Long Hair=Prettier

I like myself with longer hair but when my hair started to thin I started to hate my hair. I need a little thickness though. I feel my prettiest with thicker hair.
I love the way I look with both:lachen: just being honest...on a good day, I think I'm cute with short or long:yep:

With I wear short pixie cuts I feel very bold, sassy and sexy. Like "I do what I want and nothing I do should surprise you." Even the weight of it or lack there of, weightless=free

With longer hair up:

I feel sensual, alluring, sexy and secretly sassy. Like a "naughty librarian". Putting it all in a bun and then slowly letting it loose. The weight here is like "yeah, I have restrictions....but we can work around them" :lachen: and it can still look bad a$$ a la James Bond movie like, "yes, these are sticks I use to keep my hair up but I can reach up pull one out and fling it like a dagger"

With long hair down:

I also feel very sensual, mysterious, fertile/mother earthy. Parts of me exposed...parts of me covered.

I'm torn, I love both aspects.
on me personally? yes. I have a quagmire jaw, and anything that covers it makes me look better. I like short hair, but everytime I get extensions, everyone falls over themselves to say how much better I look. After a while, a girl's gotta take a hint, lol. on other people though, short hair looks lovely!
I have hidden behind my hair. I am 20lbs overweight and long hair, which I felt, let me detract from that fact. When my hair is longer I can frame my face and kind of hide the puffiness of my face that I hate. When I am skinny though it doesn't matter if my hair is long or short, I feel a lot prettier.
i personally think i look better with my hair short, jus cause its more of a style and suits my body and attitude.
but because its extremly high maintenance im growing my hair, i might cut when i can afford regular salon visits. bcuz i do love my short hair its real cute.
I think I look ten times better with shorter hair. Longer hair made me look cute, but there's something about having a short cut that makes me look and feel edgy. A lot of people say it enhances my features.
I'll be honest. I think short hair is masculine and that very few women can pull it off. If you're one of the women who can without looking like a man, then more power to you!:lol:

I don't know that I feel prettier with longer hair, but I definitely feel very feminine and more confident.

that's how i feel
i think you have to have extreme beauty to pull off really short hair
hair makes up half of your look imo
very few like Halle Berry can do it but that's jmo
Yes. Long hair does cover flaws that one may have. However, short hair does look beautiful on women who don't have facial flaws and sometimes a certain face shape. I certainly look much better with longer and thicker hair. My high, thick cheekbones crave long hair.
I never really considered myself "beautiful", but when I had my hair short years ago (like Halle before she was Halle, I was going for Anita B.) I would get a lot of attention from a lot of people, but short hair is a lot of maintenance and I had to put in the time to make it look good. Then when my cut grew out, everything went dry. Now, I get moe compliments on my hair (just under apl). So I deduce that I look good with really short hair or longer hair, but not so much at that in between stage. But to answer the question, I personally like the feeling of my hair on my shoulders and back especially when it's soft and thick and think I exude more confidence and feminity with longer hair.
I look better the longer my hair is and I hate short hair on me. Now with curly hair my hair will need to be super long just to be full shulder length curly. I can't say that I ever feel beautiful with hair on the shorter side. Most days it's very depressing to me. But I always think about that glorious day when I'll have long flowing curls or straight hair. That and being on this wonderful healthy hair journey with all of you ladies makes me happy!
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Shoooo, it's okay to be a hair stob. For goodness sake we are on a HAIR forum. if that ain't hair snobbish I don't know what is.:lachen:

A LONG Hair forum. So no matter what is said publicly there's a reason this is not called the healthy hair forum, or the short but sexy hair forum.
neck length was just alittle cute on me. I loved the bob that I had. It looked alitle edgy on my i guess? I had the one wear its VERY short and layered in back and shoulder length in front.

I get more compliments on my long hair though and i feel more myself, classy, sexy, and plus i LOVE wearing hats and to me hats just look so much better with long hair (just IMHO).

And i'm with silvergirl.Shoulder length looks ridiculous on me and i NEVER wear it lose @ that length. It needs to be either neck length, or APL + to look nice on me.
I think everyone women looks their best with a hair cut to suit their face. Some people do not look good with long hair. Some people do not look good with short hair. It depends on your face shape and features. There is no one size fits all hair length or style.

Holding on to the idea that all of anything is a better look for every woman is never a good look.
I just got my hair cut yesterday into a chin length bob, which I'm loving. I have had shorter hair (Hallie Berry) and shoulder length hair before but I realized that I feel most like ME with my hair shorter. When I had it longer it wasn't unique to me because it didn't bring out my facial features as much and as a previous poster said, short hair probably looks better on those with strong bone structure/facial features. Not like a chin length bob is unique, but it brings out the uniqueness of the face its framing. And a hair style at any length is about framing and enhancing the face.
I think everyone women looks their best with a hair cut to suit their face. Some people do not look good with long hair. Some people do not look good with short hair. It depends on your face shape and features. There is no one size fits all hair length or style.

Holding on to the idea that all of anything is a better look for every woman is never a good look.

I agree. Plus I think confidence with your look plays a part too. If you don't feel pretty with the look you're carrying then that's what you're going to project.
When my hair is down and styled properly (shiny curls & waves, no frizz) I get lots of compliments on it, but I did have a "Halle Berry" short cut once a very long time ago and white people loved it.

I guess it depends, but I love my long hair :D
When I did the BC I felt really crappy about myself. I know that it was because of my short hair. I even gained weight because I felt so bad about looking "ugly"
I started to feel better once I reached APL last summer. Now that I think of it I was also able to lose weight after that.

I definitely feel that for me Long Hair = Prettier and more confident me (curly or straight)
I think that I look good with both short and long hair. I think that my short hair was cute and made me look "sassy." However, I feel more feminine with long hair. I don't really have an opinion about other people. It depends on their facial features and how the hair is cut.
I prefer bald or APL +. I think I look the same and can pull off any length but bald or long is what I feel most confident with.

It's strange but when I was bald was the first time I truly felt feminine. I've never felt so girly in my life. Of course it disappeared once my hair started growing back.:rolleyes:
I look my age with shorter hair, so I guess when I'm older I'll be glad I have long hair. Only reason I think shrinkage is slightly awesome. I don't have to cut my hair to get it short. I don't think hair length enhances prettiness. Some hairstyles just bring out your features better, it depends on the person's face.
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i don't think i have the face for short hair. even on a bad hair/eyebrow day i can look strong in the face lol
i have an oval sometimes round face and I don't look good with short hair it just draws more attention to my massive head!!
I look my age with shorter hair, so I guess when I'm older I'll be glad I have long hair. Only reason I think shrinkage is slightly awesome. I don't have to cut my hair to get it short. I don't think hair length enhances prettiness. Some hairstyles just bring out your features better, it depends on the person's face.

I feel you on this one. I get tired of being mistaken for a 16 year old. I don't even wanna hear that mess about "Oh, it's good to look young!" Yeah, when I'm old. Right now, it's a hassle. I've had people not take me seriously in job interviews before they knew my age.:wallbash:

Ooh, I got OT...