Are you prettier now with longer hair?

I think long beautiful healthy hair can def make someone look more attractive. When my hair was longer and relaxed I used to feel super confident when I got it freshly done. it was long and bouncy, I would constantly look in the mirror so yes it made me prettier. Now it is short so I'm just like whatever. Also men paid more attention to me when it was longer.
It's not just the length of hair but the haircut and style. You may need a professional haircut that will bring your beauty out more. I look good with both short and long hair but I can easily look busted with both if it's not the right haircut for my face. Layered styles suit me more.
I'm no prettier with my bob than when I was touching BSB. I feel prettier with longer hair, probably because I have more options at my disposal, and I love variety. Some days I feel pretty with my hair flat ironed and out when it was longer, and others when its slicked back into a bun with simple makeup. So its not just the length, but what I'm doing with it.
In the celeb pics some of those women look better with short hair..others with long. It depends on your individual characteristics. Your face shape, head size, ect..all factor into what length or haircut is more flattering to your face. Long hair in itself does not make anyone prettier. Long hair makes some people FEEL prettier or more attractive though. :yep:
Yes, for me I look much better with long hair.

....Short hair makes any blemishes I have way more apparent