Is A Man Wrong For Stepping In To Defend His Wife


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against another woman?

So the RHOA and RHOBH thread had me you feel like a man is wrong if he steps in to defend his wife against another woman whether verbally or physically?
I don't believe a man should hit another woman physically but he has every right to try and break up a fight or check a woman verbally who is disrespecting his wife
I don't think he should try to defend his wife against the other woman. I would hope the man would be the cooler head prevailing in the moment and pulling his wife out of confrontation that she will probably later regret, rather than jumping in and everyone looking foolish later on.
Lol the RHOA incident had me wondering what dh would do so I asked him and he said if he was in the middle and someone was coming toward me aggressively it would probably be instinct to put his arm out to block her. I believe him because he does that in the car when he hits the brake too hard.

I think hitting or pushing another woman is crossing the line but I don't think blocking is.

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No, I don't. He loves his wife/SO so it is only natural he would step in. A man stepping in is diffusing the situation or breaking up a physical altercation. He would not be going-back-and-forth or harming the woman.

When I was married my dad and I got into an argument. He said some really hurtful things to me and my ex-DH stepped in and told my dad that sort of language was not going to continue or we would have to leave. My dad was outraged at the gall but left me alone.
I would be troubled if my husband put his hands on another woman, even if it was to prevent me from harm.

I would expect him to body block me (w/o touching/grabbing her), stand in the middle, or pull me away from harm. Have us evacuate, something.

Verbally, I would expect him to take up for me but also, not in an over the top disrespectful way. No calling anyone the Bword suddenly, cursing, nothing. For example, I liked how Joyce's husband handled himself (and Brandi) at the dinner table on RHOBH.

Basically, I would hope he would know how to diffuse the situation, not make it worse like cracked out Christopher Williams.
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Isn't that what he is supposed to do? Defend you from anything? I have no upper body strength so if a woman comes to beat me up, she will probably win. His job is to make sure that never happens whether it be a man or woman.
I would hope my man would not just stand there and allow anyone to physically attack me. I would hope he would pull me away, grab, or get in between the other woman. I cannot imagine him fighting another woman though unless more defenses were needed because she continued to physically attack. I also cannot imagine my man allowing me to be verbally abused in his presence.
I'm pretty sure mine would step between us and try to remove me from the situation. He wouldn't hit a woman but probably would try to restrain one if she were to charge me. Verbally, I can handle my own. I have a smart, nasty nice, profanity filled mouth. If it's a man I expect him to handle it verbally or physically. PERIOD.
I think the man should do all he can to break up the fight and restrain the other woman to keep her from attacking me. He shouldn't punch, hit or use other offensive moves against the woman.
I wouldn't be in a fight, so if I am found in one then I would likely need a lot of back up :lachen: No one is worthy of seeing me angry to the point of fighting physically or verbally.
As long as he's not using unnecessary force, I don't think there's anything wrong with a man restraining or stopping another woman from attacking his wife/girlfriend.
Why is a woman trying to physically attack me? :lol: There would be no need to defend me, because I would run in the opposite direction at once :lol: I'm not about to even think about engaging in a fight. Yeah right. I'd be like see ya! #wyliecoyote :lol:
What happened on RHOBH?

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Someone had a fancy dinner and Brandy and Joyce were going at it..Joyce's husband verbally shut Brandy down and the other women were telling him that "it's between the girls, let them handle it".

He didn't curse at her or anything but he definitely came in to defend Joyce.
I'm not the screaming and fighting type... so if I'm part of an incident with a woman... it has to be a random, vicious, unprovoked attacked. I should hope my man would get out of harm's way and away from this hypothetical crazy heifer lol. However, that certainly doesn't mean fighting the woman.
My ex and I were out and these two drunk women bumped me so hard they almost knocked me down. I turned to them and said, "excuse you" and one of the bitty's replied, "no excuse you, b-" My ex got so heated, he started charging towards them while verbally assaulting them.

I had never heard him curse prior to that night. I told him I appreciate him defending me but he shouldn't have went after those women the way he did. We had a conversation surrounding that night and I told him in the future always let me handle another woman.

A man is suppose to protect his woman but in the examples from RHOA and in my situation, there was no need for either men to intervene. What starts off as a man protecting his wife can quickly escalate into a man assaulting another woman. I'm not cool with that. And I don't think a man should have verbally exchanges with a woman it makes him look like a female dog
I would want DH to pull me away and not lay a hand on any female ever---the repercussions for that wouldn't go over well given our legal system

I know how to handle a woman of any size so Im good and DH knows that--I wouldn't want him being involved in some women cat fight or etc

now if said woman had a firearm--all bets are off--I would not want my DH to interfere in a argument or fight btwn another woman and i

what he would do is scoop my behind away from harm if anything--
Someone had a fancy dinner and Brandy and Joyce were going at it..Joyce's husband verbally shut Brandy down and the other women were telling him that "it's between the girls, let them handle it".

