Why do you want long hair?

I did not want longer hair than my SL hair. It was healthy, thick and quite pretty. 2 years ago, I accidently found the board while I was searching solutions for my postpartum shedding. Then I was like 'Well why not, it would not hurt...'.

Then I showed one of the ladies on the board to my Mom (Macherieamour) and told her 'I want my hair to be that long in 2 years'. She just laughed at me and made of fun of it and told me 'she probably has type 3-hair', which for her means faster growth. I made fun of it too since it was not that serious for me. We both laughed at it very loudly actually and KIM LOLOL.

Now, when I get to see her once in a while, she's like 'OMG I can't beleive your hair is longer than the internet lady now'... LOLOL 'Yeah, it is been 2 years of hard work and lot of fun :) '.

I never had long loose hair before (I've had BSL-MBL dreads) so I want to see what it will be like.
Because it makes me feel beautiful. When I cut my hair to barely NL 3 years ago I felt so neked LOL

Got you:grin: I have always been SL or grazing APL. But a few years ago, my sissor happy crazy SIL drank a full bottle of haterade and offered me to trim my hair. I was naive enough to accept...:nono:

Ear length I got from her, at the first cut on top of that. Something like 6 inches or more down the drain in a matter of seconds. She did it so quickly that when I realized what was happening it was too late so I let her finish the rest...:wallbash:

She was ear-length as well (has always been)... so lessons retained never let anybody with shorter hair cut yours unless it is your DH, your Mama or your children if they are skilled enough to do it... otherwise scraggly ends never killed anybody :lachen:
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1Co 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. ( the main reason I wanted really long hair and the reason I don't chop it all off)
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never had it, so its a challenge to see if i'm patient enough to grow it.
if offers more styling options and i'm curious to see how my natural hair would look long.
I've had long and short hair at various points of my younger life, but it seems that as an adult I haven't been able to grow my hair healthy and long. If I'm honest, there are multiple reasons for that such as, relaxer damage, poor hair practices, poor nutrition, and illness. However, I want to grow my hair long b/c I know that I can. For me, it's all part of my lifestyle transformation; hair just happens to be a part of it.

Hmmm, I also think that I want to show others that it can be done if they are patient and utilize healthy practices in order to grow their hair :)
I want long hair because I grew up thinking that long hair was only for people YT people and those "mixed with other stuff" and I never had it. Now, I'm on a mission to prove wrong those who aided in my belief that black women can't grow long hair.

PLUS I think long healthy hair is gorgeous and looks great on me!
She was ear-length as well (has always been)... so lessons retained never let anybody with shorter hair cut yours unless it is your DH, your Mama or your children if they are skilled enough to do it... otherwise scraggly ends never killed anybody :lachen:

i know thats right. shoot i would rather keep 1 inch of raggedy ends than let someone chop of 6 inches. i mean, forgoing the 'trim' is obviously the better choice lol. ♥
Because I've never ever, ever had a length past the base of my neck. :nono: My goal is at least APL unstretched 4B(cnapp) hair. It might be a pipe dream but I'm going for it :grin:

My exact answer. I told my husband the other day that I want to grow my hair down my back. He had nerve to tell me it will never happen. I am determined to prove him wrong.
1. Just to see if I can do it. Its a great challenge, so why not? I didn't always want long hair. I think I saw a YT video somewhere (of Leobody) and was like "I wonder if I can do that too?" This coincided at a point where I was getting really bored with my hair.

2. Because it will allow me to have more styling options than I've had before. I can't wait to have braids down my back and crazy, huge swirly buns. And man, I can't wait to turn my BAA into a BAM (Big *** Mane)!

3. Because I think lots and lots of long hair is gorgeous!
I've never had long hair before and I like having options. I love ponypuffs/buns/updo styles...can't do that with short hair.
I wanted to have long hair for a change. I just got to keep the scissors away to accomplish my goal of bsl hair.
I won't lie. I want long hair so I can do this:

i grew up with my mother having MBL to WL hair, I would do her hair everyday and just love it. I want my kids when i get to have them to be able to do the same thing. Weird as it sounds it was a real bonding experience. i would sit and play in her hair for hours, we would talk and laugh and cry and whatever.
I've always preferred long hair ... always. As a natural head, my goal is to have hair so big that it blocks people's view in the movie theater ... even with stadium seating.

