to my mom's house.

About 5 years later we were married. We didn't start officially dating until 3 years after we met and we married about 2 years later.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I met my current boyfriend at the unemployment office (he's not unemployed, he works there ;) ). I lost a job on January 12. A few days later, I decided to go apply for unemployment benefits for the first time. I wasn't thinking about meeting a man or anything. Then I left and all of a sudden, this handsome guy was standing outside the building wanting to speak to me. He asked me some questions and for my number. A few weeks later, he asked me to be his woman. I was a little hesistant at first because I was shocked but I finally said yes to him. He hadn't been in a serious relationship for years and the same with me. I asked him "out of all these other women you have met, what was it about me that made you want me as your woman?" He told me that I seemed like a woman that he could see himself being with seriously within a marriage. First it was attraction and how I carried myself, and then after talking with me and spending more time with me, he liked my personality and that I'm educated, conservative, and seemed like someone who would be faithful to him.

But you know what I think about as well? I met other guys that has said similar stuff, they just didn't want a relationship or I didn't want a relationship with them. So I believe it's not so much about you personally, it's all about timing and who you really want and when both parties are ready to potentially settle down.
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Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I met my current boyfriend at the unemployment office (he's not unemployed, he works there ;) ). I lost a job on January 12. A few days later, I decided to go apply for unemployment benefits for the first time. I wasn't thinking about meeting a man or anything. Then I left and all of a sudden, this handsome guy was standing outside the building wanting to speak to me. He asked me some questions and for my number. A few weeks later, he asked me to be his woman. I was a little hesistant at first because I was shocked but I finally said yes to him. He hadn't been in a serious relationship for years and the same with me. I asked him "out of all these other women you have met, what was it about me that made you want me as your woman?" He told me that I seemed like a woman that he could see himself being with seriously within a marriage. First it was attraction and how I carried myself, and then after talking with me and spending more time with me, he liked my personality and that I'm educated, conservative, and seemed like someone who would be faithful to him.

But you know what I think about as well? I met other guys that has said similar stuff, they just didn't want a relationship or I didn't want a relationship with them. So I believe it's not so much about you personally, it's all about timing and who you really want and when both parties are ready to potentially settle down.

Great post Poohbear! :up:

I whole-heartedly agree. :yep: Especially with the bolded above. You know when a guy is serious when he tells you after a few weeks or a month of talking or hanging out with you that he wants you to be his "exclusive woman". Which leads me to believe that men know pretty quickly who they want to be with/end up with for the long haul. It doesn't take them millions of months or years to "figure out" if they want to be exclusive with you or if they want to marry you.

You just happened to find the right guy who pursued YOU, asked YOU out, and asked YOU to be his girl. :) It was all about timing. I liked his answer too about how he "knew" and how he watched how you carried yourself and seemed like a woman he could be serious about. I like that. :yep:

Thanks for sharing!

You ladies are giving me great insight with your comments. Most of all, I think I'm realizing that when it's the "right" man, things don't have to be hard work.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I met my husband at a salsa night club. He stopped me to ask if I was leaving I said no we started talking went on a date the next day,and been together ever your self a favor though PLEASE read Why Men Marry B** Sherry Argov, I did and that is the reason I am married, wish I read it from the start of our relationship.

I'm wondering how you lovely ladies met or "captured" the heart of your significant other? This is a question posed to you ladies who are married or who are in a serious relationship with someone.

I'm just wondering! I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong...looking in the wrong places, not going out enough, having the wrong outlook, etc. :look: Do I need to expand my horizons?? I'm just curious!

Right now I'm single after getting out of a break-up back in February, and at this point and time I really feel ready and eager to start dating again. But THIS time I want it to be the right person. The last guy I wasn't really that into, and he had some control issues :ohwell: .

So please! Any success stories would help! What changed? What happened? Was it that your perspective, your outlook, or something within yourself changed? Or did you do something differently? What was it?