He didn't curse at her or anything but he definitely came in to defend Joyce.

Thanks. Yeah I see nothing wrong with that either.:look:

Your (general) man should know your strengths and weaknesses. If he knows you like to fight and will beat people up then he'd probably be justified in watching from the sidelines. If he knows you aren't a fighter then he'd be dead wrong for letting someone come at you, man or woman.

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I dont see myself as a lil person but against most women, I come off little. So if a woman is twice my size then to me you are considered a man. So with that said, GET 'ER BABE! GET 'ER!! Lmbo!!
If I ever ended up in a situation like that I would run, but they'd probably catch me because I suck and running. And on top of that I don't know how to fight, so he'd have to fight for me :lol:
I would expect him to get me out of the situation and shield me for any oncoming harm. Not to put his hands on another woman for any reason. I remember one time a friend had an incident where blows were about to be thrown. My Dh stepped in and physically picked up my friend and carried her belligerent self out of the situation and into the house and closed the door. He simply defused the situation.
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I'm a petite woman at 5'3 so I'd expect my SO/DH to defend me from verbal or physical assault or simply remove me from the situation. He can do that without physically touching the other person, be it a man or woman. I can hold my own in verbal spat though once I get going. I am a Scorpio, after all LOL.
Years ago a comedian friend of my SO did an act at a b-day party. A group of crazy looking women were the brunt of his jokes and got major laughs from the guys. Instead of confronting the guys, the group started cursing at me and the other girlfriends of the guys. We had enough and all decided to just leave. As I was exiting, one grabbed my hair from the back and yanked me down. My friends and her friends jumped but I was in the middle with mittens unable to keep that woman from tearing out my hair. My then SO, who was a big former college football player was at a loss as to what to do. He finally jumped in and bent each of the womans fingers back until my hair was free. He was then dstracted by her brother who was reaching in his jacket like he had a weapon. SO beat him down breaking his nose, grabbed me and we slipped out of the hotel down some back stairs.

My then SO would never hit a woman. However, under these circumstances, had my SO not intervened I would have had a huge hunk of hair ripped out with possible permanent damage. The word later was that a couple of her fingers were sprained. But, SO did ask her repeatedly to let go.
No, not at all.

I recall DH's friend talking about a would-be fight between his girlfriend and some girl he was cheating with. DH said he would never allow a woman to strike me in his presence while his friend admitted that he would watch the fight to see if either woman ended up naked. His friend was surprised that DH said he would not allow a fight to happen or he would strike the other woman before allowing me to be injured.

I was not surprised at all. DH is there to protect me and if someone tried to hurt me, he'd stop it. You never know who has a weapon and once they are close enough you could be killed.

If it was just verbal, I don't think DH would get involved.
Years ago a comedian friend of my SO did an act at a b-day party. A group of crazy looking women were the brunt of his jokes and got major laughs from the guys. Instead of confronting the guys, the group started cursing at me and the other girlfriends of the guys. We had enough and all decided to just leave. As I was exiting, one grabbed my hair from the back and yanked me down. My friends and her friends jumped but I was in the middle with mittens unable to keep that woman from tearing out my hair. My then SO, who was a big former college football player was at a loss as to what to do. He finally jumped in and bent each of the womans fingers back until my hair was free. He was then dstracted by her brother who was reaching in his jacket like he had a weapon. SO beat him down breaking his nose, grabbed me and we slipped out of the hotel down some back stairs.

My then SO would never hit a woman. However, under these circumstances, had my SO not intervened I would have had a huge hunk of hair ripped out with possible permanent damage. The word later was that a couple of her fingers were sprained. But, SO did ask her repeatedly to let go.

Whoo he played NO games..ah well, no pity for her. I'm sure her finger aren't cryp walking today.
Just before I turned 18 I got into an argument with some girl at the park watching a basketball game. I was with my boyfriend at the time. The problem started over her telling my dog to shut the **** up. He whined a lot when he wanted people to pay him attention. No one really said anything but her though...

When anyway, we had an exchange of words and she told me to stand up so she could whoop my ***. When I didn't she walked across the bleachers to confront me. That's when my boyfriend got between us. She slugged him so hard his head whip lashed. He pushed her down the bleachers and she fell onto the court. People were laughing and everything. I felt kind of bad for her but I wanted no parts of that big *** girl.

With that said, what happens if she directs the aggression towards the male? Can he not push her away? Pushing her down was a bit much, but luckily she didn't appear to be too hurt.

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