Got you:grin: I have always been SL or grazing APL. But a few years ago, my sissor happy crazy SIL drank a full bottle of haterade and offered me to trim my hair. I was naive enough to accept...:nono:

Ear length I got from her, at the first cut on top of that. Something like 6 inches or more down the drain in a matter of seconds. She did it so quickly that when I realized what was happening it was too late so I let her finish the rest...:wallbash:

She was ear-length as well (has always been)... so lessons retained never let anybody with shorter hair cut yours unless it is your DH, your Mama or your children if they are skilled enough to do it... otherwise scraggly ends never killed anybody :lachen:
I think your sil drank a full gallon of haterade. I think she had more than a bottle....just sayin':rolleyes:
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I think long hair is sexy and feminine.

Me too! I've always wanted long hair ever since I was a kid. Someone mentioned long hair has more styling versatility and I agree with that. Nothing against short hair. My younger sister keeps her hair short and ROCKS it. Just a matter of preference.
I want longer hair kinda to prove that I can do it the longest I can remember my hair being is around APL ( My mom was so proud of that imagine if my hair was MBL). Also I wanna wear my hair huge and curly big ole Chaka Khan hair
  1. I'm taking care of my hair for the first time and a bi-product is that my hair is getting longer
  2. I've always envied people with long hair and I want what they have
  3. I want to feel hair hanging down my back for once in my life
  4. It's a nice feeling when someone compliments your hair and gushes about how long it is
  5. I want to be one of the envied
  6. Long hair is easier for styling because all I really want is to have long plaits which is kind of weird because I am not a fan of locks
  7. To prove that shoulder length hair is not long hair for black women...we can grow our hair longer than that
  8. I WANT IT!!!!!!

Yes, I'm a fool...a plum fool!
1. To see how long my hair can grow
2. I think I like long hair better on me than shorter hair
3. To have the longest hair out of anyone in my family
4. To show off my hair when it gets real long
5. I think long hair is even more attractive
6. To be able to have long, thick, luscious:lick:, to die for hair
7. To be able to rock some long Pochahontas braids! (in the house:lachen:)
8. So I can wear big earrings(not heavy) that will just peek through the big mass of hair
9. To be able to see how my natural curls/waves look with real long hair
10. And like lovegymnasts said,,,,I JUST WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!:grin:
i just think big/long (esp. natural) hair is so pretty...i want to oneday be able to sit in front of someone and block their view with my hair lol...and the styling options are so much more varied when you have length...plus black women with long hair just dispel the myth that our hair doesnt grow or we cant have long hair...
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♥ I feel that long hair is feminine and natural for a woman and yes, sexy.
With that said, I feel that short hair looks manly on some women. Now that's only "my" opinion, but that's what I feel. The longer, healthier & thicker the better. No one has to subscribe to that, but I've always felt this way. :yep:

Personally I love long hair, always have...so nothing stopping from having it. When I fall out of love with it then I will cut it. As for now I'll stay with long hair and continue to grow it.

♥ And if you don't want it, I will take it...lol :look:
I want and have and love long hair because it's the BOMB!:woohoo:

Its just SO much easier to deal with....just throw it up when you don't wanna deal with it...let it down when you do.:D
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Nobody thinks I can do it! I have never had hair longer than apl maybe bsb.I want to see if I can grow past it...I havent been able to make a decent ponytail for almost ten years...And my crown sucks. My hair has been as long as it was when I when I was younger(past apl)...So I know I can reach waist
I always liked long hair but never knew I could grow it. I thought only certain people could grow it. Now, after finding this board I discovered it is possible for anyone to grow longer hair.:grin:
Because my sisters absolutely think I cannot. I was blessed with all the big booty and body....They got all the long hair (that grows regardless of their horrible practices) Well Scott sisters watch this!!!!