Is this married man openly flirting with me?

Yes, he's flirting with you and he realizes that you're open to it.
I do think you can salvage it though. If you don't plan to sleep with him you can use his attraction to your advantage. You just have to be careful to not place yourself in a compromising position (being alone with him ever) and make sure your skills/education can back up any position he helps you to get. People will believe you slept with him no matter what based on how he already interacts with you. At least get something out of it.
Yes, he's flirting with you and he realizes that you're open to it.
I do think you can salvage it though. If you don't plan to sleep with him you can use his attraction to your advantage. You just have to be careful to not place yourself in a compromising position (being alone with him ever) and make sure your skills/education can back up any position he helps you to get. People will believe you slept with him no matter what based on how he already interacts with you. At least get something out of it.

Thank you for your sound advice. However, it is hard to come to terms with "He knows I am open to his flirting" I feel just awful.... :wallbash: because he is married. No I have absolutely no intentions of sleeping with him...I have decided it is best to steer clear of him. If any future communication is necessary I will use electronic devices email, phone, texts....