It would be nice to hear from you ladies who were perhaps single for a long time and had lost hope, but who then eventually found "the one". :yep:
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I met DH in middle school. 6th grade. I thought he was a nerd. :giggle:

We went to school together all the way up to college. We were friends all thru high school and were major buddies in college. This is where we got together. Been married for 9 yrs.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I met my husband at a Christmas party that my job was having. He was working at the hotel. He noticed me, and I never noticed him. He came to where I was sitting and brought me a bottle of champagne and chocolate cherries and told me he thought I was beautiful. We later exchanged numbers and were friends for two months. Then he asked 'When are you gonna let me be your man'. He asked me so many times, I flipped a penny (over and over) until it landed on heads. That was February 17, 2001. We got married Feb. 23, 2008.

What made me want to date him was the way that he treated me. Chivalry is not dead with him. We are alike, and share the same beliefs and thoughts.

OP thanks for this thread. It made me smile.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I met my fiance in 2004 through mutual friends. We all ended up going to the same club one night. My friend introduced me to them all. She introduced him first, after that the other introductions we like like a blurr because we kept staring @ each other! lol .

I stopped seeing him for a long time because i'm an idiot and went back to my stupid ex (which obviously didn't last).

summer of 07 we got back in touch, we made it official on xmas eve that year, & he proposed to me just a few months ago :grin:

We'll be married in december 2011
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your!

It seems like a LOT of you all found or met your future DH's or SO's when you weren't even looking! Hmmm.... :scratchch Almost like it happened by chance or something.

But honestly I know I can't just sit on my laurels and just wait for some guy to fall out of the sky and into my lap. :nono: Nor do I feel like I should go out "looking" for some guy. :rolleyes:

Idk...I guess I feel like I have no problem MEETING different guys, but more so a problem taking things from the "nice-to-meet-you", or "just talking", or "hmmm...he's cute" side to the NEXT step.

Now don't get me wrong...I'm not advocating that women should "move things along" or try to "make things happen" (you guys know me better than that! :lachen: I am a "Rules girl" afterall :rolleyes: ), but you know...

I guess my question is really how did things transition from "nice-to-meet-ya!" to... "let's start dating"???

My husband basically asked me out. He stated his intentions and everything. I didn't have to convince him about marriage, he was convinced himself. My experienced based on what I've seen is that if a man wants something, someone, etc. he'll do whatever it takes to get it. I went to so many weddings in my twenties I lost track. I figured if it was meant for me to be married it will happen and if not I'll be ok.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

What are some good online dating sites? I tried online dating last year and it didn't go so well.

I'd really love to get married one day...

We didnt met on a dating site.. Ive tried and at the time I met him was on a few dating sites, but I didnt find him on either. We met on MS..Just a casual friendship that developed into more.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

I met DH online. I wasn't really looking for a boyfriend, just casual dating and if things progressed, perhaps a consistent crayon :look:. We exchanged emails and talked on the phone for about a month before we met in person. We had great chemistry on our first date and the rest is history.
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

While on my way to the hardware store. On my third day to a new city where I planned to study. I was on my way to buy stuff to decorate my new student house. I thought he was one of those charity people in the street asking you questions so I made every effort to get away...didnt happen cause 5 years later he is still here!
Re: Married Ladies/or those in serious Relationships: Where or HOW did you meet your

Met hubby at work. He was 19-20 then and I was 29 and we just became friends.
Went to movies, hung out, nothing serious.
Fast forward - he moves to HI for college, then FL, we talk occasionally and i see him once when he comes back to town to visit his grandma.
Fast forward again - he moves back to MS and gets a different job at the station.
Our friendship picks up where it left.
Less than 6 months later we're a couple - but trying to keep it on the LOW at work. That doesn't work.
Little more than two years later, we're engaged.
Next month, we're married.
Next month, we're pregnant!

Like other ladies, I wasn't LOOKING.
I had decided to just cut off the "scragglers" I was dating and just be by myself.
Hubby and I were the friends who talked about EVERYTHING.
He knew my dirt and I knew his.
So unlike a lot of other dating situations, we went into this with no BS, no games.
Some of ya'll need to give your guy "friends" a chance.
I'm convinced they make the best husbands!